Copyright 2004 - Robert Baer Jr., Kristen Coughlan, Gerhard Naudé, Jerimy Bass The New Apartheid The Road Rovers are property of Warner Bros. This story is written by Robert Baer Jr., Kristen Coughlan, Gerhard Naudé, and Jerimy Bass. This story is for entertainment proposes only and not for profit. Collie Squadron, Tammy, and Zac are property of Robert Baer Jr. Marauder is property of Jerimy Bass. Cape Hunting Dogs Unit are property of Kristen Coughlan. Unit STRIKE and Adriaan Vorster are property of Gerhard Naudé The New Apartheid PROLOGUE CAPE ARGUS - PREJUDICE AGAINST MUTANTS ON THE INCREASE Mutants in major cities are becoming the victims of discrimination and racism, which has been steadily on the increase in the past few months and spurred on by comments by Adriaan Vorster, the Finance Minister... THE SOWETAN - ANTI-MUTANT LEGISLATION PROPOSED In Parliament today, the Minister of Finance, Adriaan Vorster, proposed a new legislation that would marginalize mutants throughout the Republic. "We need to protect South Africa from this new invasion," the Minister was quoted. His words were echoed by many members in the ANC and other political parties, including President Thabo Mbeki... THE WASHINGTON POST - MUTANT RIOT IN JOHANNESBURG 19 people, among them 5 mutants, were killed and 147 injured in vicious riots in Johannesburg following clashes between pro- and anti-mutant protestors. It is the worst rioting since the Apartheid era... DIE BURGER - CARBOMB AT MUTANT APARTMENTS KILLS 12 A massive car bomb exploded at a mutant apartment complex in Durban yesterday, killing 12, all mutants. Police declined to comment on the source of the attack, though some suspect right-wing anti-mutant militia groups... THE STAR - LEGISLATION APPROVED In an unanimous decision, parliament has adopted the new Mutant Control Legislation which would bar mutants from voting, having jobs and homes. The legislation, proposed earlier by Finance Minister Adriaan Vorster, was carried through with no votes against it or abstains... WALL STREET JOURNAL - GLOBAL PROTEST AGAINST SOUTH AFRICA US President Hillary Clinton lead a global protest by world leaders against the new legislation against mutants in South Africa. Protest rallies were also held in London, New York, Tokyo and other major cities... USA TODAY SPECIAL REPORT - SOUTH AFRICA: THE NEW APARTHEID Pass laws. Group areas acts. Segregation. Concentration camps. The dark pasts of South Africa have come back to enslave, this time, innocent cano-sapiens, felo-sapiens and other non-humans in the country. Following legislation approved by the South African parliament, non humans throughout South Africa have become victims of unheard-of discrimination and racism. Sadly, this time all of South Africa's people, black, white, colored and Asian, support this so-called "New Apartheid"... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The scene is a warf near Cape Town on a Saturday morning. A small white powerboat is moving towards the docks. On the deck are two cano- sapiens: Zac, the tall German Shephard and his wife Tammy, the black and white border collie. Zac (steering the boat): Tell me again WHY we're taking a boat into the harbor? Tammy (smiling): Oh Zac, don't you remember, this is the same wharf where you and I first met! I was the ace-sniffing dog of the Cape Town police force, and you came along... Zac (big grin): As your bodyguard. Seems some of the criminal element didn't like the way you sniffed out all of their smuggled seafood! I remember now, but back then we were just ordinary dogs Tammy (nods): Ja! But look at us today! Out in the water, celebrating the anniversary of our first meeting! Zac (smiles): I can't wait to see all of our friends back at stationhouse. It's been a long time since we last visited them Tammy (laughs): Hokaii! Remember when we visited them the first time! Ol' Captain Anderson didn't believe it was US! Zac (nods): Ja! It was only after we told them things from our memory that our chums finally believed us! As the boat nears the docks, Zac's comm badge rings. Striker (on comm badge): Striker to Zac! Striker to Zac! Come in! Urgent! Zac (taps comm badge): Zac here! Whatcha doin' on the Space Rover frequency! Striker (on comm badge): Zac! So glad I found you in time! Ya got to stay away from South Africa! A lot has happened since you and Tammy had your last shore leave there Zac (giggles): C'mon Striker! What's so bloody different? Striker (on comm badge): I'm telling you not to go to Cape Town! The new President has outlawed all non-humans from being on the streets! He's having the police round them all up and putting them in concentration camps! Zac (laughs): Hokaii! You must be joking! Tammy (nods): Ja! There's no way our countrymen would ever do anything like that to man's best friend! Striker (on comm badge, shouts): THEY'RE DOING IT! YA GOT TO TURN BACK BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! Zac (sternly): We'll ask Captain Anderson about this when we arrive there! Tammy (determined): We'll get to the bottom of this! Zac (nods): Ja! Tammy's right! We'll find out what's going on! Zac out! Striker (on comm badge): WAIT ZAC! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!! Zac turns his comm badge off as the boat nears the dock. As he jumps to the dock to tie the small boat up, a small crowd begins to gather around. Tammy (concerned): Zac, something doesn't smell right here. Look at all these people! They don't look like a welcoming committee to me Zac (tying the boat): Don't be silly, my love. They can't be after us! Man #1 (in the crowd, pointing): THERE'S TWO MUTANT DOGS! Man #2 (shouts): GET THEM!!! As the crowd now rushes towards them, Tammy and Zac run off in the opposite direction. Tammy (running): Striker was right! Those goonies wanna grab us! Zac (running): Let's get to the stationhouse Tammy! Captain Anderson will straighten out this whole bloody mess! Soon the two swift cano-sapiens manage to elude the crowd. Sneaking in the shadows, they make their way to the stationhouse. Instead of entering through the front door, they crawl in using the open window in Captain Anderson's