Copyright 2000 -- Robert Baer Jr. Otto & Sam -- "The Time Trap" DISCLAIMER Road Rovers characters, names, situations and the Road Rovers universe are the property of Warner Bros. I, nor this script/story are connected with Warner Bros. in any way, shape or form. This document may not be publicized or reproduced in any way, shape or form. It must remain fully intact and may not be altered in anyway. It is strictly used for not-for-profit entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to infringe on any Copyrights. This story is written by Robert Baer Jr and the characters Otto, Molly Maddog, Princess, Samantha Maddog, Kyra, Starlight, Amos Doggie, Hannah, Otto Jr, Emily, Ameila and the Gila Monster are all Robert Baer Jr's creations, copyright 1997-1999. DJ is a a creation of Jake Williams. Cobber is a creation of Mike Browner. Marauder is a creation of Jerimy Bass. Otto & Sam -- "The Time Trap" The scene is Road Rover Mission Control. In the lounge area Otto is with his wife Samantha Maddog. Blitz is there with DJ, Molly Maddog and Princess playing a game of pool. DJ (lining up shot): Eight ball in the side pocket! MOLLY (happy): Make this shot and we win! PRINCESS (looks at Blitz): Some partner YOU turned out to be, Blitz! BLITZ (defensive); Hey! I'm dee best pool player in all of Germany! PRINCESS (angry): Before or after reunification? Blitz and Princess growl at each other. OTTO (shouts): Please! Keep your decibel levels down! My lovely wife needs peace, calm and quiet! SAMANTHA (smiles); Oh Otto darling, I'm only two months pregnant. I can still fulfill my duties as a Road Rover.. OTTO (sternly); I will not risk it. You are carrying our two daugthers and one son inside of you. I insist that every possible precaution be taken to insure that... SAMANTHA (shakes head); Honey, I've been examined by Marauder, Kyra and Uncle Buford, they all say our children are healthy and that I can live a normal life BLITZ (looks over at them): Vhat's dee matter? Is computer boy worried about his precious wife? SAMANTHA (angry): Better stop it, Blitz, sir! BLITZ (laughs): Maybe your kids vill turn out to be IBM typewriters... or maybe... Samantha didn't let Blitz finish, she jumps off the couch and levels a 'roundhouse' kick on Blitz's face. Otto jumps up and quickly stands between them. OTTO (sternly); Enough! I will not allow this to continue.. BLITZ (staggers to stand up): About time you took up for me, android! OTTO (sternly): Samantha is pregnant, this activity could endanger our puppies. I will serve as her substitute.. BLITZ (confused); Vhat? Otto punches Blitz so hard he hits the wall and cracks it. OTTO (looks at Samantha): Did I perform the task correctly, my dear? SAMANTHA (giggles): Well, maybe you could do it one more time! With super speed, Otto grabs Blitz from off the floor and is ready to punch him again. SAMANTHA (shouts); I WAS KIDDING, OTTO!! PLEASE PUT HIM DOWN!!! OTTO (confused): Kidding? Oh... humor! I will comply... (drops Blitz) DJ (disappointed): Hey Sam, why did you stop him? MOLLY (smiles): Wow sis, you have a lot of spunk! I hope I'm that radiant when I have puppies! BLITZ (stands up): Hey, dere's an idea! (looks at Molly): Hello pretty collie girl! DJ (defensive): Don't even DREAM of it, saurkraut head! BLITZ (laughs): Hey, if you don't vhat her I can... DJ now punches Blitz in the face, sending him back to the wall again. DJ (growls): No one insults a lady like that, especially not YOU! DJ looks up at Molly, her eyes seem to be saying 'thank you' to him. They smile at each other just as the Master is heard on the loud speaker. MASTER (on PA system): Road Rovers! This is a priority alert! All Rovers proceed to the briefing room at once! PRINCESS (sadly): So much for our game of pool! OTTO (nods): We must all comply... Otto, Samantha. DJ, Molly, Princess and Blitz join Cobber, Marauder, Kyra and Starlight (in her equine-sapien form) in the room. Soon, the Gila Monster, Amos Doggie and Hannah join them there. MASTER (points to map): Road Rovers, and friends, we have a crisis! Several components to a top secret French military project have been stolen from a base south of Paris! From the description of the eye witnesses, it was Cano-Mutants who attacked them... SAMANTHA (shocked): OH NO!!! OTTO (sternly): This would indicate General Parvo is involved BLITZ (smirks at Otto); DUH??? Veal smart, Univac! Samantha growls as Otto looks at her and shakes his head no. MASTER (angry): Pay attention! The rest of the Rovers are out on other missions, it's up to all of you to find and stop Parvo's evil plans. No telling what he is planning to do with all of his stolen technology HANNAH (nods); We better leave at once! DJ (nods): We'll go to the base and begin looking for clues! MARAUDER (nods): Good idea, Deej! GILA MONSTER (swings his 2 x 4 ): It's clobberin' time!!! STARLIGHT (stands up): Shall we teleport? AMOS (stands): Amos can do dis! HANNAH (shakes head): Darling, better leave this to me... Remember the last time you tried to teleport us to France? AMOS (defensive): But I tink it was nice to see Antarctica dis time of year! Dem funny bird critters be very happy to see us! HANNAH (smiles): A detour with penguins! I rest my case! Here we go! Cobber, Blitz, Starlight, Otto, Samantha, Molly, DJ, Marauder, Gila Monster, Princess, Kyra, Amos and Hannah all vanish. Now the scene switches to Parvo's secret base in Luxemburg. It is an underground cavern which is equpped like a science lab. A huge glass chamber rests in the middle of a room with computers lining it's walls. Several Cano-Mutants walk around as Groomer walks over to Parvo, who is pushing buttons on a control panel. PARVO (laughs, coughs): At last! Success is only moments away! GROOMER (confused); I don't understand, General PARVO (points): See for yourself! Those French computer units have been installed, and now, my time chamber is ready to put an end to the Road Rovers once and for all! GROOMER (shakes head): No General... not another time machine! We have always failed when... PARVO (upset); NO! Not a time machine Groomer, a time chamber! When we capture the Rovers, we'll place them in this chamber, flip the switch, and then watch them die! GROOMER (confused): But how? PARVO (point to panel): This is a time accelerator! (coughs) It will age the Rovers decades in a matter of minutes! They will perish without a trace, and no one will be able to bring them back! (coughs more); Longine!! GROOMER (hands him a longine): Oh General! Your plan is brilliant! But how will we capture the Rovers? PARVO (smiles): I already thought of that. I left some clues at the French Army base that will lead them here! GROOMER (shocked); Here? They'll capture us! PARVO (smiles): I have a trap set for them! And other surprises too! Meanwhile, near the cave enterance, the Rovers have arrived. STARLIGHT (points); The clues we found at the base have led us here! OTTO (nods): Scanning.... there are two entrances into the cave. I would suggest we divide into two groups. HANNAH (nods): Amos, Samantha, Cobber, Gila Monster, Princess and I will take the south entrance. OTTO (nods): The rest of us will enter here! BLITZ (scared); Do vee have to? Dat cave looks scary! Dere may be bats and other horrible creatures like dat in dere! DJ (sternly): Get a move on, Chicken Little! Otto, Starlight, DJ, Marauder, Molly, Kyra and Blitz walk carefully towards the front of the cave, the others walk around to the back entrance. OTTO (sternly); Scanning.... STARLIGHT (sternly): I cannot scan the floor of this cave... so sort of interference.. OTTO (nods): Like a radio jamming field.. DJ (sterly): I don't like this... smells like a step up... BLITZ (scared); Maybe I should go back outside and guard the Sonic Rover! KYRA (angry): We didn't bring it with us! BLITZ (scared): Ya, dat's right! (brightens): I know! I'll go back to Mission Control and get it! MARAUDER (angry); Shut up Blitz! I can see a light up ahead... OTTO (sternly): Scanning.... it's a single floodlamp! DJ (shouts); IT IS A TRAP!!! STARLIGHT (shouts): WE BETTER LEAVE!!! Before they can teleport, the floor opens beneath them, the seven fall to the floor of Parvo's base. PARVO (shouts); Quickly! While they're recovering from the fall! Cano-Mutants surround them, one mutant places two dark discs on Otto and Starlight, the others drag Kyra, Maurauder, Molly, DJ and Blitz towards the time chamber. Otto and Starlight begin to twinge and go into violent convulsions. PARVO (shouts): Take all of their weapons! (smiles): Look Groomer! Those magnetic discs I created have disabled Otto and that bionic horse friend of his! And soon, we'll eliminate five pesky Road Rovers! The glass chamber door closes as DJ, Molly, Kyra, Marauder and Blitz wake up. DJ (shocked); What is this thing we're in? MARAUDER (surprised): I don't know but we better get out of here quickly! MOLLY (shocked); HEY!! MY COLLAR'S GONE!! KYRA (shocked); MINE TOO!! DJ (angry): And so are our weapons! BLITZ (screams): NO!!!! I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE!!!! PARVO (laughs); You won't be too young much longer, Rover! I turn this machine on, and all of you will soon die of old age! GROOMER (waves, mocks); Farewell, Rovers! BLITZ (pleads): NO!!! VAIT!! I'M NOT REALLY A ROAD ROVER!!! I'M AN UNDERCOVER REPORTER!!! IN A DOG SUIT!!! PARVO (angry): Nice try, mutt! Time to power up the time accelerator! As the machine begins to hum, the other Rovers arrive on the scene. HANNAH (points); Look!! COBBER (angry): Our friends have been captured! SAMANTHA (shocked); OTTO!! STARLIGHT!!! PRINCESS (points): Sam and I will help Otto and Starlight, the rest of you get our friends out of that contraption! Cobber draws out his sword and charges towards the machine, only to be met by a dozen cano-mutants. COBBER (growls); Bring it on, goonies! GILA MONSTER (swinging 2 x 4 ): It's clobberin' time! A fight begins. Two mutants throw Cobber against a wall as four mutants tackle the Gila Monster. Hannah uses her magic to put hand and ankle cuffs on the mutants chasing her. Amos is backed into a corner. AMOS (waves arms): Here goes nuttin'! Amos's magic creates two very sexy looking female cano-sapiens. The mutants stare and howl at them as they slowly walk towards the group. Seconds later, the two shapely females explode with destrcutive force. AMOS (giggles); Well, day say love hurts.... The force of the blast shakes the entire cave. Huge rocks from the roof begin to fall, several of them strike mutants, knocking them out. HANNAH (shouts); AMOS!!! You've caused a cave in! Samantha uses her collar to create a force field around herself and Princess as they continue to tend to Otto and Starlight. The magnetic disks are very hard to pull off, but Princess uses her 'time stopping' powers to pry them from Otto and Starlight's bodies. Meanwhile, the cave in continues, the glass chamber containing DJ, Molly, Marauder, Blitz and Kyra begins to crack. The Gila Monster knocks out his last attacker and sees the chamber from across the room. GILA MONSTER (shouts): Gotta finish breakin' that glass! He throws his 2 x 4 like a tomahawk at the machine, it strikes the glass chamber, instantly shattering it. The 2 x 4 then ricochets off and slams into a computer bank, causing it to explode in a loud fountain of sparks and smoke. DJ (stands up): Now's our chance! Let's go! Marauder and Kyra drag Blitz with them as DJ and Molly lead them away from the now exploding machine. Molly and Kyra quickly grab their collars from the pile of confascated weapons and put them back on. PARVO (shocked); NO!!! MY TIME ACCELERATOR!!! GROOMER (angry): It was the Road Rovers! Time to stand and fight! As she speaks, more of the ceiling begins to fall around them. PARVO (shouts); Fight? No way! I'm outta here! Parvo and Groomer run away, the mutants that are still able to stand follow. Soon, the machine is firing red beams of light in random directions as it continues to smoke and emit sparks. One of the beams hits a fleeing cano-mutant. It falls to the ground, within minutes, it ages and turns to dust. DJ (shouts): We gotta get out of here NOW!!!! The whole place is caving in! HANNAH (nods): Right! I'll teleport us all back to Mission Control! As Hannah raises her hands, Samantha stands up for a moment, a red beam from the machine strikes her in the stomach just as the group teleports away. Now at Mission Control, Samantha falls to the floor, her belly slowly growing. KYRA (looks at Samantha): OH MY GOD!!! SAM'S BEEN HIT!!! MARAUDER (points); The time accelator beam! It's speeding up the motabilizism of her and her puppies! Gotta get them out of her body now! Kyra closes her eyes, using her collar, she teleports the three puppies to the medical ward isolation chamber. She then sends Samantha there also. MARAUDER (nods); Smart move Kyra! Their bodies are emitting time accelerating isotopes! As least in the isolation chamber, they won't affect us all! KYRA (stands up): We have to act fast to save them! As Kyra and Marauder rush to the medical ward, Otto and Starlight slowly open their eyes. OTTO (weakly): Samantha..... where.... is ....she..... PRINCESS (kneeling over Otto & Starlight): Otto, your wife is in the medical ward.. STARLIGHT (weakly): Must.... help.... her.... COBBER (kneeling over them): You two are in no shape to help anyone. Those funny things Parvo used