Copyright 2000 --- Robert Baer Jr. The Lost Pack -- "A Lucky Day -- Part 2" DISCLAIMER Road Rovers characters, names, situations and the Road Rovers universe is the property of Warner Bros. I I, nor this script/story are connected with Warner Bros. in any way, shape or form. This document may not be publicized or reproduced in any way, shape or form. It must remain fully intact and may not be altered in anyway. It is strictly used for not-for-profit entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to infringe on any Copyrights. This story is written by Robert Baer Jr and the characters Ultra, Dizzy, Spike, Dreadnaught, Rico, King, Tungstun, Judy, Lady, Monica, Lucky, Otto, Samantha Maddog, Linda Maddog, Ben Maddog, Glia Monster and all of the characters of the Lost Pack are all Robert Baer Jr's creations, copyright 1997-1998. DJ is a creation of Jake Williams. Alethia is a creation of Kylen Miles. Cobber is a creation of Mike Browner. Star is a creation of Kathrine Gore, Dylan and Jazz are creations of Dylan Rinald. Misty Maddog is a creation of Bart Walls. Dawn is a creation of Diane L. The Lost Pack -- "A Lucky Day -- Part 2" The Lost's Pack stolen spaceship, the "Space Rover" is now brought to a dead stop near Pluto. The scene now shifts to the bridge. ULTRA (smiles): This is PERFECT!!! We can stay here to finish restarting all of this ship's systems, and then.. KING (smiles): And then we attack the Earth! ULTRA (nods): Exactly! This time we'll attack from the safety of this ship, we won't repeat the mistakes we made last time... (turns to Judy): Judy! Have Dizzy and Dreadnaught finished reactivating the forward lasers? JUDY (shakes head): Dizzy is working alone, Dreadnaught went to relieve Monica and Rico in the brig.. ULTRA (angry): WHAT????? I don't want that testosterone driven doberman NEAR the prisoners! They have to be unharmed if we're going to use them as bargaining chips! (turns to Tungstun): Go to the brig now before he does something stupid! As Tungstun nods and enters the elevator, the scene changes to the brig. Lucky is sitting on a chair, staring at Cobber through the holding cell's force field. She slowly wants over to it. LUCKY (sweetly): Cobber? May I have half a mo' with ya? COBBER (turns, growls): I got nothin' to say to you, Lucky! LUCKY (tearing up): Don't say that, Cobber! Please, join us, turn against the Road Rovers so you and me can be together! COBBER (growls): I'd rather be tarred and feathered than turn on me chums! LUCKY (crying): Don't you see? I LOVE YOU!!! I've loved you from the moment we first met! COBBER (angry): I'm already taken, Lucky! My heart belongs to Sheena.. LUCKY (furious): SHEENA!! SHEENA!!! I'm sick of hearing that name!!! She's just a scruffy old she-mutt that needs the daylights beat out of her! (growls): Fine then, die with the others! As Lucky turns her back on Cobber, Dreadnaught continues to stare at the female captives. ALETHIA (growls): Take a picture, it'll last longer! STAR (growls): Stop looking at me like that, creep! DAWN (growls): Want me to put your lights out, for good? DREADNAUGHT (drooling): Oh BABY, BABY!! (points at Misty): I vant HER!!! MISTY (in shock): ME???? ALETHIA (protesting): But she's just a kid! WARRIOR (jumps in front of Misty): LEAVE HER AND THE OTHER ALONE!! DJ (growls): YEAH!! COBBER (stands in front of the others): BUGGER OFF, DREADNAUGHT!! DREADNAUGHT (points): I vant her! I vant the Collie! LUCKY (runs over, takes Dreadnaught by the shirt): Stop that! We're supposed to guard the prisoners, not .. DREADNAUGHT (angry): I vhat ver YOU doing vith Cobber? LUCKY (stuttering): Well.... I...... DREADNAUGHT (smiles): I make deal vith you! I'll take dee collie, you can have the kelpie! As Lucky nods in agreement, Tungstun walks in. TUNGSTUN (points): Dreadnaught, you're supposed to be helping reenergize the laser storage banks with Dizzy! Go now, I will take your place! DREADNAGHT (shakes head): NO! I vant to see duh babes! TUNGSTUN (lifting Dreadnaught off the ground by his shirt collar): If you DON'T go now, you will be seeing STARS!!! DREADNAUGHT (whimpers): Ok...ok....let me down... PLEASE let me down... you're wrinkling my fur! When Tungstun releases him, Dreadnaught runs away whining. LUCKY (looks at Tungstun): Will you watch the prisoners while I go to the little girl's room? When Tungstun nods, Lucky walks away. Tungstun