Copyright 2001 --- Robert Baer Jr. Otto & Sam -- "Much Ado About Hunter" DISCLAIMER Road Rovers characters, names, situations and the Road Rovers universe are the property of Warner Bros. I, nor this script/story are connected with Warner Bros. in any way, shape or form. This document may not be publicized or reproduced in any way, shape or form. It must remain fully intact and may not be altered in anyway. It is strictly used for not-for-profit entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to infringe on any Copyrights. This story is written by Robert Baer Jr and the characters Otto, Tungstun, Molly Maddog, Princess, Samantha Maddog, Uncle Buford and the Gila Monster are all Robert Baer Jr's creations, copyright 1997-1999. DJ is a a creation of Jake Williams. Cobber is a creation of Mike Browner. Alethia is a creation of Kylen Miles. . Marauder is a creation of Jerimy Bass. Dervish is a creation of Casey Johnson, Daidem is a creation of Alex Martinez. Star is a creation of Kathrine Gore. Otto & Sam -- "Much Ado About Hunter" The scene is Road Rover Mission Control. In the lounge area, Tungstun and the Gila Monster are sitting at a table across from each other with a checker set in front of them. Alethia is walking down the hallway, stops and watches the game from a distance. TUNGSTUN (setting up his pieces): It's agreed Gila, we play HIT checkers! GILA MONSTER (setting up his pieces): That's right, each time we jumps the other guy's checker, the loser gits hit in the face! TUNGSTUN (moves a piece): Interesting game concept.. GILA MONSTER (moves a piece): This here game has two of my favorite things in it, strategy and PAIN!! TUNGSTUN (jumps Gila's piece): Ok, here we go! Tungstun draws his fist and smacks the Gila in the jaw hard. GILA MONSTER (happy); I LOVES IT!!! (jumps Tungstun's piece): MY TURN, GOOBEROO!! The Gila Monster hits Tungstun in the jaw with his clinched fist. Alethia is so shocked at this 'game' she is speechless and stands frozen in the hallway. The game continues until Tungstun moves one of his pieces to the last row. TUNGSTUN (smiles): There, crown me, Gila! The Gila looks up with puzzlement towards the huge Irish Wolfhound. TUNGSTUN (points): Crown me! Crown me! GILA MONSTER (nods): Ok, if that's what you want.. Immediately the Gila Monster picks up his 2 x 4 and bashes the bewildered Tungstun in the head with it, causing him to fall forward, face first into the checkerboard. Alethia screams and rushes to her friend's aide. ALETHIA (angry); You green idiot! Why did you do that? GILA MONSTER (shrugs shoulders): I did what he asked me to, he said to crown him, so I did! ALETHIA (furious): YOU CARELESS IMBESSILE!!! GILA MONSTER (smiles): I'll bet you says that to all the guys! TUNGSTUN (moaning): What happened? GILA MONSTER (picks it up): Your hard head broke my 2 x 4! ALETHIA (takes it from him): If you EVER pull a stunt like that again, I'll turn you into GIla Monster skin luggage! Got it, lizzard? GILA MONSTER (backs off): Yeah, I gets it.... At this time, Hunter, Exile, Cobber, Otto and Samantha walk into the room. Hunter hops on the couch and grabs the TV remote. Exile and Cobber join him on the couch as Otto and Sam look at Alethia and Tungstun. SAMANTHA (shocked); OH NO!! Poor Tungstun! Is there anything I can do, Miss Alethia, ma'am? ALETHIA (growls): You can keep that reptile away from Tungstun... (looks up at the Gila): YOU MONSTER!! YOU MORON!! YOU INEPT TROLL!!! GILA MONSTER (smiles): You best stop sweet talkin' me, Princess might find out.. ALETHIA (rolls eyes): I rest my case... OTTO (sternly): Hit checkers, Gila? GILA MONSTER (nods): Yep! Tungstun wanted to play.. ALETHIA (angry): He wanted to PLAY, NOT GET CLOBBERED!! HUNTER (from the couch): Will you guys keep it down? I'm listening to the news... another Special Report on the Presidential Election! Alethia takes Tungstun out to the infirmary while Star, DJ, Blitz, Daidem, Colleen and Molly have now joined the group watching the TV. HUNTER (points): Here it comes, the Supreme Court's decision! STAR (points): Isn't that Sam Donaldson? BLITZ (nods); Ya! This toupee attacked me once! COLLEEN (rolls eyes): Yeah... right.... HUNTER (hushed tone): SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! SAM DONALDSON (on TV): This is Sam Donaldson reporting live from the Supreme Court, in a split decision, the Court has overturned the decision of the Floride Supreme Court, this effectively ends all hope for further appeals by the Vice President and all but assures that George W Bush is the next President of the United States.. Hearing this, Hunter slowly stands up and walks out of the room, Colleen follows him. DJ (cheering); YES!!! Bush wins! STAR (upset); HEY! It's not fair! Gore should have won! COBBER (laughs): You crazy yanks and your mixed up elections! Nothing like this would EVER happan in Australia! BLITZ (nods); Or in Germany! Vee know how to vote! EXILE (laughs); Da! You vote for the Weird Boy Party! BLITZ (upset): HEY!! OTTO (stands between DJ and Star): Please, let's not quarrell. This will accomplish nothing.. DJ (nods): You're right Otto, sorry