Copyright 2000 -- Robert Baer Jr. Otto & Sam -- "The Lost Pack Returns -- Part 3" DISCLAIMER Road Rovers characters, names, situations and the Road Rovers universe are the property of Warner Bros. I, nor this script/story are connected with Warner Bros. in any way, shape or form. This document may not be publicized or reproduced in any way, shape or form. It must remain fully intact and may not be altered in anyway. It is strictly used for not-for-profit entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to infringe on any Copyrights. This story is written by Robert Baer Jr and all of the characters from the Space Rovers series, Otto & Sam series, Buford's Collie Squadron series, Renegade Files series and Dinosaur Journal series as well as the "Lost Pack" are all Robert Baer Jr's creations, copyright pending, 1997 - 1999, Ace is a creation of Kevin McLeod, Valor is a creation of Valor Duquense, Marauder is a creation of Jeremy Bass. Otto & Sam -- "The Lost Pack Returns -- Part 3" In the abandoned tunnels of the mine, Princess and Dreadnaught carefully guard their prisoners, the Road Rovers, who are suspended in a steel cage overlooking a deep gorge. BLITZ (pressing his face through the bars): Dreadnaught, old pal, we're both Dobermans, and fellow Germans! PLEASE let me out! I'm scared of heights and I'm too pretty to die! DREADNAUGHT (growls): You're no friend of mine, dumkoff! However, if you'll let ME have Colleen and her sister, then maybe.... COLLEEN (growls): Not on your life, you pervert! SAMANTHA (sadly): I'm not Colleen's sister... DREADNAUGHT (laughs): Have it YOUR way, Rovers! Too bad, it's a shame you all have to die. Shag shakes and jumps into Hunter's arms. Exile is beginning to revive. Otto is still on the floor of the cage, motionless. PRINCESS (sexy voice): Hey, Dready, I'm bored! Let's go over here and have some FUN! DREADNAUGHT (excited): Really? Oh YEAH!! YEAH!!! Now you're talking! PRINCESS (motions with finger): Follow me, handsome dog man! Dreadnaught can hardly contain himself as he slowly follows Princess behind some boulders. To his surprise, the white poodle grabs a wooden club and bashes him on the head with it, knocking him out cold. Princess dashes over to the crane controls and gently lowers the cage down to solid ground. She grabs the key from Dreadnaught's belt and opens the cage door. HUNTER (surprised): I would not have predicted this! No way! BLITZ (jumps out of cage): We are FREE! ACE (shakes head): I don't understand, why are you letting us go? PRINCESS (sadly): I just couldn't go on living like this. After we were captured a few months ago, I was adopted by a kind, loving family with two darling children. I was very happy there until Ultra and his followers took me away. I don't want to harm humans anymore, or even fellow canines. I'd rather be put to sleep than do any more of Ultra's evil bidding. I've set you free because I want you to take me with you! Please take me with you! VALOR (whipsers to Hunter): Can we trust her? HUNTER (whispers back): I think she's telling the truth SAMANTHA (searching around): I found my collar! (puts it on) HUNTER (smiles): Great, Sam, teleport your husband and Exile to Mission Control, they need medical attention. The rest of you will follow me out of this place! Dreadnaught slowly comes to and reaches for his laser pistol. DREADNAUGHT (angry): DEATH TO THE TRAITOR! Princess screams as he aims his pistol, but it's suddenly kicked out of his hand by a large, black boot. He turns around and sees the Gila Monster standing over him. He is enraged, grabs Dreadnaught by the throat and slams him against a wall GILA MONSTER (growls): THAT AIN'T NO WAY TO TREAT A LADY, TWERP! STARLIGHT (gallops over to him): Take it easy, Gila, he's harmless now GILA MONSTER (angry): I'll make sure of that! The Gila swings his 2 x 4 and bashes Dreadnaught in the head with it, and laughs as he falls in a heap on the floor COLLEEN (surprised): Was that really neccassary, Gila? GILA MONSTER (wide grin): Yep, it sure makes ME feel better! Princess is still very shaken, instinctively she runs over and hugs the Gila Monster tightly. He's so shocked by this that he's speechless. A loud BOOM!!!! shakes the mine as Samantha uses her collar to teleport herself, Otto and Exile away. VALOR (sternly): Starlight, Gila, weren't