office. Zac (shouts): Is the Captain there? Tammy (climbing in): Nee! I don't see him Zac (climbing in): We'll just wait here until he comes Tammy and Zac's ears perk up as they can hear the loud conversation taking place in the hallway. Captain Anderson is arguing with his squad. Anderson (angry): Lt Boka, I can't stand what we're being forced to do! Boka (sternly): You know the new law! It was passed by our parliament with the full backing of our Prime Minister! All non-human sapien creatures are to be rounded up and sent away! We are police officers, sworn to uphold the law (sadly) even if we don't agree with it Anderson (shakes head): Ja! In case you forgotten, two of our best friends are non-humans! Tammy and Zac served the force well when they were with us and . . Boka (angry): But back then, they were canines, not canine people! As much as we both dislike the new law, we have been ordered to arrest ALL non-humans, and that means... (lowers head): even them... Anderson (to himself): I must warn them! Officer #1 (running towards them): Captain, Lieutenant! Two non- humans were just sited at Pier fourteen! Anderson (shocked): Did anyone get a description of them? Officer #2 (nods): Sir, eyewitnesses say that one looked like a female border collie and the other like a male German Shephard Boka & Anderson (together): Tammy and Zac! Officer #3 (stands at attention): Awaiting your orders, sir! Anderson and Boka look at each other, then back at the other officers. Anderson (sadly): Issue an All Points Bulletin, arrest the intruders on sight! Boka (nods): Bring them in alive, use force only if necessary Officers (saluting): YES SIR! From behind the closed door, Tammy and Zac now look at each other and whisper. Tammy (hushed tone): I can't believe it, Zac! Our own comrades are hunting us down! Zac (hushed tone): I still can't accept it! Captain Anderson would never arrest us! Tammy (hushed tone): We better just get our tails out of here! Their ears perk up as they hear the doorknob turning. They leap behind a desk just as Captain Anderson enters the room with Lt Boka. Anderson (upset): I don't care what the law says, I've got to warn Tammy and Zac and somehow get them out of South Africa! BOKA (hushed tone): Nee! If you are caught helping them, you'll be arrested for aiding wanted fugitives! Anderson (angry): They are NOT fugitives! They're are friends, or have you forgotten? Boka (sternly): But what about your duty as a police officer? Anderson (upset): Can't you see that this law is wrong? It's apartheid all over again! Haven't we learned anything from history? Boka (sternly): That's not the point! (sadly): I don't like the new law either, but it is the law! Anderson (angry): They can suspend me if they want to. I'm going to help Tammy and Zac! As he walks behind his desk, he happens to look down and see Tammy and Zac under his desk. He hesitates for a moment, and then looks up at Boka. Boka (confused): What is wrong? Anderson (looking upset): This whole thing is giving me a headache! Boka (moves towards the door): Relax, sir. I'll fetch you some aspirin When Boka closes the door behind him, Anderson now looks down at Tammy and Zac Anderson (hushed tone): Hokaii! What the devil are you two doing here? Tammy (hushed tone): Trying to escape! Zac (hushed tone): I just cannot believe my own government is doing this to us! Anderson (raises window): No time for small talk, hurry out before you are discovered! Tammy (sadly): As you wish Zac (sadly): Maybe someday, we can return and share good times together Anderson (nods): I hope so, Zac, but for now, you and Tammy better leave As Tammy and Zac climb out the window and duck behind some scrubs, five police officers rush by on foot, dressed in full riot gear. When they stand up and look around, a large fishing net tossed from the roof lands on them. Officer (shouts from the roof): WE GOT'M! WE GOT'M! In seconds, Tammy and Zac are surrounded as they struggle to tear the net. Tammy (angry): Looks like we're caught! Zac (angry): I won't go without a fight! One of the officers takes out a strange looking pistol and shoots at both Tammy and Zac. The gun shoots tranquillizer darts that hit the two cano-sapiens in their arms. After a few last seconds of struggling, Tammy and Zac pass out and are carried away. The scene now shifts to the law offices of Maddog and Associates in downtown Atlanta. Linda and Marauder rush into the lobby area and see Vicki at her office door. Linda (frantic): Where's dad? I gotta show him this! Vicki (looking smug): Dad, Molly and Abby are all in court now. They left ME in charge! Linda (upset)I got terrible news! Vicki (turns to her): What's the matter, sis? Linda (upset) Tammy and Zac were arrested in Cape Town. Vicki (outraged): WHAT???? WHAT FOR??? Linda (growls) Because they were cano-sapiens! Marauder (angry) How can anyone think such stupidity?! Vicki (growls): I heard about those new laws in South Africa, I never thought any of our kind would be subject to them. After all, haven't we saved the world a few times this year already? Linda (growls) It was Adriaan Vorster, Striker's human brother who created the law. He hates us because of what happened to his family. Vicki (furious); That creep! The next time Parvo wants to take over South Africa, I'm going to call in SICK that day! Marauder (disgusted) Idiots! Vicki (angry): We can't let'm get away with this! Let's go spring'm! Linda (nods) Yeah. Vicki (picks up phone) I better call my hubbie and tell'm where we're going.... Vicki dials the phone to talk to her husband. She hears the phone being picked up. Vicki (on the phone): Hello darling! Look, something has come up, me Linda and Marauder are going to South Africa to get Tammy and Zac out of jail Illanov (on the other end) Don't go thereski, Vicki. It is too dangerous. Vicki (growls); We gotta go! They have no reason to hold our friends in jail! When I get done with them in court, they'll all be begging for their mommies!!! Illanov (begging) No, Vicki! Please don't! Vicki (stern): Don't worry, darling! The law's on our side and I AM the greatest legal mind in the world! Bye... (hangs up) Linda (rolls