sits down all looks into the holding cell and sees Misty crying. He watches as Alethia hugs the weeping young collie, tears form in his eyes. ALETHIA (whispers): It's alright Misty... we won't let that dirty doberman lay a paw on you! DJ (whispers to Cobber and Dawn): Look at Tungstun! He seems to be ... crying... COBBER (whispers): I don't get it! I thought all Lost Packers were evil! DAWN (shakes head): Remember Princess? She turned over to the side of good! STAR (whispers): Dawny has a point. I wish we could know what he's thinking.. MISTY (wipes tears from her eyes): We can! Shhhhhh. I need to concentrate. Misty closes her eyes and begins to read Tungstun's mind. She sees how as a young dog, Tungstun witnessed the brutal murder of his first owner and how the murdered stabbed him and left him for dead. She sees how his next owner treated him brutally, whipping him and making him fight for their pleasure. She also sees how he longs to be accepted for who he is, not because of his fighting prowess. She also sees the genuine concern he has for her, she sees how seeing the inside of Mission Control and watching Ultra and the Lost Pack all this time has made him wish that he could be a 'kind' and 'friendly' dog, like the Road Rovers were. ALETHIA (whispers): Misty? What do you see? MISTY (shocked, whispers): Tungstun has lived a terrible life, in his heart he wants to leave the Lost Pack and be a 'good' dog! DJ (shakes head): You've got to be kidding! COBBER (shakes head): THAT bloak? He's a monster! WARRIOR (sadly): I know what he's feeling. I felt the same way when Parvo created me in his lab, but Muzzle talked sense into me. Maybe one of us can do the same for Tungstun.. DAWN (whispers): But who would he listen to? ALETHIA (smiles): I'll give it a whirl! Alethia stands up and walks over to the edge of the force field. ALETHIA (smiles); Y'know Tungstun, I couldn't help but notice that you look very sad, what's wrong. TUNGSTUN (sadly): I don't like the way that Dreadnaught upset your collie friend. That is no way to treat a female! ALETHIA (nods): You really mean that, don't you? TUNGSTUN (nods): Yes ALETHIA (smiles): You really wish you could leave Ultra's group, don't you? TUNGSTUN (surprised): But how did you ... (sadly, nods): Yes, it is true. Why are you asking me these questions? I am your enemy. ALETHIA (smiles): You're a fellow canine, Tungstun, and I truly believe deep down in your heart, you don't want to be anyone's enemy TUNGSTUN (looks up at her): Alethia, no one has ever spoken such kind words to me before. (sadly) Everyone treats me like some sort of freak, a monster with no feelings... (smiles): Thank you for caring ALETHIA (nods): You're welcome, Tungstun. Y'know, you really don't have to .... Dreadnaught returns. DREADNAUGHT (smiles): I finished vith my vork! NOW for some FUN!!! Misty hides behind DJ, sobbing. DREADNAUGHT (shakes head): I don't vant the collie anymore! (points at Alethia); I vant HER!! ALETHIA (shocked): What??? DJ (growls): NO WAY!!! COBBER (growls): STAY AWAY FROM HER!!! WARRIOR (growls): NOW SEE HERE YOU GERMAN DON JUAN!! TUNGSTUN (upset): Ultra says we're supposed to GUARD the prisoners. not... DREADNAUGHT (smiles): What Ultra don't know von't hurt him! (hands Tungstun a laser rifle): I'll lower the force field and grab the spitz, you cover me! When the force field is lowered, Dreadnaught grabs Alethia by the arm, pulls her out and turns the force field back on before the others can react. DREADNAUGHT (evil grin): NOW, MY DEAR ALETHIA, YOU ARE MINE!!! Tungstun takes his laser rifle and bashes Dreadnaught in the head with it, knocking him out cold. TUNGSTUN (turns to Alethia): You have been kind to me, I will not let this monster harm you, or your friends. ALETHIA (sternly): Ultra wants to destroy the Earth, will you help us stop him? TUNGSTUN (nods): You are actually giving me a choice. No one has ever given me a choice in my whole life! ALETHIA (smiles): That's one thing we Road Rovers fight for, it's called freedom. It's the right to make your own choices without someone forcing you to. Do you understand? TUNGSTUN (nods): I like this freedom that you speak of.. (smiles): Freedom feels good! ALETHIA (looks around): So, will you help us? TUNGSTUN (nods): Yes, but we must hurry! Ultra plans on firing on the Earth without warning before any of the world's governments can