Copyright 2001 --- Robert Baer Jr. Otto & Sam -- "The Smartest Mutant -- Part 2" DISCLAIMER Road Rovers characters, names, situations and the Road Rovers universe are the property of Warner Bros. I, nor this script/story are connected with Warner Bros. in any way, shape or form. This document may not be publicized or reproduced in any way, shape or form. It must remain fully intact and may not be altered in anyway. It is strictly used for not-for-profit entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to infringe on any Copyrights. This story is written by Robert Baer Jr and the characters Otto, Tungstun, Molly Maddog, Princess, Samantha Maddog, Otto Jr, Emily, Ameilia, Uncle Buford, Rasputin, Catherine and the Gila Monster are all Robert Baer Jr's creations, copyright 1997-1999. DJ is a a creation of Jake Williams. Cobber is a creation of Mike Browner. Alethia is a creation of Kylen Miles. . Marauder is a creation of Jerimy Bass. Cobber is a creation of Mike Browner. Dervish is a creation of Casey Johnson, Daidem is a creation of Alex Martinez. Catman is a creation of John Bulter. Otto & Sam -- "The Smartest Mutant -- Part 2" The newly captured Road Rovers are tossed into a concrete bunker, it's heavy door closing behind it. It looks like a old time 'fallout' shelter, no furniture, nothing else inside of it but several small ventilation shafts for air. Hunter, Colleen, Blitz, Shag, Exile, Daidem, Cobber and Dervish look very sadly in their new dimly lit prison. BLITZ (pounding on door): OH PLEASE!! PLEASE LET ME OUT!!! I HAVE A FEAR OF SMALL CONFINED SPACES!! COLLEEN (laughs): Like your brain, Fluffypants? BLITZ (growls): HEY! HUNTER (nods): Stay calm guys. We need to think of a way out of here DERVISH (shakes head): That won't be easy COBBER (angry): They took the Sword of Canus! EXILE (angry): And the rest of our gear! DAIDEM (upset): Day even took my makeup case! COBBER (rolls eyes): Life is full of tragedy... SHAG (confused): REN ROH REE REET? COLLEEN (shrugs shoulders): Sorry governor, no food... SHAG (angry): RAH RUCKS!! DERVISH (looks around): For the moment, we still have air. They could cut it off anytime they wanted to.. HUNTER (smiles): Cheer up gang, our friends will rescue us! DERVISH (concerned): Now that Confuse-us is a mutant and working for Parvo, that may not be a simple task. Above ground, Parvo Groomer and Confuse-us are making plans. PARVO (happy): This machine of yours is brilliant, Confuse-us! GROOMER (evil grin): I can't wait to try it out on the Rovers! CONFUSE-US (upset): Ok, I've done everything you've asked, I want my daughter back NOW!! PARVO (pats on back): Patience, patience Confuse-us, you and your daughter will soon be back together GROOMER (holds a Road Rover radio): Now, time to bait the trap! Back at Mission Control, Alethia and Princess are in the briefing room at the message console. ALETHIA (sternly, turning dials): Keep checking the airwaves Princess, Hunter and his group will signal us someway if they're in trouble.. PRINCESS (nods): I know, I hope we can find.... (beaming): I GOT THEM!! I HAVE A EMERGENCY BEEPER SIGNAL!!! ALETHIA (turns to her): Get the coordinates! Otto, Samantha, Molly, DJ, Tungstun and the Gila Monster rush in. PRINCESS (happy); WE HAVE A LOCATION FOR.... OTTO (interrupting): I know, I have downloaded the coordinates into my system... prepare for teleportation.. With a loud BOOM!!!! the eight Rovers arrive at the exacty spot where Groomer left the radio. MOLLY (picks it up): Here's Hunter's radio... SAMANTHA (shocked): Wait! This feels like a trap! GROOMER (hiding, shouts): NOW GENERAL!!! General Parvo pulls a lever on a free standing machine, it emits a red pulse which soon blankets the Rovers in a red aura. They attempt to move, but are unable to. PARVO (happy): It works as you said it would, Confuse-us! This muscular petrifier ray has left these