Copyright 2000 --- Robert Baer Jr. Otto & Sam -- "Dogstyle Recruits" DISCLAIMER Road Rovers characters, names, situations and the Road Rovers universe are the property of Warner Bros. I, nor this script/story are connected with Warner Bros. in any way, shape or form. This document may not be publicized or reproduced in any way, shape or form. It must remain fully intact and may not be altered in anyway. It is strictly used for not-for-profit entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to infringe on any Copyrights. This story is written by Robert Baer Jr and the characters Otto, Samantha Maddog, Ben Maddog, Abby Maddog, Vicki Maddog, Princess, Molly Maddog, Kyra, Gila Monster, Princess, Linda Maddog, Uncle Buford, Prairie Mason, Prairie Rose and Roger Maddog are all Robert Baer Jr's creations, copyright 1997-1998. DJ is a creation of Jake Williams. Marauder is a creation of Jerimy Bass. Jazz is a creation of Dylan Rinald. Convoy is a creation of Matt Daily. No36s and Alice Kiddman are creations of Brandon P, Boomerang is a creation of Robert Page. Otto & Sam -- "Dogstyle Recruits" The scene is Collie Squadron Headquarters. Ben Maddog and Uncle Buford are going over some reports they've submitted to the Master. BEN (sternly): Well, the Master wants a full report on all of the activities of the Collie Squadron BUFORD (nods): That's no easy task. We've been rather busy over the past few months... BEN (sadly): The Master is also concerned that a number of his Rovers are spending a lot of time here. He specifically asked about DJ, Marauder, Princess, Jazz and Convoy. He'd also like for us to give him as much information as we can about the Gila Monster and Starlight. BUFORD (smiles): Ben old boy, YOU know why Jazz and Convoy are here! As for DJ, he still has a lot to teach Molly about repair and maintenence. Marauder is still instructing Kyra on advanced medical procedures and .... Suddenly, Uncle Buford and Ben stop talking when they both happen to glance at a monitor and see Linda and Marauder kissing. BEN (smiles): Uh... well.... Maybe that's a new procedure for mouth to mouth resusitation? BUFORD (laughs): You do have a vivid imagination, my friend! Now, about the ..... Suddenly, the floor beneath Ben and Buford vibrates and loud noises are heard beneath their feet. BUFORD (stunned); What in the world is going on? BEN (sternly): Sounds like it's coming from the lower storage bay! C'mon! Ben and Uncle Buford rush downstairs, they almost have to hold their ears when they reach the bottom and are surprised to find Otto, Samantha, Alice Kiddman, No36s and Boomerang playing their instruments and practicing their songs. Ben barks loudly not is unheard over the loud music, Uncle Buford nearly falls over as the sound vibrations get louder. Suddenly, Otto spots them and urges the other band members to stop playing. SAMANTHA (shocked): Oh NO! Father! Uncle Buford! She rushes over to them to see if they're alright. BEN (sternly): Daughter! Why is your band practicing here? UNCLE BUFORD (angry): Is this some sort of torture training for prisoners? SAMANTHA (smiles): Dad, we have to practice! You got the band that great recording contract, we have to appear at the studio in four days! OTTO (sternly): It is imperitive that our group continue to fine tune our skills. Our performance must be sastifying in order to secure compact disk sales of our recorded music. ALICE (nods): Yeah, and if we sound hot, we'll sell more CDs! NO36s(nods): Besides,. that Master fellow said we couldn't practice at Mission Control anymore! BOOMERANG (smiles): I wonder why? UNCLE BUFORD (angry): Maybe he wanted to be able to hear himself THINK, like I do! BEN (looks at Otto): Otto, isn't there some way of putting some sort of sound absorbing force field around your band when you practice? OTTO (sternly): Processing.... I will give the matter some serious consideration, Mr Maddog. BEN (sternly); See that you do! Or better still, why not practice up in the mansion, or maybe out in the peach tree grove, or somewhere like that! BOOMERANG (smiles); We'd love to, but it's raining now... UNCLE BUFORD (under his breath): Just our luck! As Uncle Buford and Ben turn to walk away, Alice and No36s rush over to them. NO36s (smiling): Hey, while you two folks are down here, we'd like to ask you a question! BEN (gruffly): Well, ok, but make it quick, Buford and I have a lot of work to do and .... ALICE (interrupting): No36s and I wanna join the Collie Squadron! UNCLE BUFORD (shocked): You two are joking, right? NO36s (shakes head): No, this is no joke! We're very serious! Alice IS a collie and ... well.... so I'm a fox, but that doesn't mean.... BEN (rolls eyes): Ok, we'll think about it and let you know in a few weeks. ALICE (stunned): A few weeks? I wanna know now! UNCLE BUFORD (angry): This isn't a country club, y'know! It'll take time for us to