act to stop him! Tungstun walks over and deactivates the force field. TUNGSTUN (opens a locker): And all of your weapons are in here! As he hands Cobber the Sword of Canis and Misty her collar, Lucky walks in. LUCKY (growls): TRAITOR!!! YOU'RE A TRAITOR, TUNGSTUN!!! Lucky fires her laser pistol at the huge Irish Wolfhound. He looks down at her and laughs TUNGSTUN (laughs): You think THAT will hurt me? Guess again! How do you think I got the name Tungstun? He grabs Lucky and throws her into the now empty holding cell and turns on the force field. TUNGSTUN (motions): Hurry! Follow me! As the Rovers are ready to leave, suddenly a glowing figure appears before them. When the glowing stops, everyone can see it's Dino-Sapien Bob of the Space Rovers. COBBER (surprised): BOB!!! What in blazes are you doin' here, mate? BOB (sternly): The Canius Minor is here, but it's in invisible mode. The force field on this ship is too strong for us to teleport our entire security team over here, so I used my powers to come over instead. STAR (sadly): Too bad you couldn't bring more help with you. BOB (smiles): Who says I didn't? Bob carefully removes his jacket and hat, placing them on the floor. The two articles of clothing soon 'morph' into Numbia and Poncho. DJ (shocked); WOW!! Great disguises! MISTY (surprised): THAT'S AMAZING!!! NUMBIA (nods): Thank you, Misty! MISTY (happy): Can you teach me to do that? PONCHO (shakes head): No, sorry senorita.. (sees Tungstun, draws laser pistol): TUNGSTUN!!! ALETHIA (shouts): It's ok Poncho, he's on our side now! DAWN (points to the wall): What's that! Everyone looks in the direction Dawn is pointing, through the wall walks Linda Maddog. MISTY (shouting): SISTER!!! How did you get here? LINDA (hugging Misty): No time to explain. I've been to the bridge, Ultra is moving this ship into position to .. ALETHIA (nods): We know, Linda, we know. (smiles): I have a plan, gather around ... The scene now shifts to the bridge, where Ultra sits in the captain's chair with Judy on his knee. Lady and King are at the helm controls, Spike is at the science station. ULTRA (smiles at Judy): Judy my darling, when we take over the earth, remind me to buy you a new dress... something a little... shorter? JUDY (smiles, sexy voice): Oh Ultra, you say the kindest things! LADY (under her breath): Slut.... JUDY (ears perk up): What did you say, Lady? LADY (turns around): I said you're a slut! JUDY (smiles): Thanks for the compliment, skank! LADY (jumps up): Why you little.... ULTRA (separating the two): That's enough you two. Lady, get back to the helm, Judy, return to the communications console, I want to know if any stations on Earth have detected us yet! King! Ease us into position, I want to destroy Washington DC first! King nods, Lady and Judy exchange icy stares and then return to their stations. Tungstun, Dreadnaught and Lucky emerge from the elevator and stand behind Ultra. ULTRA (sees them); Good! You're just in time Tungstun, get over to the weapons console and prepare to fire our forward lasers at Washington! Dreadnaught! You're done with the repairs so soon? Dreadnaught nods as Tungstun moves over to the weapons console, Lucky walks over to the other side of the bridge. LUCKY (points); Crickey! This place is a bloomin' mess! I'll tidy it up a bit! Ultra's eyes grow huge as he watches Lucky bending over to pick up debrios from off the floor. Lady and Judy growl louder as they sees Ultra's smile grow wider and wider. SPIKE (looking at monitor): Ultra! We have a problem.... ULTRA (still staring at Lucky): Not NOW, Spike! SPIKE (turns to him); You really need to look at this! ULTRA (still staring at Lucky): I said NOT NOW!! SPIKE (puts hand on his shoulder): But Ultra... ULTRA (grabs Spike by the collar): You make one more sound, and I'm tossing you out the nearest airlock! GO AWAY!! As Ultra pushes Spike away, Tungstun's weapon console explodes in a fountain of electrical sparks, causing him to fall to the floor. TUNGSTUN (to himself): Good! This means Alethia and the others are sabatoging the ship's systems! ULTRA (turns around); What's going on? Tungstun! What happened? TUNGSTUN (looks surprised): I don't know sir, I was targeting the laser cannons and ... SPIKE (shouts): ULTRA!!! LOOK AT THIS!!! Spike puts an image up on the front viewer, it should Alethia, DJ, Cobber and the other Rovers in the Engineering