you two supposed to be guarding our plane? STARLIGHT (smiles): We made it invisible, and when we saw Ultra and his gang departing, we knew you were all in danger so we came here. HUNTER (points to a van): Look, at least Ultra left us some wheels! Starlight, you zap Ace and Valor back to their plane. The rest of us will follow Ultra in this van. STARLIGHT (nods): Got it, Hunter! I'll run along side and lead you to him! I'm still tracking their stolen army transport. HUNTER (smiles): Ok, let's move out, Rovers! All of the Road Rovers howl in unison. Ace and Valor are soon in their plane and ready to take off. The others are in Ultra's van, Starlight runs along side them, communicating with them through the van's CB radio. Colleen is driving, Hunter is in the seat next to her. Blitz and Shag are seated in the middle seats, Shag is strapped in with three seatbelts and whimpers continuously. The Gila Monster and Princess sit quietly in the back seat. COLLEEN (sees Shag in rear view mirror): Really Shag, my driving isn't THAT bad! HUNTER (searchs wallet): My donor card is here someplace... COLLEEN (looks at camera): Now THERE'S your comedy! BLITZ (points, screams): Pretty she dog, watch out for those boulders! COLLEEN (turns around): Hey, where'd we pick up this bloomin' hitchhiker? BLITZ (frowns): I'm Blitz! You know me! COLLEEN (shakes head): Sorry, gov... BLITZ (sadly): I give up.... STARLIGHT (on CB): Hunter, I've lost Ultra, but I think I can calculate his possible route. He would seem to be heading in the direction of Las Vegas... HUNTER (puzzled): Las Vegas? Why would he go there? BLITZ (smiles): Lots of people there, lots of toochies to bite! GILA MONSTER (sarcastic): Exile isn't here, so I'll say it, don't be a weird boy! BLITZ (shocked): HEY! COLLEEN (nods): So THAT'S your name! Rather odd name for a dog, but .... STARLIGHT (on CB): Hunter, Ace and Valor are going to land at the Las Vegas Airport. They have found no traces of Ultra from the air. Wait....I'm receiving an emergency's Ultra! I'll patch you in.. ULTRA (voice through CB Radio): Citizens of Las Vegas, my name is Ultra. By now, you've heard that the Army is missing a few new missles. My followers and I have them, and if we're not paid the amount of one billion dollars in exactly one hour, I'll use the missles to destroy your fair city! To prove to you that we're not bluffing, watch the sky as one of the missles flies to destroy the abandoned McRae Warehouse on the outskirts of town. STARLIGHT (on CB): I'm detecting a launch! Missile is heading towards the McRae Warehouse. It's moving too fast for me to intercept it. A loud explosion is heard, soon a pillar of smoke is rising on the horizon. Princess turns her head and cries on the Gila Monster's shoulder. ULTRA (through CB): You see! That's what will happan to Las Vegas if our demands are not met! You have one hour! HUNTER (picks up CB mike): Starlight, were you able to trace the origin of the radio signal? STARLIGHT (on CB): Negative, Hunter, he had it well scrambled. However, I was able to pinpoint the launch site of that missile. Shall I teleport us all there? HUNTER (on CB mike): Yes, Starlight, and zap Ace and Valor to that location as well. This time, it's OUR turn for the element of surprise! A few minutes later, Hunter, Colleen, Shag, Blitz, Ace, Valor, Princess, the Gila Monster and Starlight are standing near the entrance of a dude ranch a few miles from Las Vegas. HUNTER (looks up at Starlight): Starlight, are you sure the missile came from here? STARLIGHT (nods): My calculations are exact. This is the place. COLLEEN (looks around): That's odd! If this is a real dude ranch, where are all the people? VALOR (nods): Good point, Colleen. I don't see anyone, either. ACE (points): Look! Did you guys see that? BLITZ (sarcasticly): See what, fly boy? ACE (stands up): I saw something move over there near the barn! GILA MONSTER (nods): I seed it too! I'm a gone after it! HUNTER (shakes head): Wait, Gila. Something doesn't seem right here. Let's all sneak over there, SLOWLY and quietly. Starlight, can you keep us invisible? STARLIGHT (nods): Can do, Hunter! The group moves slowly along the front yard of the dude ranch, until, without warning, a trap door opens beneath them. The Gila Monster picks up Princess and jumps to safety while the rest of the