evaulate your skills to see if you will be a good fit for our organization. NO36s (excited): Ok ok, that's cool with us! Let us know, alright? BEN (nods): We will! As Ben and Uncle Buford climb up the stairs, No36s and Alice rejoin the group. ALICE (smiling): Sam, would you and Otto put in a good word for us with your old man? NO36s (nods): Yeah, we're trying to join the Collie Squadron! SAMANTHA (stunned): You are? BOOMERANG (happy): Rock on, dudes! OTTO (sternly): Perhaps some positive testimonial from my wife and I would increase your chances of acceptance into this organization. ALICE (nods): Yeah... what Otto said! SAMANTHA (nods): Ok, we'll do it! Alice is so excited, he hugs Samantha tightly. Otto growls and he releases the hug quickly. ALICE (concerned); Oh, Sorry! I got carried away! But I must say, Otto, your wife sure looks a lot like my Colleen! OTTO (mumbles): Maybe I need to erect a force field around her.... Suddenly, Otto stops speaking and gets a worried look on his face. SAMANTHA (concerned): Darling? What's wrong? OTTO (sternly): I have just received some disturbing news.... our old enemy, the Leader, has escaped from prison. According to the reports from the prison, he is vowing revenge against the 'computerized mutt and the attack collie' who put him there. SAMANTHA (shocked): Oh NO!! BOOMERANG (upset): That bites! ALICE (nods): Yeah! Let's find this bum and give him an attitude adjustment! NO36S (confused): Who is this leader person anyway? OTTO (sternly): The Leader is a madman who desires nothing more than world conquest. Samantha and I have had many dealings with him fighting side by side with our superhero owners, the Computer Renegade and the Masked Melitta. In fact, we first met the Road Rovers and the Master while both the Rovers and ourselves were fighting the Leader and his men. SAMANTHA (growls): The Leader has been using an energy draining machine on my Otto, trying to kill him! ALICE (confused): But I thought Otto was bionic, that he couldn't die! SAMANTHA (shakes head): No, Mr Kiddman, sir. Like Uncle Buford explained to me, many of my Otto's bodily functions such as his circulatory and muscle control systems are intergrated into his computer matrix. Otto does have an internal power source, but if that source ever lost power, he would die in a matter of minutes. Thanks to the Space Rovers, both Otto and Starlight now have Barium based power systems, but even these can be disrupted. NO36S (surprised): WHOA!!! I never knew all of that! I always thought that Otto was invincible! OTTO (shakes head): That is an incorrect conclusion, No36s. UNCLE BUFORD (over PA system): All available Collie Squadron members, come to the briefing room immediately! BOOMERANG (puts guitar down): Duty calls, let's go! Alice, Boomerang, No36s, Otto and Samantha rush upstairs and into the briefing room. Oddly enough, they notice that they are the only ones in it besides Ben and Uncle Buford. UNCLE BUFORD (points at map with cane): There's an emergency here, at the Three Mile Island nuclear plant in Pennsylvania! BOOMERANG (confused): But sir, that place was shut down over twenty years ago! BEN (sadly): Yes, the plant is no longer in operation, but there are still nuclear materials stored there. But someone has breeched the security system, and from these satelite photos, they brought an army with them! SAMANTHA (distressed): Oh NO!!! OTTO (nods): We will investigate! BEN (nods): Good! I'm coming with you! OTTO (sternly): Alright, grab some weapons and gather around me for teleportation! Minutes later, with a loud BOOM!!! Otto, Samantha, Ben, Alice, No36s and Boomerang arrive within the walls of the Three Mile Island plant. OTTO (sternly): Scanning..... (points): I detect thirty two humans gathered together in that direction. NO36s (growls): Let's go get'm! BEN (sternly): Wait! Let's not just jump into this. Otto, first make us all invisible, then we will sneak up on the group, wait for our moment and then stop them! BOOMERANG (nods): Good plan, Ben! SAMANTHA (nods): I agree! OTTO (sternly): Alright, invisibilty shield activated! BEN (whispers): Now then, let's move quietly and slowly The six Road Rovers approach the area where all the humans are gathered. One of the people is standing in front, giving out orders to the others, it's the Leader. LEADER (shouting into megaphone): Open that containment unit! Load those plutoium rods into our truck! Hurry! We have to get out of here before the police arrive! SAMANTHA (whispers to the others): Oh NO! It's that dreadful man again! BOOMERANG (surprised): THAT'S the Leader? NO36S (snickers): He looks like a geek! OTTO (sternly): Mr Maddog, when should we attack? BEN (whispering): We gotta be careful. Some of the Leader's goons are carrying radioactive containers. If any of those containers are damaged, everyone would be exposed to the radiation. Suddenly, Otto