section disabling all the laser banks and torpedo launchers. Warrior, Star and Dawn have Dizzy and Rico tied up in the background. ULTRA (furious): NO!!! THE PRISONERS HAVE ESCAPED!!!! (turns to Spike): WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME??? SPIKE (defensive): I tried to, but you were too busy staring at Lucky's ... ULTRA (shouts): SHUT UP!!! (angry): Show me the brig! Spike pushes a few buttons, and now the brig is visible on the front viewer. They can clearly see Lucky and Dreadnaught banging on the walls screaming to get out. ULTRA (turns to Dreadnaught & Lucky): If they are in the brig, WHO ARE YOU TWO? TUNGSTUN (shouts); NOW!! The 'Lucky' and "Dreadnaught' on the bridge instantly morph into Numbia and Poncho as Tungstun takes his laser rifle and fires at the consoles all over the bridge. ULTRA (ducking behind the captain's chair): TUNGSTUN!! YOU'LL DIE FOR THIS!!! Numbia and Poncho quickly handcuff King, Lady, Spike and Judy as Alethia and DJ enter from the elevator. ALETHIA (smiles); Tungstun! We have rounded up all the other ... TUNGSTUN (jumping): LOOK OUT!!! Ultra emerges from behind the captain's chair and fires almost point blank at Alethia, the leaping Tungstun manages to block the shot with his huge body as he falls to the floor, DJ fires back, knocking the laser pistol out of Ultra's hand. DJ (smiles): You're very lucky I'm in a good mood, Ultra! Hands up now! ALETHIA (kneeling): Tungstun! Are you alright? The huge Irish Wolfhound nods and Alethia begins to check all of the bridge's computer screens. ALETHIA (shocked); You did too good of a job damaging the systems, Tungstun, the main power grid is about to overload and I can't stop it! This whole ship's gonna blow in less than a minute! NUMBIA (shocked): With the force fields down, the Canius Minor can teleport us out of here! PONCHO (looking at monitor): It's no good, my desert flower! The force field controls are locked, I can't get them down! TUNGSTUN (concerned): What about the escape pods? ALETHIA (shakes head): They were all removed at Alpha Base DJ (brightens): The shuttlebay! We can escape aboard one of the shuttles! ALETHIA (nods): Good idea! Let's go! PONCHO (nods): I'll contact Bob and have the others meet us at the shuttle bay! The elevator is crowded with Alethia, Tungstun, DJ, Poncho, Numbia in it along with the handcuffed Ultra, Judy, Spike, King and Lady. When the doors open, Ultra shouts NOW!!! and the five Lost Pack members push the Road Rovers over and rush in all directions out of the elevator car. TUNGSTUN (growls, stands up): There's getting away! ALETHIA (stands up): We have no time to recapture them! Everyone to the shuttle bay, hurry! Alethia, DJ, Poncho, Numbia and Poncho are reunited with Cobber, Star, Dawn, Bob, Misty, Linda and Warrior in the shuttlecraft bay. COBBER (points): Only one shuttlecraft here! Our only ticket off this floating time bomb! ALETHIA (looks around): Where are the other Lost Pack members? STAR (growls): They all got away! DAWN (nods): Yeah, Lucky and Dreadnaught jumped us when we turned the force field off, Dizzy threw a smoke bomb and ... WARRIOR (points): We must be going NOW! HURRY!! The Rovers get inside the shuttle craft and take off. DJ steers it away from the doomed ship and towards the now visible Canius Minor. PERSIA (on screen): DJ! Hurry! Get your shuttle aboard my ship so we can all warp out of here! DJ (nods): I'm giving it all she has, Captain! I hope you have a huge air bag in your shuttlebay! DJ lands the shuttle inside as a huge airbag deploys all around it. The scene switches to the Canius Minor's bridge. WHITEY (looking on monitor): We have the shuttle aboard! Shuttle bay doors are secured! PERSIA (shouts): BOOMER!! WARP SPEED NOW!!! BOOMER (nods): Aye aye, Captain! WHITEY (looks at Persia): Captain, we are fortunate that Daisy and Flash installed those emergency airbags in shuttlebay C. PERSIA (nods): They sure earned their salaries today! Boomer, keep us a safe distance from the Space Rover! They are soon joined by Bob, DJ, Warrior and Cobber. PERSIA (points): Excellent work, gentlemen! You stopped Ultra and his gang! WHITEY (looking at monitor): Captain! A small wormhole is forming directly in front of the Space Rover! They are drifting into it! BOB (shouting); NO!! How can that be? COBBER (sadly): That's right, Professor Hubert installed that wormhole