Copyright 2004 --- Robert Baer Jr. Inspector Zima -- "Wonder Wolf" DISCLAIMER Road Rover names, character, situations and the Road Rover universe are the property of Warner Bros. The characters of Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash as well as other Marvel/DC Comics names, characters, situations and universe are the property of Marvel/DC Comics. I, nor this script/story have any connection with Warner Bros, Marvel Comics or DC Comics in any way, shape or form. This document is meant solely for not-for-profit entertainment and may not be reproduced or publized in any way, shape or form. This story in not meant to infringe on any copyrights. This story is written by Robert Baer Jr and the characters unless otherwise noted in this disclaimer are Robert Baer Jr's creations, copyright pending 1999-2003. Goldfire Wolf is a creation of Patrick Wood. Marauder is a creation of Jerimy Bass. Inspector Zima -- "Wonder Wolf" The scene is Road Rover Headquarters, in the lounge area. As Exile and Shag play a game of ping-pong and Blitz, Colleen, Hunter, Goldfire Wolf and Utah Bard sit at a table playing poker, Zima sits on the couch staring at the television. ZIMA (upset): This show is awful! It's false advertising I tell ya! I'm going to write a letter to the President about this! HUNTER (looks over towards her): Yo Zima, what's wrong? ZIMA (points): Just look at that! I've been watching the Fox News Channel for three hours and I haven't seen a single fox on there yet! It's all about humans! BLITZ (stunned): Is she for real? GOLDFIRE (smiles): Darling, that's just the name of the channel, not the contents of it's programs ZIMA (confused): What are con tents? Are they like pup tents? COLLEEN (rolls eyes): Blimey! EXILE (taps a ping pong ball): Comrade Zima, why not read book instead of watch TV? ZIMA (happy): Great idea! (takes out comic book): I just got the latest edition of Wonder Woman! (dreamily): I wish I could be like her! Bullet proof bracelets, magic lasso, invisible jet..... (confused): But if her jet is invisible, how does she find it everytime she needs it? BLITZ (upset): Dat's enough, Zima! Vhy don't you go play in dee traffic? GOLDFIRE (grabs Blitz by the collar): How about I take you to the surface and you can show us all how it's done? COLLEEN (smiles): Works for me! BLITZ (scared, shaking head): Oh no! Please! Don't hurt me! I'm much too pretty to become street pizza! SHAG (turns around): Rrrizzza? HUNTER (sternly): Goldfire, put him down GOLDFIRE (growls): As you wish, Hunter... Goldfire lets go of Blitz, making the scared doberman fall to the floor BLITZ (whining): HEY! DAT VASN'T FAIR!! As Blitz stands up, Colleen and Utah notice three cards that had fallen from his pockets. COLLEEN (growls): Blimey! Ol' Blister is cheatin' again! UTAH BARD (upset): I so loathe deception! (looks around): Where's my spear? HUNTER (angry): Blitz! This was supposed to be a friendly game! Why cheat? BLITZ (embarrassed): Dee devil made me do it? As the others continue to quarrel, Zima goes back to reading her book. Goldfire goes out of the room to check the mail. When he returns, he is holding a large garment sized package. GOLDFIRE (hands it to her): This just arrived for you, Zima, my love ZIMA (excited, jumps from her seat): IT'S HERE! IT'S FINALLY HERE! GOLDFIRE (confused): What is it? ZIMA (excited): I ordered this from Ebay a week ago, I'm going to try it on now and surprise you! GOLDFIRE (smiles): Alright dear, I can't wait to see it on you, whatever it is BLITZ (sees Zima leave with the box): Vere is Zima going? COLLEEN (shrugs): I dunno BLITZ (laughs): Maybe she is finally getting a brain transplant! As Goldfire reaches for Blitz, the Master's voice is heard on the PA System. MASTER (on PA system): All available Road Rover Agents, assemble in the briefing room immediately! The lounge instantly empties as everyone rushes to the briefing room. Along with Blitz, Colleen, Hunter, Shag, Exile, Goldfire and Utah Bard, Linda and Marauder quickly take their seats as the Master speaks. MASTER (sternly): Rovers, we have a crisis! (points at viewscreen): A villian known as Morvo the Magician is attacking the city of New York. See how he has used his magic to change the Statue of Liberty pink? COLLEEN (shocked): Blimey! LINDA (upset): That's horrible! MARAUDER (determined): We gotta stop him! MASTER (nods): Exactly, Doctor. Most of my other Rovers are already