group falls into the huge pit. Starlight hits the bottom first, her head striking a rock and knocking her out. Within seconds, the pit as well as the Gila and Princess are surrounded by the Lost Pack. ULTRA (huge smile): You see, everyone! I just knew we'd have company! KING (nods): So that's why we set all of these traps around! ULTRA (looks at Princess and the Gila Monster): Princess? What happaned? Did they overpower you and make you their prisoner? GILA MONSTER (nods): YUP! That's what happaned alright! We brought her along because .... DIZZY (shakes head): The green guy's lying! SPIKE (nods): Dizzy's right! Princess is a traitor! ULTRA (shakes head): You disappoint me, Princess, after all we've done for you. Oh well, Tungstun, kill her and the lizard man! TUNGSTUN (nods): I obey, Ultra! Tungstun runs towards them, the Gila Monster whacks him over the head with his 2 x 4, causing it to break in two. GILA MONSTER (growls): AT LAST! A CHALLENGE! As Tungstun and the Gila Monster begin to battle, the scene switches to the pit, where the others try to revive Starlight. HUNTER (shakes Starlight): Starlight! Starlight! COLLEEN (sadly): No good, Huntie, she's out cold! I better bandage her head, looks like she's bleeding... BLITZ (panics): I want to go home now! ACE (looks around): Stay calm, everyone VALOR (looks around): Ace is right! We'll figure a way out of here! The scene switches to the yard, where the other members of the Lost Pack watch as Tungstun and the Gila Monster continue to battle. The much larger Tungstun swings punches at the Gila, who is quite agile and gets in a few punches of his own. Princess hides behind a farm tractor as the two fight. Tungstun finally lands a punch to the Gila's head that sends him flying through the air towards the barn. GILA MONSTER (huge grin): Now THIS is FUN! MY TURN!! The Gila runs towards Tungstun, swinging his fists and then (to Tungstun's surprise) rams his head into his stomach, sending the huge Irish Wolfhound to the ground in pain. GILA MONSTER (laughs): The bigger they is, the dumber they are! Tungstun slowly stands on his feet and continues to fight. Tungstun and the Gila are fighting so intensely, they don't notice the two Road Rovers who have snuck up behind Ultra and his followers. EXILE (growls): FREEZE!! Exile uses his ice vision to instantly freeze Rico, Spike and Monica in their tracks. SAMANTHA (growls loudly, points at Judy): You're the one who shot my husband! JUDY (sexy voice): Yeah, so what, you tramp! Samantha flattens Judy with a spinning heal kick. Dizzy and Lady grab her by her arms, she does a backflip and sends both of them to ground. King runs towards her, only to get decked by Samantha's fist. Ultra picks up a remote control box and pushs it's buttons. ULTRA (laughs): Road Rovers, I've set the other five missiles to an automatic launch sequence. The missiles will fly towards Las Vegas in thirty seconds. You can capture us, or stop the missiles, you're choice! EXILE (growls): I turn you into a dogsickle, you twisted clownski! ULTRA (laughs): Go ahead, husky, but you're running out of time, Rovers! (whisltes): Let's go, guys! Tungstun throws the Gila into a haystack and then runs towards Ultra. He uses his mighty fists to break Rico, Monica and Spike out of the ice as he runs by them. EXILE (points): Comrade Sam, the baddest guys are getting away! SAMANTHA (shakes head): We have to stop the missiles first! Thousands of innocent humans could die! Samantha uses her collar to 'zap' all the others out of the pit. HUNTER (smiles): Way to go, Sam! SAMANTHA (looks at Starlight): She's hurt! VALOR (looks around): We haven't got time, we must find those missile launchers! ACE (points): I see them! They're all in the barn! VALOR (looks at watch): Five seconds to launch! GILA MONSTER (growls): No time to waste! Time for me to use my head again! The Gila Monster runs at full speed and rams his head into the first launcher. Since all five launchers are sitting side by side, the impact on the first knocks all the others down. This causes the automatic launch systems to deactivate. PRINCESS (screams): GILA!! GET OUT OF THERE!! THOSE MISSILES COULD EXPLODE!!! COLLEEN (screams): Blimey! Exile quickly runs over to the barn and instantly freezes all the missiles and their launchers. HUNTER (nods): That's it, Exile! That'll