gizmo on the Space Rover when we came after you bloaks a few months ago! WARRIOR (growls): We knocked out all their other systems but that one! PERSIA (sternly): Boomer, can we follow them into it? Whitey, can you get a reading on... WHITEY (sadly): Too late, the wormhole has closed. Unable to determine where the Space Rover is now.. DJ (happy); Good riddence! That ship was about to explode anyway! PERSIA (sternly); I wouldn't be too sure of that, DJ. Uitra and his followers are very resourceful. I really don't think we've seen the last of the Lost Pack Now the scene shifts to sick bay, where the Rovers are receiving treatment for their various minor injuries. Tungstun sits alone with his hand covering part of his forearm when Alethia walks over to him. ALETHIA (smiles): Tungstun, do you need medical treatment? TUNGSTUN (shakes head): No, I am fine... ALETHIA (points): HEY! Your forearm is bleeding! TUNGSTUN (lowers head): It's nothing..... Alethia grabs a first aide kit from the wall and takes Tungstun's arm. ALETHIA (sternly): Hold still, I'll put a sterile dressing on it and wrap it all up with gauze TUNGSTUN (shocked): You... you actually care about me? ALETHIA (nods): Of course I do, Tungstun. You saved my life twice back there on the Space Rover and... TUNGSTUN (smiles): And you are a very kind person, thank you, Alethia! The scene now shifts to Road Rover Mission Control, several hours later. Dylan, Jazz and Marauder share a happy reunion with their comrades. DYLAN (happy): DJ! COBBER! ALETHIA!! It's good to see that you're all safe! DJ (nods); No sweat, Dylan! COBBER (nods); A piece of cake! ALETHIA (rolls eyes): Yeah, right.... JAZZ (hugging Misty): Oh Misty! I worried so much about you! MISTY (smiles): I missed you too, Jazz! MARAUDER (hugs Linda): I didn't know where you were! Why didn;t you tell me that you LINDA (smiles): There was no time! I barely had enough time to climb up Prairie Rose's arm and ... (sadly); How is she gettign along? MARUADER (smiles): She has a few second degree burns and a few cracked ribs. She'll be fine in a few weeks. Persia and Grunt motion to Alethia to join them. She sits down at their table. PERSIA (smiles): Alethia, Tungstun is going to need a lot of help adjusting to his new Road Rover lifestyle. Much like Princess had the Gila Monster to guide her in her transition, Tungstun will need your help. ALETHIA (shocked): Me? Why me? Why not Warrior or DJ or Cobber or... PERSIA (smiles); I have read his mind, he trusts you completely, and much more than he trusts anyone else in his life right now. ALETHIA (nods): I could sense that he likes me, but is it.... PERSIA (shakes head): No Alethia, Tungstun is an emotional mess at this moment. He doesn't know what freediom is let alone what true love feels like. ALETHIA (smiles); So, I'm really in a sense of the word, his 'father-figure'? PERSIA (nods): For now, but he does care very deeply about you. He may even go out of his way to prtect you from harm. ALETHIA (smiles): Like having a seven foot bodyguard, right? PERSIA (smiles): Right! (whispers): Don't be afraid of him, he may look like a giant, but he has a heart of gold, thanks to you! ALETHIA (whispers): Are you going to marry YOUR bodyguard? PERSIA (glances over at Grunt): Well.... let's just say I'm open to the possibility Grunt smiles widely when he hears this, Alethia nods and walks over to Tungstun. TUNGSTUN (smiles); Good news! The Master has arranged for me to be on probation! That means I'll have to be under constant watch, but I can understand why. I have committed many crimes.. ALETHIA (sits next to him): Tungstun, would you mind if I stayed here, to help you get oriented with your new position as a Road Rover? TUNGSTUN (smiles): I would be honored, Alethia! Yes, teach me your wisdom and all about this thing you call freedom! I will be a willing pupil! ALETHIA (nods): Alright! We'll find you some living quarters and ... At that moment, Blitz walks over to them and sees Tungstun! BLITZ (screaming): HELP!!! HELP!!!! IT'S DEE LOST PACK!!!! EVERYONE RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!! ALETHIA (laughs as Blitz runs away): Rule Number one, scaring Blitz is acceptable behavior! TUNGSTUN (nods): I understand! HUNTER (shouting out): TO THE POWER OF THE PACK!!! All of the Rovers howl in unison ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------