eyes) Oh brother. Vicki (stern): C'mon guys! Let's sign out a Rover Jet and go there in style! (smiles): Style WORTHY of my great legal prowess! Linda (sighs) Okay, but I'm flying us there. Marauder (nods): And I'm driving us to the base. No offense, sister in law, but your driving leaves a lot to be desired Vicki (angry): I'm getting better at it! Only seven traffic violations this year! Marauder (rolls eyes): I rest my case... The scene shifts to an airborne Stealth Rover where Striker and Unit STRIKE are. Illanov looks very worried as he gets off the phone. Illanov (upset) Now Vicki, Marauder, and Linda are going South Africa to help our comrades. Striker (worried) This is not goed. As soon as they enter the country, they will be arrested on sight. Phoenix (upset) We do got to rescue them but we don't know what agents can get in without detection. Merit: Scanning . . .searching . . .match found . . .Two African Wild Dog cano-sapiens. Part of a unit called Cape Hunting Dog Unit. Both are shapeshifters . . . Originally from South Africa . . .moved their base of operations after the non-human act was passed. Striker (brightens) Shapeshifters... That ability would be useful in avoiding the attention of the authorities in South Africa. Merit: Their current location is in Kenya on a ranch not far from one of the game reserves. The eight-member unit specializes in tracking down poachers and other wanted criminals in the area. Striker (blunt) I think we should try and contact them, see if they are available. Phoenix (nods) I think they are the best for the job, they know the area and current situation with the non-human act. Merit: According to their files they barely escaped the South African police. Striker (sighs) That brother of mine... Corsair (blunt) I'm surprised that he is even arresting the ones that help fight crime in South Africa. Striker (growls) My brother is a very stubborn person... Shepherd (confused) I wonder how your brother survived the attack on your family? Striker (glares at Shephard) None of your business! Shephard (upset) Fine, then Striker (sighs and looks at Shephard) Sorry about that, Shephard. It's just that is a personal matter. Shephard (nods) It's okay. After several hours, Unit STRIKE arrives at the ranch. There are pens with injured animals scattered around the land. The main buildings are a large farm house and a barn. Striker looks around, then leads the group towards the farm house. As they walk towards, the farm house they see an African Wild Dog Cano-sapien working in a pen, giving a needle to one of the sick animals. Kallima (looks up) Can I help you? Striker (turns towards her) You must be Kallima. I'm Striker, leader of Unit STRIKE. Kallima (nods) Ja. What brings you here? Striker (stern) We need your help. Some of our friends have fallen victim to the policies of South Africa. Kallima (shocked) Ai yai yai! Two more African Wild Dog Cano-sapiens come out of the barn. Dysis (stern) Who? Slingshot(laughs) Who would be stupid enough to go there? Kallima (growls) Slingshot! Slingshot (shrugs) What? Striker (sad) Tammy and Zac went there on vacation despite our warning, and now they have been placed under arrest. Dysis (shocked) Ai yai yai! Tammy and Zac?! Corsair (confused) You know them? Slingshot (nods) Our mother, Sunset serves with them on the Challenger. Striker (nods) Well, they are now in captivity. Most likely they will face an unfair court and then be transported to a concentration camp. Dysis (sad) Or probably already at the concentration camps. Striker (stern) Not yet, though if we do not hurry they will be very soon. Kallima (stern) You are looking for Sunrise and Otieno, aren't you? Striker (nods) Ja. We might require their abilities in rescuing our friends. Slingshot (blunt) They are on a mission with Astin, Farren, and Kya. They should be back . . . (sees a plane about to land on the empty field) . . .now. The plane lands and five cano-sapiens come out of the plane. Four of them had rifles on their backs. Sunrise (stern) Astin next time you pull a stunt like that, I'm reporting you to the Master. Astin (growls) Well, sorry, sis. Otieno (sees Unit STRIKE) It looks like we got visitors. Sunrise (stern) I'll deal with you later, Astin. (greets) Hello, I'm Sunrise, leader of the Cape Hunting Dog Unit. Striker (holds out paw) I am Striker, leader of this unit called Unit STRIKE. We require your assistance. Sunrise (interested) With what? Striker (sad) Tammy and Zac have been arrested in South Africa. Sunrise (shocked) Ai yai yai! Oh no . . . Otieno (confused) Didn't they know about the non-human act? Striker (sad) I did try to warn them, but they did not think their own masters would turn them in. Phoenix (sad) Reluctantly, apparently. Kya (growls) We didn't think they try to arrest us with all the criminals we put away. Striker (growls) You don't know Adriaan Vorster. He is stubborn. Farren (growls) Because of him we had to leave our home. Sunrise (blunt) We can do anything we can to help. Striker (stern) Then could you aid us? Vicki and the others are going down there to defend them in court, and we need to be there should things become ugly. Astin (shocked) As soon as they set foot in South Africa, they will be arrested even if they claim to be lawyers. Kya (nods) Mobs even go after you there. It's too dangerous to live there now for a non-human. Even people against the non-human act are in danger. Striker (nods) That is why we need your help. We require shapeshifters to get close enough to the courtroom without attracting attention. Otieno (nods) We understand. Sunrise (determined) Kya can fly us there and land at our old base. It is hidden in the mountains around Cape Town. Striker(surprised): Your base is still available? Otieno (nods) Ja. Sunrise, Kya and I go back once in a while. Slingshot (nods) The SA police never found it. We just never made it to the base when the police were after us. We had to hide any way we could until we crossed the border. Sunrise (blunt) Otieno and I shapeshift as humans when we are in SA. Striker (nods) Goed. The rest of us can wait inside the base until we are needed. Sunrise (to her unit) Kya, get