stop them cold! EXILE (grabs the Gila by the shoulders and drags him outside): I got Comrade Gila! He not look so goodski.. HUNTER (turns to Sam): Sam, we have to get our wounded back to headquarters! Can you teleport us all back there? SAMANTHA (nods): Will do, Hunter, sir! ACE (smiles): I've radioed the local authorities, they'll on their way to clean up this mess and return the missiles to the Army. HUNTER (shouts): To the POWER of the PACK! All of the Rovers howl in unison. The scene switches back to Mission Control, three hours later. In the medical ward, Marauder, Kyra, Professor Hubert and Uncle Buford are tending to all the injured. Samantha is at Otto's bedside. Marauder walks into the room. SAMANTHA (urgently): Mr Marauder, sir, please tell me, how's my husband? MARAUDER (looks at clipboard): Sam, your husband sustained major electrical overload to his primary systems as well as various burns and bruises. Uncle Buford replaced many of his computer components, and I treated his wounds. His power level is low, he'll need time to recharge, but other than that, he'll be fine! SAMANTHA (hugs Marauder): Thank you, sir! In another room, Uncle Buford and Kyra are tending to Starlight. UNCLE BUFORD (pats Starlight on his shoulder): Steady, steady girl! That's a good horse! KYRA (wraps Starlight's head with a fresh bandage): Just hold still, you'll be alright STARLIGHT (faintly): My systems diagnosis says that I have sustained a cranial injury. KYRA (nods): Yes, you have a slight concussion, otherwise, you're fine! In another room, the Gila Monster lies in a hospltal bed. He has been out cold since his arrival. He slowly opens his eyes and sees a familar face standing over him. GILA MONSTER (weakly): Princess? PRINCESS (nods): Yes, Gila, it's me! How are you feeling? GILA MONSTER (slight smile): Like I got ran over by two tractor-trailers! What are you doing in my room? PRINCESS (reaches for Gila's hand): I had to thank you for saving me in the mine shaft. No one has ever stood up for me like that. Ultra and his pack never would've done that for me.... GILA MONSTER (slight smile): My pleasure, ma'am. What's going to happan to you now? PRINCESS (smiles): I've spoken to the Master, he says that in light of the help I gave to the Road Rovers, the authorities have agreed to let me off with supervised probation, provided that I join the Road Rovers! GILA MONSTER (weakly): You're going to join them, aren't you? PRINCESS (sadly): I don't know. I've commited many crimes when I was with Ultra. Maybe I should just let them put me to sleep. GILA MONSTER (stands up in bed): YOU AIN'T GONNA DO THAT! You can change your ways! I'll helps you all I can! PRINCESS (smiles): You REALLY mean that, don't you? GILA MONSTER (smiles): I sure does! PRINCESS (smiles): Oh, Gila, you're the best! Princess hugs the Gila Monster as Kyra walks in. KYRA (clears throat): Am I interrupting anything? PRINCESS (turns to Kyra): Nope! KYRA (looks at clipboard): Er.... right......Gila, you're free to leave! I don't know how you sustained all of those bruises, but ... GILA MONSTER (jumps out of bed): I'M OUTTA HERE! PRINCESS (looks at Gila): That's wonderful! Would you please show me around Mission Control? If I'm going to be a Road Rover, I'll need to know my way around here! GILA MONSTER (huge grin): I'll be more than happy to shows you around! First, I needs to go to my locker and gets my spare 2 x 4. I feels really strange if I ain't gots my lumber with me! Princess and the Gila Monster walk out of the medical ward together, arm in arm. The scene switchs back to Otto's room. OTTO (opens eyes): My tatical data indicates that Ultra and his followers have eluded capture... SAMANTHA (wildly happy): That's MY OTTO!! Samantha gives her husband a hug. Meanwhile, in the hallway, the Master and Hunter are talking. MASTER (pointing at a map of Neveda): Hunter, the remaining ten members of the Lost Pack are still at large. The Road Rover satelite has scanned this entire area and have found nothing. HUNTER (looks at the Master): Don't worry, Master. Whenever and whereever Ultra and the Lost Pack show up again, the Road Rovers will stop them! (turns to the others): We're dogs with a mission, we're Road Rovers! All of the Rovers howl in unison. -----------------------------------------------------------------