on other assignments, so the nine of you will have to handle it yourselves GOLDFIRE (shouts): There are ten of us, Zima's up in her room and.... MASTER (sternly): We have no time to waste! Linda, could you use your collar to teleport this entire group to New York City? LINDA (nods): Of course, Master! MASTER (sternly): Everyone, gather around Linda and good luck As the others gather around Linda, Zima runs into the room, wearing her brand new Wonder Woman costume, complete with lasso, red boots and metal bracelets ZIMA (happy); Surprise! How do ya like my new outfit? COLLEEN (rolls eyes): Blimey, this isn't Halloween GOLDFIRE (motions): We must go now, my love, no time to change your clothes As Goldfire reaches and takes Zima by the hand, the entire group disappears in a loud BOOM!!! The scene is island of Mathattan in New York City. The streets are filled with people dashing around in panic as Morvo continues his rampage. In a split second, Linda, Marauder, Blitz, Hunter, Shag, Colleen, Exile, Utah Bard, Goldfire and Zima appear with a loud BOOM!!! HUNTER (sniffs the air): I smell danger! BLITZ (sniffs the air, holds nose): I tought dat vas Shag! SHAG (shrugs): Rot ree! MARAUDER (points): I think the action's this way! EXILE (motions): C'mon comrades! As the ten Road Rover agents rush towards the center of the city, in the sky from the other direction are Green Lantern, Wonder Woman and Superman. GREEN LANTERN (shouts): Morvo is here, we can't wait for the others, we have to act NOW! SUPERMAN (shouts): Wait John! If the three of us go in without... WONDER WOMAN (angry): Waiting is bad for us and good for Morvo. I'm with John, let's go! As the three superheros fly down towards the center of the city, the Road Rovers have already reached Morvo, who stands in the center of Central Park atop of a high golden floating disk. He looks down and sees the Road Rovers approaching him. MORVO (shouts): EGAD! This city abounds in mythical creatures! HUNTER (shouts): Hey dude! We're no myth, we're here to put you out of business! MORVO (laughs): Your threats do not frighten me, furry man! ZIMA (determined): I'll catch him with my magic lasso! GOLDFIRE (sternly): My dear, you are only dressed like Wonder Woman, you don't have any of her abilities BLITZ (growls): I vill bite his magical tooschie! EXILE (shakes head): You are still a weird boy! MORVO (angry): Begone, foul beasts! As Morvo motions with his hand towards them, Utah throws her spear in his direction. A mighty wind gusts towards the Rovers, scattering them in all directions on the street as Superman, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern fly in towards the floating wizard. MORVO (turns around): So, I am also challenged from the sky? No matter! Morvo motions with his hand towards the three superheroes and produces a hurricane force wind that sends Superman, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern crashing to the street below. It's at this time that the Flash and the Batmobile arrive, Wonder Woman crashes into a nearby building in front of Batman. FLASH (shouts): Looks like the party started without us! BATMAN (shouts): Diana! NO! Batman jumps out of the Batmobile and rushes into the building. There he and Flash find the still costumed Inspector Zima, who lies unconscience of the floor. FLASH (shocked): WHOA! Look's like Morvo's magic is just as strong as ever! (giggles): Dig that blonde hair and grey... fur? BATMAN (sternly): She's out cold! If I'd only had been here sooner... FLASH (points): Superman and Green Lantern crashed over there BATMAN (sternly): Go help them! I will take care of Diana myself. As Flash zips away, Batman carefully places Zima in the Batmobile and drives away. Meanwhile, Exile and Blitz find Superman and dig him out of a pile of rubble. EXILE (shocked): Bolshoi! I find Superman! I love this country! BLITZ (smirks): Big deal! I have super teeth und super muscles und... SUPERMAN (slowly begins to stand up): Your voice is so annoying... EXILE (nods): We just call him weird boy! BLITZ (angry): HEY! SUPERMAN (surprised): Road Rovers? What are you doing here? EXILE (points to the park): We are here to stop Morvo! BLITZ (nods): Und bite his tooschie! SUPERMAN (stands up): We'll handle Morvo, you dogs go back home! EXILE (sternly): But we wanna helpski! As Superman flies off, the scene shifts to a few blocks away where Colleen, Linda and Marauder help Green