eight Road Rovers unable to move! GROOMER (happy): And it's even frozen the bionic one! PARVO (smiles): This is a happy day! CONFUSE-US (pleading): What about my daughter? You promised... PARVO (laughs): You and Catherine will be together.... in CHAINS!!! (shouts): Take him away! CONFUSE-US (angry): You lied to me! And made me work against my fellow canines! GROOMER (laughs): Tough luck, old mutt! After Confuse-us and Catherine are thrown into the underground bunker, the other Rovers gather around them. CONFUSE-US (sadly): Hunter, guys, you gotta believe me! Parvo threatened to kill my daughter if I didn't come up with ways to... HUNTER (puts hand on his shoulder): We know buddy, don't sweat it. CATHERINE (looks up): Daddy, you didn't have to... CONFUSE-US (picks her up in his arms): I'd do anything to save you, darlin'. You and Rasputin are my only children, and I love you both dearly. You mean the whole world to me! CATHERINE (in tears): I love you too, father! DAIDEM (looks at them): Dis is all very touching, but ve are all still trapped in dis bunker! BLITZ (hysterical): YA!! VE ARE!! (goes back to the door and continues to pound on it): LET ME OUT!!! COLLEEN (rolls eyes): Now there's your bucket of 'elp! CONFUSE-US (happy): Since Parvo turned me into a mutant, I really seem to be a lot smarter. Maybe I can think of a way out of this bunker! BLITZ (growls): Since you are dee one who got us here in dee first place! DAIDEM (nods); Ya! All of the other Rovers are now giving icy stares at Blitz and Daidem. BLITZ & DAIDEM (in unison): Vhat? VHAT! Meanwhile, Parvo and Goomer move closer to examine their latest 'still frozen' prisoners. PARVO (points at Gila): That's the reptile! We should put him to death first, he's too much trouble GROOMER (points): Isn't that Tungstun? Maybe we can run him through the cano-mutator and.... A loud BOOM!!! shakes the area, three figures walk towards the two villians PARVO (shakes head): Who are they? GROOMER (angry): I don't know, but they're going down! (points): Cano-Mutants, Attack them! A dozen mutants rush towards the three, they draw their fists and in a flurry of blows, knock every mutant unconscience. The three continue to walk slowly towards Parvo and Groomer. GROOMER (shocked): WHAT IN THE WORLD??? PARVO (pushes buttons): We'll use the muscular petrifier on them! The three are now enveloped in the same red aura that the other Rovers are. Instead of stopping, the three continue walking towards them. PARVO (shocked): IMPOSSIBLE!!! THIS DEVICE IS WORKING PERFECTLY!!! GROOMER (shocked): I CAN'T BELIEVE ME EYES!! (shakes fist at them) WHO ARE YOU??? OTTO JR (sternly): I am Otto Jr AMEILIA (sternly): I am Ameilia EMILY (sternly): And my name is Emily, Miss Groomer, ma'am! GROOMER (off guard): At least one of you has good manners! (shakes head, angry) But how did you... OTTO JR (sternly): Release your captives or face the consequences... PARVO (growls): NEVER!!! We captured them, and we'll soon grab you! A net falls down from a tree near the three, Otto Jr looks up and blasts it with his eye lasers. It comes down in little burnt shreds. OTTO JR (turns to Ameilia): Remove the door from the concrete enclosure (turns to Emily): Deactive that machine of theirs In a flash, Ameilia has grabbed the huge concrete door of the underground bunker, pulls it out and throws it down like it was a piece of lightweight plywood. AMEILIA (sternly): Ladies and gentlemen, you are now free! Please proceed out in an orderly fashion.. BLITZ (running out); VE ARE FREE!!! (turns to the others): I told you ve'd be rescued, but would anyone listen to me? NO!!! COLLEEN (interrupting): OH PUT A SOCK IN IT, BLINKY!!! HUNTER (walks out): I would not have predicted this! NO WAY!!! Emily uses her super speed to stand behind the machine and blast it to bits with her eye lasers. PARVO (screams): NO!!! MY MACHINE!!! GROOMER (screams): Take cover, my General! That crazy dog may shoot US next! Before they can flee, Otto Jr rushes in front of Parvo and Groomer and glares at them. OTTO JR (sternly): This hostage situation has come to a close. We are placing you under arrest.. PARVO (laughs); HA!! Me surrender to YOU? GROOMER (pulls out laser pistol): DIE ROVER!!! Before Groomer can pull the trigger, Otto Jr has used his super speed to grab it from her hands and return to his former position. Otto Jr's facial expression changes little as he crushes the laser pistol in his hand. GROOMER (stunned): WHAT THE??? PARVO (shocked): He's too fast! OTTO JR (sternly); I repeat.. you are under arrest... Soon, the other Rovers, now free, surround Parvo and Groomer. GROOMER (scared): What do we do now, my General? PARVO (pushes button on his cyborg arm): THIS!!! The ground shakes as three missles are launched into the air. PARVO (laughs): Rovers, looks like you have a choice, capture us, or watch as my missiles destroy three large cities! All of the Rovers watch the missiles with a sense of dread. HUNTER (shocked): Oh no! We have to stop those missiles! OTTO JR (sternly): Fear unwarranted... AMEILIA (sternly): The three of us will stop the missiles EMILY (sternly): Affirmative! The three instantly disappear. SAMANTHA (shocked): OH NO!! WHERE DID THEY GO? CONFUSE-US (points upward): Lookie up there! Ameilia has teleported herself into the air, floating in the direct path of the first missile SAMANTHA (shouts): NO!!! STOP!!!!! COBBER (shocked): What the devil is she doing? Holding her hands in front of her, she concentrates as the missile explodes... into a fountain of confetti and streamers. Otto Jr teleports in the path of another one, he points his hands towards it, and changes it into an huge air filled balloon. Emily floats in the path of the third, she waves her arms and makes the missile vanish completely. All of the Rovers are so captivated by the three's actions, Parvo and Groomer slip away. COLLEEN (shocked): Absobloominlutely amazing! DAIDEM (shocked): Auck, unemall! EXILE (shocked): Bolshoi! The kids stops the missiles for goodski! HUNTER (stunned): I would not have predicted this! No way! OTTO (turns to Samantha): It would appear that our children are ready to be Road Rovers ALETHIA (smiles): Now there's an understatement for ya! DJ (shocked): WHOA!!! They're something else! Suddenly, the three appear in front of Otto and Samantha. OTTO JR (sternly): Mission fulfilled AMEILIA (nods): Is everyone functioning normally? EMILY (smiles): Mom, dad, how did we do? SAMANTHA (happy): Well done, I'm proud of all three of you! OTTO JR (sternly); Compliments appreciated AMEILIA (nods): Acknowledged... EMILY (smiles): Thanks mom! DERVISH (looks around): Parvo and Groomer got away! COBBER (picks it up): But at least I got me sword back! TUNGSTUN (points): And they left their loot behind as well! SAMANTHA (happy): And those terrible missiles were stopped! HUNTER (shouts): Let's head for home, Rovers! All of the Rovers howl in unison. The scene now switches to the Mountain where Confuse-us lives, one hour later. Hunter, Otto, Samantha and Alethia converse with Catherine and Confuse-us (who is now back in canine form). HUNTER (smiles): Here you are, back safe and sound! CONFUSE-US (smiles); I can't thank y'all enough for rescuing me and my daughter! CATHERINE (nods): And for changing my father back to normal! SAMANTHA (smiles): It was our pleasure, Miss Catherine, ma'am! CONFUSE-US (concerned): How are we gonna keep this from happaning again? HUNTER (smiles): Well, we've spoke to the Master, and decided to leave a team of Rovers here with you, for your protection. CONFUSE-US (shocked): Hey! I don't want no bodyguards! That'd cramp my style! HUNTER (shakes head): They wouldn't exactly be just bodyguards. Consider them as students in need of guildence! OTTO (nods): Affirmative. They will stay here, learn from you and train as well. Both you and they would benefit from this relationship. CONFUSE-US (nods): I see... alright, count me in! Who are they? ALETHIA (smiles): You've already met them..... Suddenly, Otto Jr, Ameilia and Emily appear in front of the startled cocker spaniel. CONFUSE-US (excited): HEY!! It's the superkids! OTTO JR (nods): We prefer our given names, sir AMEILIA (nods): We are here to learn, protect and train EMILY (smiles): It's a honor to meet you in a friendly setting, Mr Confuse-us, sir! CONFUSE-US (smiles): Wonderful! Looks like I get to be your mentor for a while! Now the first thing you must know is the proper way to open a box of cocktail weenies.... you take the... OTTO (interrupts): Your wisdom will be only a part of your training. Two very special friends of mine will also assist you. (points) Here is the first! Everyone looks in the direction at Otto is pointing to see .... SAMANTHA (shocked); Jackie Chan! ALETHIA (shocked): WOW!! That's the real Jackie Chan! HUNTER (happy): WOW!! Hey dude, can I have your autograph? JACKIE (smiles): I thought your were a retriever, not an autograph hound! CONFUSE-US (laughs): I get it! Hound... dog.... that's funny! JACKIE (stares at Confuse-us): Er... ok.... OTTO (sternly); Mr Chan is between movies at this moment, and he has agreed to help train you three in the martial arts! JACKIE (nods): That's right! I owe your father and mother for getting me out of that mess at the LA Forum a few weeks ago.. OTTO JR (concerned): A karate battle? AMEILIA (concerned): Bad guys get the jump on you? JACKIE (shakes head); No, nothing like that EMILY (curious): Then what did they do to help you, Mr Chan, sir? JACKIE (laughs): I was being chased by a mob of screaming fans! Your father used his holographic projector to get them to chase a holographic me so I could get to my limo! CONFUSE-US (happy): You my kind of human, Jackie Chan! (holds up box); Have a cocktail weenie! JACKIE (smiles, shakes head): No thank you, Mr dog... OTTO (sternly): And there will be another special friend that will visit from time to time to educate you on your magic skills... Catman now appears before the group. JACKIE (shocked); A seven foot panther man? CONFUSE-US (scared): Is he on OUR side? CATMAN (smiles): Yes, I am a friend of Otto's and an ally of the Road Rovers! OTTO JR (sternly): Accessing.... yes, your data profile is very impressive AMEILIA (nods): Indeed it is, you are very skilled in the proper use of magical powers EMILY (smiles): It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr Catman, sir! CATMAN (happy): You three will make excellent students, like my friends the DixieCats! ALETHIA (giggles): When Felicia and Katrina aren't hassling you for a date! CATMAN (rolls eyes): Please, don't remind me... EMILY (wide grin): Come to think of it, you are very handsome! AMEILIA (wide grin): Indeed, a very powerful male specimen! CATMAN (shocked): Oh no! Not this! EMILY (giggles): Relax, we're only joking, Mr Catman, sir! AMEILIA (nods): Our first attempt at humor... CATMAN (relieved): Whew! I'm glad.... OTTO JR (sternly): Humor.... a difficult concept.... JACKIE (happy): Don't worry, Otto Jr, we'll work on your funny bone too! OTTO JR (looks at arms): My humerous bones are in perfect operating condition.. JACKIE (rolls eyes): You definately need a sense of humor, friend! ALETHIA (walking away): Well, time to return to base... SAMANTHA (walking away, glances back at them): My children.... I will miss them OTTO (walking away): We shall visit them as often as you like, darling.. HUNTER (walking away): This is for the best, those three are going to be quite an elite force... Alethia, Samantha, Otto and Hunter turn back and wave at Confuse-us and the others as they teleport away. -----------------------------------------------------------------------