the plane ready. Astin, hack into the South African government computers and found out more about the situation with Tammy and Zac. Farren, you are in charge here until I, Otieno, and Kya return. Corsair (goes with Astin) I'll help Astin. The team (but Sunrise) Yes, Sunrise. Everyone goes to do their tasks. Striker (blunt) My team will follow you to your base. Sunrise (nods) Okay. Illanov (worried) I will contact Vicki and the others. The scene shifts to a Rover Jet as Vicki's cell phone rings. Vicki (picks up); Hello? Illanov! listen to me, there's nothing to worry about! They'd never arrest the great Vicki Maddog! I'm an American citizen and a great lawyer to boot! Linda (worried) I'm thinking maybe Illanov is right, maybe it is too dangerous to go into South Africa. Marauder (worried) Right. Let's turn around and go home. Vicki (growls) We came this far! We are not turning around now! Just then, an alarm sounds in the cockpit. Linda (shouts) The SAAF is on our tail! Marauder (shouting) Punch it, dear! Linda flies away to avoid the fighters. The Jet Rover shakes. Linda (to Vicki, upset) Would you like to turn around NOW?! The Jet Rover shakes more. There is an explosion and smoke fills the vessel. Linda (shouts) We're gonna have to bail out! Vicki (screams, shakes fist): Wait till I get on the ground! I'll report this incident to the American Embassy! Marauder (grabs her by the arm): Report later, now we have to escape before our jet crashes! Vicki, Marauder and Linda open the hatch. Linda (scared) There are no parachutes! Marauder (shouts) Vicki, you've got to fly us down. Vicki (holds them) Okay! Here we go! All three of them jump. Holding one of them in each arm, Vicki flies them down, while in the distance, the Jet Rover crashes and explodes. As Vicki lands on the ground, they are surrounded by several soldiers. Soldier #1 (stern) Freeze Mutants! Vicki (shouts): Do you soldiers know WHO I am? Just wait till I report you to... The lead soldier shoots his pistol in the air, this causes Vicki to tremble and hide behind Marauder. There isn't much of a choice. Vicki, Linda, and Marauder all raise their hands in surrender. One of the young officers gets nervous and shoots a canister of tear gas at Linda. Before she and the others can react, the canister strikes her and sprays her hard in the face. As Marauder tries to come to her aid, all three are overcome and pass out. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, everyone was about to leave as Astin and Corsair come running out of the farm house. Astin (urgent) I think the police captured your friends. Striker(shocked): Who? Illanov(shocked): Is it Vicki? Astin (blunt) All the report said was: three more mutants were captured. Two resembled Collies and the third a Labrador. Corsair (sad) The SAAF shot down the Jet Rover and arrested them when they landed. Illanov (upset) Vicki! Phoenix pats Illanov supportively. Striker shakes his head. Striker (shakes head) Ai yai yai. This is bad. Astin (blunt) Another report said Adriaan Vorster is visiting the prison today to see how the non-human prisoners are being treated. Corsair(sarcastic): Probably to make sure their cells are as comfortable as Austwich. Otieno (growls) He is probably there abuse the prisoners. I was shapeshifted as a rat when I saw it happen in the prison. Sunrise (nods) The conditions of the non-human prison is terrible. Most of the prisoners are kept in half-starved condition. Striker shakes his head. Striker (growls) Adriaan really hates us... and for the wrong reasons. Slingshot (blunt) I bet cano-sapiens that were once human would be treated as a non-human. Astin (growls) Someone should stick him in a Transdogifer with some of Bear's dog scent goo and turn him into a cano-sapien. Then he will see what it is like to be us. Striker (growls) I would sooner kill him. Farren (growls) Me too. Phoenix looks shocked at Striker. Phoenix (shocked) Kill your own brother, Striker? But why? Dysis (shocked) Brother?! Striker sighs and hangs his head. Striker (sad) I'm... jammer... Phoenix goes over to Striker and comforts him. Illanov sighs and looks at the others. Illanov (nods) Dah, it's true, comrades. Adriaan Vorster was his human brother. Corsair (sighs) Adriaan doesn't even know Striker is alive and now a Cano-sapien. To cap that off, Adriaan thinks Striker murdered the Vorster family back in '79. Slingshot (shocked) Eina! Corsair (nods): Yeah, it sucks being the boss. Dysis (sad) Our father was a cano-sapien too. The police arrested him when we were escaping SA. Slingshot (sad) He distracted the police so we could escape. We don't even know if he is alive or dead. Police lead the Marauder, Vicki, and Linda into a cell. They see Tammy and Zac in a nearby cell. Zac and Tammy look like they have been beaten. Linda (shocked) Zac! Tammy! Vicki (shocked) What have they done to them? Marauder goes over to look at them. Marauder (shudders) How can anyone be so cruel? Linda nearly passes out, Vicki catches her and sits her down Vicki (growls): And they hit Linda with a tear gas canister, she's still groggy! We surrendered peacefully and we still got a face full of tear gas! Linda (faintly): I'm fine, really, Tammy and Zac need medical care more than I do... Marauder turns and looks her over. Marauder (sad): My love... Linda (faintly): I'm ok, darling. I'm still feeling the effects of the gas, that's why I can't phase through this cell right now. Take care of our friends, please? Tammy and Zac slowly wake up and moan. Marauder (worried): Okay. Tammy (opens eyes): Zac... ZAC! WHERE ARE YOU? Zac (faintly): I'm here....... Vicki (stern) What did they do to you? Tammy (faintly) What are you guys doing here? Zac growls as Marauder approaches him, not realizing who he is. Tammy (faintly) Zac, stop it. Marauder (calm) It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you. Zac (angry): NO MORE BEATING!!! Linda (faintly): He's delirious my love, watch out! Tammy (moans): It's our friend... Marauder....dear... Zac (lowers head sadly): Sorry.... didn't know.... Vicki (stern) What did they do to you guys? Tammy (faintly) They wanted to us reveal the locations of