Stary! STAR (nods): That's ok, this entire Election business has been an emotional drain on America. OTTO (nods): That much is certain.. Colleen finds Hunter in his room, he looks sadly up at his picture of Bill & Hilliary Clinton on the wall. COLLEEN (softly): Huntie Wuntie, what's the matter? HUNTER (sadly): I wanted to stay at the White House, but with Gore losing the election, my master will want to take me back with him to Arkansas, or New York, or whereever. COLLEEN (sits beside him): But you can still be a Road Rover, You could run away, or ... HUNTER (shakes head): You know I can't do that, Colleen. I'm a good, good dog, remember? The code of the housepet means that I belong to my master. Unless he sells me or gives me away, I must remain loyal to him, and go whereever he and his family goes. (sadly): Which means I can't be a Road Rover anymore.. COLLEEN (hugs Hunter): No Huntie Wuntie! This can't happan! HUNTER (upset): What chance do I have that Bill will just GIVE me to George W Bush? After all of this election turmoil, you can forget all about that! COLLEEN (calmly): Maybe our friends can help, let's tell'm. Hunter nods, then he and Colleen return to the lounge and explain the situation to all of the Rovers present. COLLEEN (continuing): So, you see, Hunter is in a bit of a sticky wicket here... what can we do about it? DERVISH (laughs): I suppose a military coup is out of the question? MARAUDER (giggles): Seriously Derv, we have to think of something practical. MOLLY (sadly): I know Mr Bush won't listen to my father. He and the Gore campaign tried to hire our law firm to help bolster their legal teams, but dad turned both sides down. EXILE (points): Wait! Comrades Otto and Sam, you save Bush's lifeski many months ago, right? SAMANTHA (nods): That's right, Mr Exile, sir! OTTO (sternly): However, George W Bush was upset with us when we refused to campaign with him. I felt that we could not participate in such political activities.. GILA MONSTER (upset): This whole thing bites! (waves 2 x 4): I'll go and persuade George boy to see things OUR way! COBBER (shakes head): Put the lumber down, mate! Violence won't solve anything! GILA MONSTER (defensive): It always works for me! STAR (concerned): We'll have to think of something, only a month till the Clinton's move out of the White House. A month has passed, and it's January 19th, 2001. A hoard of moving vans are gathered around the White House, one group moving the Clinton's things out, the other group ready to move Bush's things in. Bill and Hilliary give one last look at the White House lawn. BILL (sadly): I'm gonna miss this place, Hilliary! HILLIARY (smiles): But I'll at least get to visit it otten as New York's newset Senator! BILL (calls out): Here Hunter! Here boy! Hunter runs over to his Master's side, tennis ball in his mouth. BILL (shakes head): Sorry, it's not playtime boy. It's moving day and .. HILLIARY (shocked): The dog! I forgot! Honey, our new apartment in New York City doesn't allow pets! BILL (shocked): Oh dear... (smiles): How about keeping him in the Washington apartment you're going to be renting? HILLIARY (sadly): Same story dear... no pets.... BILL (shocked): You mean, we can't keep Hunter with us? HILLIARY (shakes head): No dear, we can't.. Suddenly, George W and Laura Bush walk up to the Clintons. GEORGE (puts hand on his shoulder): Bet it's hard to say goodbye to this place, ain't it? BILL (nods): That's right George. HILLIARY (smiles): But I'll still be around! GEORGE (to himself): Oh goody..... LAURA (pets Hunter): Nice dog you have here! BILL (sadly): Yeah, too bad we can't take him with us.. GEORGE (shocked); Why not? HILLIARY (sadly): No pets clauses in our leases.... I really should've read the fine print before signing them.. LAURA (pets Hunter): What are you going to do with him? BILL (shakes head): I don't know.. GEORGE (happy): Say Bill, why not just let me and Laura keep him? LAURA (happy): That's a great idea! We love dogs, and since your dog is already familiar with the grounds here... BILL (smiles): Ok by me, (turns to Hilliary); What do you think, dear? HILLIARY (pets Hunter): Can Bill and I visit him anytime we want to? GEORGE (nods): Of course! HILLIARY (smiles): Then it's settled! Hunter is yours! GEORGE (pets him): Hunter huh? He's got the same name as the leader of the Road Rovers! (stares): Kinda looks like him too! BILL (shocked): My Hunter, a Road Rover? (laughs): Now that's a riot! The four laugh together as Bill Clinton hands Hunter's leash over to George W Bush. Watching from a distance are Otto and Samantha. SAMANTHA (stunned): I don't believe it! Everything worked out after all! OTTO (sternly): This is indeed a surprising development SAMANTHA (smiles): Hunter sure looks happy! OTTO (nods): Indeed.... SAMANTHA (looks at Otto): What would you do if our human masters ever wanted to run for political office? OTTO (sternly): Talk them out of it, politics are illogical! SAMANTHA (nods): I'll have to agree with you, dear! Otto and Samantha share a quick kiss then teleport away.. --------------------------------------------------------------------------