on ya have scrambled your systems.... OTTO (weaky): MY WIFE!...... THE PUPPIES!..... PRINCESS (smiles): Lay still Otto, Marauder and Kyra are doing what they can to save them... Cobber, Amos, Hannah and the Gila Monster are now standing behind Marauder and Kyra, who are both working a control panel on the iso-chamber. MARAUDER (sternly); Kyra, give me a reading on Sam and the children! KYRA (panicked): Sam's aging has slowed, but the three children are still aging quickly. They are now teenagers in human terms... and still aging! MARAUDER (panics): If we can't stop the time acceleration soon, all four of them will die. KYRA (panicked): The children! Their bodies can't take this advanced aging! Their molecular structures are beginning to break down... GILA MONSTER (angry): THIS WAS MY FAULT!! ME AND MY STUPID 2 X 4! COOBER (puts hand on Gila's shoulder): It wasn't your fault, Gila... GILA MONSTER (angry): If any of them die, I'll never forgives myself! HANNAH (worried); Doctors, is there anything you can do? MARAUDER (shakes head): Nothing we have here at this base can help them... AMOS (furious): AMOS NOT WILL LET THIS HAPPAN!!! KYRA (points): You can't even touch them! Their time accelerated bodies will affect you also! AMOS (raging); I CARE NOT!!! AMOS USE HIS MAGIC TO SAVE DEM NOW!!! Immediately he teleports inside the chamber, he gathers Samantha and her three children together and howls with an ear-piercing howl.. HANNAH (screams); NO!!! MARAUDER (shouts); AMOS!!! GET OUT OF THERE!!!! COBBER (shocked): DON'T!!!! Soon the entire chamber is filled with a bright yellow light, in seconds a loud explosion occurs, throwing Marauder, Kyra, Hannah, Cobber and the Gila Monster back against a wall. The others hear the explosion and coming running, except for Otto and Starlight, who are still barely able to move. The strange yellow aura dies down, revealing the ruptured isolation chamber. From under the rubble, Amos's bionic hand can be seen. Hannah rushes over and pulls her husband out of the debris. HANNAH (crying): AMOS!!! AMOS!!! SPEAK TO ME!!!! COBBER (shocked); The bloak's not movin'! MARAUDER (looks around): Where are Samantha and the children? As Hannah weeps uncomtrolably, a familiar figure hovers nearby. FIGURE (echoing): Hannah! Fear not, your husband will be fine HANNAH (looks up): It's you! The keeper of the Dora! FIGURE (nods); Correct.. Amos Doggie is a brave and noble dog! He was willing to sacrifice himself for Samantha and her newborn children. He used all of his energy to save them, he needs rest but he will live. HANNAH (sadly): But what about Samantha and the kids? FIGURE (points): This brave effort was not in vain. Behold!!! Everyone now turns their attention to the direction where the glowing figure is pointing. Soon, they all see moment in the debris, emerging from it are three fully grown collie/GSD mix cano-sapiens, two female and one male. The male is holding Samantha in his arms. COBBER (surprised); CRICKEY!!! WHAT'S THIS??? HANNAH (shocked): I don't believe it! KYRA (stunned): Sam's ... kids? The three move forward, the male puts Samantha down gently on the floor. The three turn their heads towards Otto and Starlight. They each fire orange beams out of their eyes which soon cause Otto and Starlight to glow slightly. BLITZ (panicked); DAY ARE ALIENS!!! HELP!!! RUN AVAY!!!! As Blitz hides under a table, the three cano-sapiens now shut their eye beams off. The others are too shocked to move or say anything. EMILY (sternly); Download complete! OTTO JR (nods): We are in need of garments! AMEILIA (nods): I concur!!! Suddenly, Road Rover uniforms instantly appear on the three. This leaves everyone speechless as Kyra reaches for her medical scanner. Marauder is already examining Samantha. MARAUDER (excited); AMAZING!!! Samantha has been restored to normal! The effects of the time acceleration ray are gone! Her motabalism is unchanged! KYRA (shocked): This is incredible! Not only has the time acceleration stopped, but all three of their DNA patterns have been altered slightly. They now possess elements of Amos Doggie's DNA!!! COBBER (surprised): HUH??? MOLLY (shocked); WHAT???? DJ (shakes head): You're kidding, right? MARAUDER (now scans the kids): Kyra's right! And ... THIS IS TOTALLY UNBELIEVABLE! I am reading bionic components in all three of them! Implants! Circuitry! And each has an internal computer system far more advanced than Otto's or Starlight's! HANNAH (shocked): Bionic