hiding non- humans. Zac (faintly): I didn't crack... didn't tell those blighters anything..... Marauder: (looking him over) You're a brave soul. Zac (upset): They beat me, they beat me wife, I hate humans..... I hate'm ALL!! Tammy (looks over at him): Don't say that, Zac, what about Captain Anderson and... Zac (growls): HE DIDN'T STOP'M FROM BEATING US!!! I'll have my revenge on them all! Marauder: (upset) Now you're starting to sound like Vorster. Zac (furious): And why not? If they're going to beat all of us canines senseless, then why can't we do the same to THEM? Tammy (stern): Nee! No more foolish talk, Zac! Marauder: (sternly) Hate does not stop hate! Vicki (makes fist); I'm with Zac! How dare they do this to us? Linda (upset) Vicki! Vicki (growls); They didn't let me get to the courtroom! They shot our plane out from under us, remember sis? Linda (sadly): I know... Vicki (furious): They attacked us even when we gave up! They're treating us like dogs! Linda (sternly): Vicki, we ARE dogs Vicki (looks embarrassed) Oh yeah.... (growls): But they still shouldn't treat us like common criminals just because we have fur and tails! Several guards come into holding area. Officer (stern) All you mutants have a little appointment with Adriaan Vorster. Officer 2 (stern) Ja. If you don't come quietly, you end up like you friends here. Vicki (growls): Great! I'm going to give that dimwit a piece of my mind! One of the officers slaps her. Officer 1(stern): Let that be a warning, next time I won't be so gentle! NOW MOVE!!! Vicki, Linda, Marauder, Tammy, and Zac obey the guards. They are led into the interrogation room where Adriaan Vorster and two guards were waiting. All five cano-sapiens are tied to chairs. Tammy (struggles): Not this again.. Zac (growls): You better make sure I'm tied goed, if I get loose, all of you will SUFFER!!! A guard slaps Zac hard. Adriaan chuckles. Adriaan (stern) Watch out, doggies. Better not bite, because we can also bite back... a lot more painful. Vicki (growls): I demand the right to speak to the American Embassy! Adriaan(laughing): Go right ahead, though I am note sure you will get not much response from the building. Linda (confused): What are you talking about? What happened to the Embassy? Adriaan (evil grin): Your government pulled out its staff in protest at my government's policies. I always knew you Americans were soft when it comes to mutants. Vicki (outraged): WHAT??? Zac (angry): Even the Yanks can't take it here anymore.... Tammy (upset): ZAC! Marauder: (upset) Do you think America was soft during World War 2? Adriaan (laughs) Heheh. Let the Americans go. Our Chinese and European allies are more than happy to support our policies. And why would they risk war over it? They know a good portion of their own people support our policies as well. Linda (shouts): That's not true! Vicki (growls): Yeah! We Rovers have been saving the world for years! Adriaan (stern) Saving? More like polluting it. Marauder (smug) And let me tell you something else. We don't give up without a fight! Zac (sighs): Oh give it a rest! All humans are alike! When they get all they want out of us dogs, we're discarded in the rubbish bin! Tammy (shakes head): Nee Zac! It's not true! When Adriaan has his back turned: Vicki (crying, whispering) We should of listened to Illanov and Striker about coming here. Tammy (sighs): Striker tried to warn us too.... Adriaan (evil grin) Ah. So you know about Striker. That makes you accomplices in the murder of my family. Linda (growls) He didn't murder your family. Adriaan (angry) Silence! You are just covering him! I have evidence! Vicki (struggles): Tyrants like you don't know the meaning of the word evidence! Adriaan (laughs) Tyrant? Ha! That is a new one. Even though I am Minister of Finance, I do know evidence when I see it Adriaan stops and thinks. Adriaan (grins) In fact, I can even show it to you. Marauder: (sternly) Okay Hitler, show us. Adriaan snaps his fingers and one Officer folding an envelope hands it over to him. Adriaan opens the envelope and takes out some large photos. He shows them at him. Adriaan (points) As you can see, Striker was at the murder scene with a gun. Tammy (looks at it): How do you know it was him? this photo could have been doctored up Adriaan (smug) We had our forensic teams go over those photos for years to make sure. That is Striker. Vicki (stern): Was Striker brought before a judge and jury over this? Adriaan (smug) That is why you are here: to do just that. Vicki (surprised): HEY! We're here to defend our friends Tammy and Zac in court, not to be pawns in any ol' kangaroo court you want to stage Marauder (growls) Our friends will save us. Adriaan (laughs): What friends? More mutants? Bring them along! We have plenty of concentration camps. Adriaan walks out of the room. Vicki (worried) I hope Striker comes up with something to save us. Tammy (worried) I'm sure he would. Linda (worried) Do you think they'll come for us? Marauder (worried) I hope so. Unknown to them, Adriaan was listening in. Adriaan (evil grin) So this Striker is coming to rescue them! Excellent! Once I have him, I will make him suffer for what he did to my family. Meanwhile, Kya was about to land the plane at the old base. Kya (over Radio to Stealth Rover) We are about to land. Striker(over Radio to Kya): Copy that. Radar shows that the SAAF hasn't noticed us yet. Kya (over Radio) Copy that, Striker. Some rocks move and Kya lands the plane inside the cave followed by the Stealth Rover. Striker pilots the Stealth Rover into the cave and deploys the landing gear. It hovers over to a landing pad and lands. Everyone exits their vehicles. Sunrise (smiles) Welcome to our old base. Striker looks around. Striker (looks around) Based on the design of RRMC back in the States, I see. Otieto (nods) It's only a third the size of RRMC. Striker (blunt) Can you lead us to the main room? Sunrise (nods) Sure. Sunrise, Otieno, and Kya leads them to the briefing room. Striker leads his team as they follow the trio to the briefing room. The briefing room looks similar to the one in RRMC. Unit STRIKE looks around the briefing room. Shephard (surprised) Just