Lantern back to his feet GREEN LANTERN (slowly standing up): OW! I feel like a truck hit me MARAUDER (sternly): I'm a doctor, I could treat your injuries... GREEN LANTERN (angry): No time, Fido, I gotta stop Morvo! MARAUDER (upset): Fido? LINDA (calmly): Green Lantern, we Road Rovers are here to help.. GREEN LANTERN (sternly): You can help by leaving! The Justice League will handle him MARAUDER (angry): You're not doing such a good job now, are you? LINDA (shocked): Marauder! GREEN LANTERN (upset): I have no time to argue with dogs! LINDA (upset): That's not what you said two years ago when Otto and my sister Sam rescued you guys on that cruise ship! Visibly upset, Green Lantern turns his back on them and flies away. MARAUDER (angry): Geez what a grouch! LINDA (sternly): I don't care what he says, we're Road Rovers and we must fight Morvo too! As Marauder and Linda follow after Green Lantern, the scene shifts to the Batcave where Batman has placed the costumed Zima on a medical table and is running a series of computer scans on her. BATMAN (determined): I don't know how Morvo did this to you, Diana, but I won't rest until I find a way to change you back As Batman continues to study a bank of video displays, Zima opens her eyes and climbs off the table. BATMAN (shouts): DIANA! STOP! YOU ARE NOT YOURSELF! ZIMA (confused): I'm not? Then who am I? BATMAN (sternly): You're Wonder Woman! ZIMA (happy): HURRAY!! I'M WONDER WOMAN!! BATMAN (to himself): Morvo's magic must've affected her mind too (outloud): It's alright, Diana... ZIMA (confused): Who's Diana? BATMAN (calmly): You are ZIMA (shocked): I am? Really? BATMAN (nods): Yes, now please return to the table, I have some more tests to run As Batman returns to his desk, Zima begins to walk around. She sees a wall of computers and is amazed at all the flashing lights. ZIMA (reaches): What does THIS button do? BATMAN (turns around): DIANA!! NO!! When Zima presses the big red button, a loud siren sounds and motion sensative lasers from the ceiling begin to fire down on them. Batman grabs Zima and rushes to hide behind a rock formation. Quickly taking a remote control out of his utility belt, Batman shuts off the automatic defense system. ZIMA (scared): Did I.... do that? BATMAN (upset): Yes you did! Now stand over there and don't touch ANYTHING else, got it? ZIMA (nods): Got it Walking down the hidden staircase leading to the Wayne Mansion is Alfred. ALFRED (concerned): Is there a problem here, sir? BATMAN (sits at his desk): No, no problems here ZIMA (waves at Alfred): Hi there! I'm Wonder Woman! ALFRED (rolls eyes): Indeed, ma'am BATMAN (pushing buttons): Morvo change her into that, Alfred, and I'm trying to find a way to change her back ZIMA (confused): Change me back? Back from what? ALFRED (turns to him): Has she seen herself in a mirror, sir? BATMAN (sternly): No, she hasn't ALFRED (motions to her): Come with me, madam, I think you need to see this Zima follows Alfred to a full length mirror ALFRED (sadly): I'm saddened to break the news to you, Wonder Woman, but you are now a wolf ZIMA (confused): A wolf? (looks in mirror, shocked): OH NO!!! I AM A WOLF!! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO NOW??? BATMAN (calmly): Calm down, Diana... ZIMA (frantic): First I find out my name is Diana and now I find out that I'm a wolf! THIS IS THE WORST DAY OF MY LIFE! Furious, Zima howls loudly, so loud that Batman and Alfred have to cover their ears and all the bats in the Batcave begin to fly all around the lower part of the cave. Dodging all of the dive-bombing bats, Batman reaches Zima and clamps her mouth shut with his gloved hands. BATMAN (shouts): STOP THAT, DIANA! ALFRED (sternly): Sir, perhaps it would be better if you took her out of the Batcave BATMAN (nods): I'm beginning to agree with you Zima walks around and finds Mr Freeze's old freezing gun. She picks it up and holds it in her hands. ZIMA (happy): This sure is a fancy gun! BATMAN (shouts): DIANA!! NO!! Scared, Zima pulls the trigger and Batman tackles her. Pointing up, the freeze ray strikes the ceiling of the Batcave, quickly freezing it and causing some frozen rocks to rein down upon them. ALFRED (ducks under a table): Egad, sir! ZIMA (points up): Look! It's snowing! BATMAN (upset): ENOUGH ALREADY!! Suddenly, an image comes up on the Batcave's main viewer. It's Flash. FLASH (on the screen): Flash to Batman! We need you out here! BATMAN (sternly): I