falls to his knees, with a very worried look on his face. BEN (shocked): Otto! Are you alright? OTTO (shakes head): Low level radiation... it's interfering with my systems... we are becoming..... visible... The Leader sees the group as they suddenly appear. LEADER (shouts): NOW!!! (points): Plan B, just like we rehearsed! A dozen of the Leader's men fire transquilizer darts in the group's direction, everyone manages to dodge them except for Otto, who is struck by three of them. Within seconds, he lies unconscience on the ground. LEADER (happy): We have them! We have them! BEN (looks at Samantha): Sam, use your collar to take Otto back to Mission Control, the rest of us will deal with the Leader. Samantha nods and leaps on top of her husband. With a loud BOOM!!! she and Otto disappear. LEADER (points): NO!!!! They're getting away! Activate the portable force field generators now! Ben, No36s, Boomerang and Alice begin to open fire on the Leader's troops. Soon, they are pinned down near the communications complex of the plant. BOOMERANG (looks at the others): We can't keep this up forever! We'll run out of ammo! BEN (sadly): And with those force field generators on, I can't teleport us away, or even get a message back to Mission Control! NO36S (looks around, sees a door plague): Hey guys, I got an idea! Alice, do you have that studio cassette that we recorded on ya? ALICE (nods): Yep! Got it right here! NO36S (smiles): Alright then, you two stay here, leave the rest to us! BEN (confused); What are you going to do? NO36S (shouting): No time to explain! C'mon Alice, follow me! Alice follows No36s into the communications center as Ben and Boomerang continue to shoot their laser pistols at the Leader's men. A few minutes later, Alice runs back out to Ben and Boomerang carrying three sets of insolated headphones in his hands. ALICE (hands them out): Put these on quick! Me and No36s fixed them so they'll fit over our dog ears! Ben, Boomerang and Alice put on the strange looking headphones, then Alice waves at No36s, who is waiting inside the building. Suddenly, the plant's entire PA system begins to blare loudly with the sounds of Dogstyle's practice tape. The music is so loud, it causes the Leader and all of this followers to drop to their knees and hold their hands over their ears. No36s runs out to the others, and with hand motions, tells them to round up all the bad guys while the tape is still playing. Boomerang, Alice and Ben nods and within minutes, everyone of the Leader's troops are tied up. When No36s turns the music off, the Leader is very surprised to find himself and all of his men tied up. LEADER (angry): NO! IT CAN'T BE!!! I STOPPED THAT MECHANICAL GERMAN SHEPARD COLD!!!! BEN (smiles): There's more members to our team than just one canine! BOOMERANG (nods): That's right, super geek! NO36S (nods): You could say.. we.. outfoxed ya! ALICE (laughs): Good one! The others laugh as the police arrive on the scene. The scene is now Collie Squardon Headquarters two hours later. Otto has fully recovered and the five members of 'DogStyle' are ready to return to the basement to practice. Ben Maddog comes running towards them. BEN (shouts): Wait, I need to talk to you! Everyone stops as Ben catches up to them. BEN (smiles): The Master told me to give all of you his personal thanks for capturing the Leader, especially to No36s and Alice Kiddman for their fast thinking! NO36S (smiles): Hey, you're welcome, dude! ALICE (nods): Sure, anytime! BEN (smiles): I also talked it over with Uncle Buford and he agrees with me! Alice, No36s, you are both invited to join the Collie Squadron! ALICE (excited): Really? NO36S (happy): ALL RIGHT!!!! BEN (nods): Yes, all of you have proven your worth! Boomerang, there's a spot open for you in the Collie Squadron, if you'd like to join! BOOMERANG: Well, let me think about it, ok Ben? BEN (nods): Alright, I understand. (turns to Alice & No36s): After band practice, you two report to me immediately for your official orientation. NO36S (smiles): Yes sir! ALICE (nods): We'll be there, dude! BEN (happy): Excellent! Welcome to the group! Ben shakes hands with Alice and No36s before he turns around and walks towards the briefing room. The others walk downstairs and begin to practice. Ben walks into the briefing room and sits beside of Uncle Buford. BEN (smiles): Y'know, I think they will make an excellent addition to our team! UNCLE BUFORD (nods): I must agree, Ben! BEN (nods): Those two are quite clever! And we can put one of their inventions to good use right now! UNCLE BUFORD (nods): I'm ready! Sounds like they're starting to play again! Quickly Ben and Uncle Buford each take a set of the headphones they brought back from Three Mile Island and puts them on their heads as the band in the basement plays loudly. --------------------------------------------------------------------------