like home base. Merit: Not precisely. The base has not been properly cleaned for several weeks. Sunrise (looks embarrassed) We don't come here much anymore. Striker looks at Merit. Striker (commands) Merit, go ahead and clean the base. We will call you when we need you. Merit: Excellent choice. Executing command... Merit's toolkit opens up and out comes a feather duster. He begins to clean the base. Otieno (sighs) Astin has to hack in the SAAF system to even get us here. Kya (watches Merit) I wish we had a droid here to look after our former home. Corsair (blunt) Hey, you can have him. All he does is fix things, even that of the enemy. Illanov (to himself): And comrades wouldn't want this American as a gift... Corsair looks angrily at Illanov. Corsair (angry): Well, you're not valuable yourself! Sunrise (to Striker) Are they always like that? Striker sighs and nods at Sunrise. Striker (rolls eyes) Like a bad tradition. Sunrise (stern) We better plan the mission. We don't have much time. Striker (nods) I agree. Let's sit down and begin the planning. Everyone nods and goes to a seat (except Merit, who is dusting the table). Kya types into the system and a map of the non-human prison appears. Sunrise (blunt) According to Astin, this is where they are being held. Striker (stern) How does the security there look like? Sunrise (stern) It is very high security. Adriaan ordered the guards to shoot on site if anyone tries to escape. Otieno (nods) The best bet to rescue them is when they are being transported to or at the courthouse. Shephard (confused) Why don't we just assault the prison directly? I will mean more hostiles to shoot at. Everyone stares at Shephard. Shephard (confused) Something wrong? Kya (shakes head) Nee! Not a goed idea. They shoot their weapons behind bullet-proof glass. Shephard (grumbling): Crud, I hate those things! Sunrise (nods) Adriaan made sure no hostiles get in or out. Striker (stern) When are they being transported. Sunrise (nods) Tonight. Striker (stern) Where is the prison? Sunrise (points) On the edge of Pretoria Striker (unsure) That will make it rather difficult. It is an urban area mostly and any fighting will bring the attention of the SAPD. Kya (speaks up) They are going to be taken to Bloemfontein for court. Striker (brightens) Then it will easier. We can ambush them along the N1 Highway. They will be too far from the nearby towns to summon additional assistance. Otieno (nods) That would a goed plan. We need back up plans just in case. Sunrise (nods) Ja. Abby and Otto will be coming up here to defend them if the rescue plan doesn't work. Phoenix (confused) But won't they be arrested too? Kya (explains) Otto is coming in his canine form and use his image projector on Abby to make her look like a blind human lawyer. Striker (nods) Goed. Then it will all depend on her skills as a lawyer. I hope she is very good, because the jury will be biased. Otieno (nods): The Maddogs are good lawyers. Illanov nods sadly, thinking of Vicki. Kya (nods): Abby, Otto, Starlight, and Gila Monster are going to be here tomorrow morning. Corsair (chuckles) Man, if Vorster finds out how many mutants are going to be in that court, he'll flip. Sunrise (stern) He won't know. Each will have an image projector. Illanov chuckles and looks at Corsair. Illanov (chuckles) You have just outsmarted yourself, American. Corsair (glares) Yeah yeah. One score for you. Sunrise (stern) We better get going now. Kya, stay here and wait for the others. Kya (nods) Ok sis. Unit STRIKE arrives at the side of the highway. Sunrise and Otieno shapeshift into birds to survey the area. Corsair (looks around) When is the convey supposed to arrive here? Striker (blunt) Around mid-day. Not that far away is the convey. In a police van surrounded by police cars are Tammy, Zac, Linda, Vicki, and Marauder. Vicki (upset): Imagine, ME, the great Vicki Maddog! Arrested like a common criminal! Linda (stern): Get a grip, sis, we all got arrested, ok? Zac (growls): There's got to be a way out of this cage on wheels! Suddenly a two birds (Sunrise & Otieno) fly by the window of the van. Marauder (turns to her): Linda, can you phase us out of these restraints? Linda (sadly): No darling, that knockout gas they used on me is still affecting my powers. If I had a little more time to recover.. Vicki (points at her ankles): Those goons didn't miss a trick! They put these extra heavy weights on my feet to stop me from flying away! Marauder (sees Sunrise and Otieno in bird form) Look at those weird birds. Vicki (upset); Brilliant! We're going to all die in a concentration camp and all the good doctor can do is watch birds! Linda (growls); SHUT UP VICKI!! Tammy (annoyed): Ja! You're beginning to annoy me! Zac (growls): You ALREADY annoyed me, you egotistical she dog! Vicki (furious): TAKE THAT BACK!! Marauder (points) They look like they have African Wild Dog markings. Linda (shocked); What? Tammy (shocked): Half a mo', I've heard of them before! Could they be the shapeshifters in the group? Zac (excited) It's Sunset's children's unit! There are two shapeshifters in it. Otieno flies ahead to where Unit STRIKE was and shapeshifts into a Rhino on the highway. Phoenix (points) The Convoy is coming. Otieno (still as a Rhino) lays down on the highway. Striker (grins) They will stop for the Rhino. There are many game farms about and escapes of animals are not uncommon. The convoy comes to a halt. Police Officer (annoyed) Just perfect. Vicki (confused): Why have we stopped? I can't see up front! Tammy (points): Hokaai! There's a rhino in the road! Linda (looks forward): I think it could be one of the shapeshifters! Marauder (looks forward) I hope that's what it is. Zac (brightens): If so, this could be our chance! Linda (struggles): I'm still solid. I hope that stupid tear gas wears off soon! Armed police officers climb out of patrol vehicles and armored cars and surround the convoy as a security measure. Vicki (peeks outside window): No chance guys, we're surrounded by so many cops you could have a donut convention! At the front, the police commander looks at the Rhino. Commander (confused) Where did this rhino come