can't go, I have to help Diana... FLASH (on the screen): If Morvo beats us, then it won't matter what she looks like, pal. Hurry! Flash out! As the screen goes black, Batman glances over at Zima. BATMAN (upset): Flash is right, for once. Morvo must be stopped. C'mon Diana, we've got some unfinished business with a magician! Zima excitedly takes her place in the Batmobile as Batman takes the wheel. As the Batmobile goes streaking out of the Batcave, the scene shifts back to Central Park, where both the Justice League and the available Road Rovers continue to do battle with Morvo. HUNTER (aims it): One Road Rover missile launcher, coming up! SHAG (aimming his missile launcher): REE ROO! Morvo easily deflects the Road Rover missiles as Green Lantern, floating behind him, surrounds him with a green energy cage. GREEN LANTERN (smiles): We gotcha now, magic man! MORVO (smirks): I don't think so, Green Fool! Turning, Morvo waves his hand in the air, making the energy cage disappear and enclosing Green Lantern in a huge, metal sphere which falls to the street with a loud crash. EXILE (angry): That makes me angry! Exile fires his eye lasers at Morvo, but they are deflected MORVO (laughing): None of you creatures can stop me! My magic allows me to read your minds and anticipate your attacks... like THIS one! Morvo quickly turns and points at the high flying Superman, who was set to fly down towards him. Suddenly, Superman finds himself wrapped in huge Kryptonite chains and falling downward. Flash and Hunter both zip out and run around in circles, forming a small tornado that stops Superman's fall. Utah Bard, now clad in her metal super armor, runs towards the distracted Morvo, only to instantly become 'frozen' a few feet away from him. MORVO (laughing): I am unstoppable! Linda, Colleen and Marauder look on from their position behind a row of cars. COLLEEN (shocked): BLIMEY!! That Morvo's kick'n out tails! LINDA (looks all around): Where's Goldfire? COLLEEN (sternly): He's still lookin' for his girlfriend MARAUDER (upset): Like that's just what we need, a brainless blonde wolf in a super suit! LINDA (shocked): MARAUDER!!! MARAUDER (sternly): We have to do something MORVO (turns towards them): Do something? And just what are you three doggies going to do to me? LINDA (angry): He really is a mind reader! Linda, Marauder and Colleen scatter in different directions as Morvo sends a bolt of lightning their way. Morvo looks up and sees the Batmobile arrive with Batman and Zima getting out of it. BATMAN (points at Morvo): You and me have a score to settle MORVO (laughs): Really Batman? (sees Zima): My my Wonder Woman, I do like your new look! ZIMA (smiles): Why thank you! BATMAN (angry): You're MINE! Batman tosses a baterang in Morvo's direction and is shocked to see him catch it with one hand. MORVO (laughing): If this is the best you can do, then taking over the world will be easier than I thought! ZIMA (swinging her lasso): Ok bad guy, I'm coming to get ya! LINDA & MARAUDER (shouts): ZIMA!!! NO!!! Zima tosses her lasso at Morvo, but ends up tying herself up instead. Morvo is so surprised to see the tangled wolf on the ground that he begins to laugh uncontrolably. MORVO (laughing hard): THAT WAS THE NEW MIGHTY WONDER WOMAN??? HOW AMUSING!! As Morvo continues to laugh, he doesn't notice Linda sneaking up behind him. Carefully, she grabs his glowing medallion from around his neck. MORVO (stunned): HEY! MY MAGIC MEDALLION! Morvo tries to hold onto it, but Linda has already used her powers on it, the medallion's chain passes through Morvo as Linda turns to run from the angry magician. MORVO (furious): RETURN MY MEDALLLION OR YOU WILL DIE!! Seeing that Morvo has turned his back on him, Batman now tosses a baterang in his direction, which extends a rope which now wraps around Morvo's legs, causing him to fall to the pavement. Without his medallion, all of Morvo's spells are broken. Utah Bard 'unfreezes', the Kryptonite chains vanish from Superman's body and the metal sphere encasing Green Lantern also disappears. Flash and Hunter quickly tie him up as Colleen and Marauder return to see the capture. GREEN LANTERN (surprised): I don't believe it! SUPERMAN (shocked): Morvo is defeated? COLLEEN (stunned): Blimey! MORVO (moaning): That stupid wolf..... BATMAN (sternly): That stupid wolf distracted your mind long enough so you couldn't sense what we were planning. You didn't have