AND magical? How... FIGURE (smiles): Amos Doggie's magic did this! All he could think of was saving their lives when he dispelled his magical power... The children's cell structures were breaking down... the bionics saved them and Amos's own DNA was applied to halt the advanced aging... HANNAH (shocked): Amos is smart enough to know all this? FIGURE (shakes head): Of course not.. but it was his heart that inspired his magic.. the full powers of the Dora did the rest.. now, I must bid you farewell ... goodbye, guardian of Earth... As the glowing keeper fades away, Emily, Ameilia and Otto Jr are now standing in front of Samantha. SAMANTHA (scared): You... you... you are my .. children? AMEILIA (nods): Correct, mother. I am your daughter Ameilia! EMILY (nods): I am Emily, mother, ma'am! OTTO JR (nods): I am Otto Jr or Otto Model 2 if you prefer. SAMANTHA (shocked): How did you know your names? EMILY (sternly); We have dowmloaded this and all other information from our father's and Starlight's memory banks OTTO JR (nods): Correct. These were the names that you and father agreed upon two days, one hour and sixteen seconds ago... SAMANTHA (surprised): That's right! You really DO have his knowledge! (smiles): May I please hug you all, kids? AMEILIA (nods): Acceptable! EMILY (nods): Agreeable! OTTO JR (nods): I will comply! The three embrace their mother warmly as she weeps. Marauder and Kyra rush over to examine Otto and Starlight. MARAUDER (sternly): Those magnetic devices have scrambled their servo processors. Their internal systems are malfunctioning and circuitry has overloaded! KYRA (panics): We need Uncle Buford here quickly! Emily, Ameilia and Otto Jr calmly walk over to Otto and Starlight EMILY (sternly): Concern unneccessary OTTO JR (nods): Affirmative, time to repair the damaged components AMEILIA (nods): We shall proceed in unison The three point their hands in Otto and Starlight's direction and emit blue beams from them which cause both their father and Starlight to glow for a moment. Then, to everyone's complete surprise, Otto and Starlight stand to their feet. OTTO (sternly): I am... undamaged... STARLIGHT (surprised): So am I... (looks at them): You three... you did this? OTTO JR (nods): Affirmative. EMILY (nods): Using our complete knowledge of your logistics and our newly discovered magical abilities AMEILIA (nods): It was a rather simple task to perform OTTO (smiles): You are my offspring! I am quite proud of you all! Now Otto hugs his three children, the scene is so touching, even the Gila Monster is crying. Amos is now able to stand up and see what his magic has done. The old swamp dog is jumping for joy. AMOS (excited): IT WORKED!! IT WORKED!!! DEY BE ALL ALIVE!!! EMILY (turns to Amos): Amos Doggie, you played a key role in our creation! OTTO JR (nods): Correct, could you please do us one more favor? AMOS (happy); ANYTING YOU ASK!! AMEILIA (sternly): My siblings and I are very hungry, would you please fix us some of your crawdad bisque? OTTO JR (begs): Please? EMILY (begs): Please, Mr Doggie, sir? AMOS (laughing): You gonna like dis, I guarantee! HANNAH (giggles): They definately have my husband's DNA! SAMANTHA (smiles): This will take some time to explain to my father and my family! MOLLY (nods): Hey, I was an eye witness to the whole thing! Amos waves his arms and makes a huge kettle of crawdad bisque appear. AMOS (smiles): We celebrate! Happy Birthday to Emily, Ameilia and Otto Jr! KYRA (nods): That's right! PRINCESS (nods): Technically, this is true! (turns to Samantha): Sam, guess we have to scrap our plans for a baby shower, right? SAMANTHA (happy): I'm just happy that my children are alive and well, Miss Princess, ma'am? AMOS (confused): Baby Shower? GILA MONSTER (confused): You women takes a baby and showers it? HANNAH (rolls eyes): Er... we'll explain it all later.. EMILY (looks at Blitz under table): Blitz, sir, why are you under there? BLITZ (scared): Dose creatures vill get us! EMILY (sternly): Elaborate please... BLITZ (looks over at Emily): AAAAUGGGHHHHH!!! IT'S YOU!!!! Blitz tips over the table and runs down the hallway screaming. EMILY (confused): Illogical behavior... DJ (laughs): Forget that moron! Let the birthday party begin! All of the Rovers howl in unison. The Gila Monster tries to howl, and sounds aweful. COBBER (turns to the Gila Monster): You're gonna 'ave to practice your howling, mate! -----------------------------------------------------------------