from? A game farm? Officer (confused) Not sure, sir. It might be. Otieno gets up and snorts angrily at the officers. The police immediately back away behind their vehicles. Commander (stern) Someone call a game warden and have him tranquilize this beast. We don't have time for this.. Officer (nods) Ja, sir! Otieno charges at the police officers, driving them away from the van. The officers quickly jump into their vehicles and pull them back. Several of them radio for a game ranger. The rhino begins to charge the police cars. As the ground shakes the van, Linda falls backward and phases through the van wall before she realizes it. Linda (shocked): What the?? The officers now shower bullets at her, but they all pass through her body as she runs. Commander (shouts) Hey! Stop the mutants! Unit STRIKE comes out of hiding. Shephard leads the way, using his M- 249 to fire at the officer's vehicles. Following him is Striker, Illanov and Phoenix. Nearby Corsair and Merit keep the Stealth Rover hovering near the ground.. Sunrise (urgent) I flew over the side roads and there is military coming! Corsair (urgent over radios): Boss! Hate to break it to you, but we got some serious military hardware coming at us from side roads along the highway! The military appears. Two Rooivalk attack helicopters fly over to the highway, while Ratel APC vehicles and Cricket motorcycle troops drive over the fields towards the convoy. A grenade is tossed into the cab of the van. Linda manages to toss it away before it explodes, but the force of the explosion sends her flying into the air, half unconscious. The one rooivalk opens fire at Striker and his group. They dive into a ditch next to the road for cover. Otieno returns to normal and runs over to Linda. Vicki (still in the van, growls): THEY GOT LINDA!! Tammy (growls): NEE!! IT CAN'T BE!!! Zac (growls): THEY WILL PAY FOR THIS!!! Marauder (shouts): LINDA!!! NO!!! Otieno picks Linda up and takes her to Unit STRIKE. The officers take out grenade launchers and begin to fire stun grenades at the Rovers. One lands by Striker's team. Striker (shouts) Grenade! Otieno (scared) RUN! Otieno takes Linda to the Stealth Rover. The military run over to where Illanov and Phoenix lay. Soldier (over radio) We got two mutants. Striker gets up and tries to get Phoenix, Shephard drags him away. Shephard (stern) Sir, we are WAY out of our league here! Striker (growls) But Phoenix is there! Shephard holds Striker back. Sunrise runs into the Stealth Rover. Sunrise (yells) We got to get out of here. Shephard drags Striker towards the awaiting Stealth Rover, which is already getting bullets deflecting off it. Merit: The damage to the vehicle is uncalled for. Corsair (annoyed): You keep saying that, Merit. Striker watches Illanov and Phoenix being dragged into the police van. Vicki: (surprised) Oh my gosh! Illanov! Shephard drags Striker into the Stealth Rover along with the others. Shephard fires short bursts of machine gun rounds to keep the officers at bay and to cover the others. Otieno (shouts) We got to take off! The cargo bay doors of the Stealth Rover close up. Corsair (shouts) No complaints from me! We're gone! Corsair pilots the Stealth Rover away from the convoy, soon climbing high and fast from the Rooivalks, who stop their pursuit. Marauder: (watching the Stealth Rover fly away) Thank goodness they escaped. Vicki (crying on Illanov's shoulder): They killed my sister, and now you are going to die with us! I can't stand this anymore! Striker looks out the window of the Stealth Rover. Striker (staring back at the fading convoy): Phoenix... At the hidden base, the Stealth Rover arrives. Striker is still angry that Phoenix and Illanov was left behind. Striker (upset) I cannot believe they got Phoenix! They had better not harm her, or... Corsair (blunt) Easy, boss. Your blood pressure is high. Linda (looks around) Marauder! Where's Marauder? Sunrise (sad) My guess is still on his way to court. Otieno (nods): Ja. We can get Astin to find out where Phoenix and Illanov are being held. Striker (turns to them): You think he can? Sunrise (nods) Ja. We sent him a message on our way back here. Kya (runs in) I just got a message from Astin. Phoenix and Illanov are being held at one of the concentration camps. He even sent security footage. Striker (excited): Phoenix? Where?? Linda (concerned): Is Marauder there too? Kya (shakes head) Nee. He is on his way with Vicki, Tammy, and Zac to a holding cell for the trial. Otieno (confused) Why are they having a trial? This makes no sense. Kya (sighs) On the reports in says something about the murder of the Vorster family. Striker (sighs) They are going to try and implicate them in the murder of the Vorster family as being accomplices to me. Linda: (upset) That's not fair! The main computer starts beeping. Computer: Download complete. Kya (blunt) Here is the security footage. Kya types into the computer and footage of Adriaan and Phoenix comes up. What is shown is a small square room with bleak walls and a single steel door. A small barred windows looks out to the open sky. Tied to a chair in the middle of the room is Phoenix. Standing by the door are two SAPD police officers: one black and one white. The door is unlocked and opened. In walks Adriaan Vorster. He is wearing a brown suit and red tie with matching shoes. As he comes in, the officer who opened the door closes it behind him. Vorster grins in a vicious manner at Phoenix, who looks up at him. Vorster (stern) Yet another mutant who tried to undermine the authority of HUMAN government in South Africa. Phoenix growls at him. Phoenix (growls) You're the monster here. Vorster (growls) Really now? That is interesting, but not unexpected. You mutants think you can supplant humans? Wrong. We are more superior to you than you would ever dream. Phoenix (growls) This is your form of revenge for the murder of the Vorster family? Vorster stops grinning and nods at the two officers. They walk to either side of her chair. Vorster (growls): Since you have mentioned it, there are some questions you need to answer, mutant. He kneels in front of her. Vorster (smug) I have on good intelligence