time to read our minds MORVO (moaning): That stupid wolf... her mind is so... empty MARAUDER (laughs): What do ya know? Zima's brain actually helped save the day! HUNTER (shakes head): I would not have predicted this, no way! COLLEEN (rolls eyes): You're tellin' me! ZIMA (still tied up on the pavement): HEY! A little help here, please? Goldfire Wolf now walks over to the others, holding the real Wonder Woman in his arms, tears rolling down his muzzle. GOLDFIRE (sad): Poor Zima, Morvo must've turned her into a human. I found her three blocks away in.... WONDER WOMAN (upset): For the last time, put me down you furry mongrel! BATMAN (surprised): Diana? ZIMA (looks over at him): Goldfire? GOLDFIRE (excited): ZIMA! Goldfire drops Wonder Woman to the ground as he rushes over to Zima and unties her. WONDER WOMAN (looks up): Did I just get dumped for a blonde wolf? BATMAN (helps her up): Apparently ZIMA (hugs Goldfire): I'm so happy to see you! GOLDFIRE (sobbing): I missed you, my love! ZIMA (smiles): I'm sorry to make you worry, I was with Batman all the time! GOLDFIRE (confused): Batman? ZIMA (nods): Yeah, he was a nice host but very confused, kept calling me Diana all the time BATMAN (upset): Shut up.. WONDER WOMAN (big grin): You mean, you thought she, was me? FLASH (zips over to them): Yep! We both did, we thought Morvo turned you into a wolf and... BATMAN (angry): Enough already! Embarrassed, Batman turns to walk away but Wonder Woman takes him by the hand. WONDER WOMAN (whispers): For what it's worth, thank you Bruce Batman looks over at her, gives a slight grin, and then releases her hand and walks towards the Batmobile. GREEN LANTERN (smiles): Looks like I was wrong about you Rovers SUPERMAN (nods): Me too. If it wasn't for you Morvo would still be free LINDA (smiles): Thank you, that's means a lot coming from you WONDER WOMAN (sternly): Better let me have that pendant, I'll put it somewhere safe LINDA (hands it to her): Ok, here you go BLITZ (angry): I did not get to bite any tooschies! FLASH (looks at Hunter): Is he for real? HUNTER (sighs): Afraid so As the members of the Justice League continue talking to the Road Rovers, Zima walks over to Wonder Woman. ZIMA (happy): It was fun to be you for a while (sad): Even though I don't have any superpowers WONDER WOMAN (smiles): Zima, you've proven that it doesn't always take superpowers to defeat evil. Just be yourself and you'll be fine ZIMA (brightens): Really? WONDER WOMAN (nods): Yes. You have a good heart and a willingness to help. Never loose that ZIMA (happy): I won't, I won't! GOLDFIRE (smiles): That's why I love her so much Zima turns and hugs Goldfire again HUNTER (shouts): TO THE POWER OF THE PACK!! All of the Rovers howl together as Morvo screams loudly. EXILE (surprised): You bit his tooschie, Blitz! BLITZ (happy): I know, I couldn't help myself! EXILE (points at him): You're a weird boy! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile, near the surface entrance of Mission Control walks Booster Gold, a superhero dressed in a flashy costume followed by his small flying robotic friend Skeets. BOOSTER (angry): Here I am, Booster Gold, a mighty hero from the future who comes back to this primitive time to help mankind and what assignment does the Justice League give me? Visiting a bunch of mutts! SKEETS (robotic voice): But Booster, this is a very special task! The Road Rovers were the first animal-sapiens to appear on Earth. Even in our time their ancestors ..... BOOSTER (smirks): I know, I know. I've seen many of them in action. But still, of all the important jobs the Justice League could give me, this is rock bottom SKEETS (robotic voice): C'mon Booster! Even in this time, the Road Rovers have done heroic exploits! Look at this as an opportunity to meet with fellow superheroes! BOOSTER (smirks): Superheroes that sniff butts and have fleas! As he is still speaking, Otto and Samantha Maddog walk over to him. OTTO (sternly): Indentification confirmed. Greetings Booster Gold! You are very punctual. I am Otto and this is my wife Samantha Maddog BOOSTER (grumbles): Yeah yeah rover, now take me to your leader SAMANTHA (concerned): You seem unhappy, Mr Gold, sir BOOSTER (slight smile): At least you're polite, for a canine OTTO (sternly): It is time for us to travel to Road Rover Mission Control BOOSTER (looks all around): Ok, where's the door at? OTTO (sternly): Activating teleportation circuitry