that you were seen with the culprit, Striker. Tell me, do you know him? Phoenix (growls) He is my boyfriend. Vorster (stern) Ah, then that makes you an accessory to the crime. Phoenix (shocked) Accessory? I never... One of the officer lands a blow to her face. She yelps in pain. Vorster (stern) Where is he? Tell me now!" Phoenix growls and spits at Vorster. The spit hits him in the eye. He jumps up and wipes his eye clean, then signals to the officers. They both land a blow each on Phoenix's face. She yelps with pain, getting a black eye in the process. Vorster (smug) This chamber was used by the previous regime to violently torture those who opposed it. And now we will gladly demonstrate how that torture was done unless you tell me where is Striker." Phoenix groans with pain. Vorster grabs her muzzle and forces her to look at him. Vorster (stern) Tell me where is Striker! Phoenix growls. Phoenix (growls) Kiss my furry butt! Vorster lets go of her muzzle and nods again at the two officers. They begin to land more blows on Phoenix. One of them punches her in the stomach, knocking her wind out. Once they are done, Phoenix is gasping for air, blood running from her snout. Just then there is a knock on the door. Vorster looks at as the door opens and his secretary comes in. Secretary (blunt) Excuse me, sir. You have an appointment with the Reserve Bank governor. Vorster looks at his watch, then sighs. Vorster (upset) That is the trouble with being Finance Minister. I am always too busy. He looks up at the two officers. Vorster (stern) Lock the mutant up in the cells with those four criminals we mentioned earlier. They should make her talk eventually, but do not let her die or commit suicide. The information in her head is gold." The officers salute. Officer (nods) Yes, Mister Minister." Vorster looks at Phoenix. She looks weakly but defiantly back at him. Vorster (smug) And if they will not make you talk, then my good friend Bulenani Ngucka, who is the chief of intelligence, will." He turns to the door and walks out. The two officers begin to untie Phoenix, then lift her out of the chair before taking her out of the room. The footage goes static. Striker growls and balls his paws in anger. Striker (growls) How dare they hit my Phoenix? I'll... Corsair (stern) Blood pressure, boss... Sunrise (sad) Ai yai yai! Otieno (growls) I know where that camp is. Our father was sent there before he disappeared. Linda (upset) What about Marauder and Vicki? Sunrise (sad) If the case is lost, they will be sent to the camps. Linda (growls) We've got to save them! Corsair (surprised) Again? We already botched one rescue attempt. Otieno (nods) It is up to Abby, Otto, and Gila to save them. Sunrise (stern) We can show you where the camp where Illanov and Phoenix is. Striker (looks up) Where? Sunrise (points) East of Pretoria, in the hills. The scene shifts to the South African Supreme Court Building the very next day. Walking towards the main entrance is a very stunning blonde lady in a blue blazer and short mini skirt. She is wearing sunglasses and being lead towards the door by her seeing eye dog, a German Shepard. Following close behind is a very buff looking man in a black suit who is carrying two briefcases. They are immediately stopped at the door by a security guard. Guard (gruffly): No one is to enter the building without a valid pass! Lady (calmly): I am Abigale Madison, attorney for the accused! And this large man behind me is my legal assistant Harold Monstar! Harold, show him our passes. Harold (hands them in him); Miss Madison is defending the captured Road Rover agents in court today. Guard (looks at the passes): Very well. These passes look valid, you may enter. But tell me something first. No offense ma'am, but why would the prisoners request a blind lawyer to represent them? Abigale (tips her sunglasses): Because I'm the best there is! The guard stares at Abigale as she and Harold walk through the door and towards the elevator. Several other guards whistle at her as the elevator doors close. Abigale then pushes the STOP button on the elevator. Abigale (sternly): Ok, let's give these things a rest while we chat a bit Abigale and Harold reach down to their belt buckles and press them. Instantly, the holographic disguises disappear to reveal Abby Maddog and the Gila Monster. Her seeing eye dog was really Otto in his pure canine form. Abby (looks down at the dog): Otto! Why did you choose such a revealing outfit for me to wear? I know it's just a hologram, but why are you flashing so much of my legs? Otto (sternly); I programmed both of your holographic disguises using the characters from the television program Ally McBeal. Abby (shocked); WHAT??? She dresses like a slut! Otto (sternly): It met the criteria of lawyers in a modern setting Gila (angry): At least yous don't look like a CIA dork like I does! Otto (sternly): Both of you must remained focused on our mission, do not allow your emotions to compromise our true identities Abby (sighs): You're right Otto (growls): We gotta save my sister! Gila (upset): We gots to save all our chums from the gooberoos that nabbed them! Otto (sternly): We are wasting time, please reactivate your holographic disguises. Abby (reaches for her belt): Alright alright already! Gila (reaches for his belt); Back to lookin' like a dork again As Abby and Gila turn their disguises back on, Otto reaches up with his front paws and restarts the elevator car. Gila (worried): I sure hopes this plan of yours works, Otto Abby (proudly): Nothing to worry about! After I get all of our friends acquitted, we'll walk out together, drive to the airport and then to freedom! What can possibly go wrong? Otto (sternly): Any number of things can go wrong, Abby Maddog. This is why I formulated a backup escape plan Gila (nods): Let's hope we ain't gotta use it When the elevator stops and the doors open, Otto leads 'Abigale' out followed closely behind by her 'assistant' Harold. 'Abigale', 'Harold', and Otto enter the holding area were Marauder, Vicki, Tammy, and Zac are being held. Zac (growls): Who the devil are you two? Abby (as Abigale): I'm your attorney Tammy (shouts): Hokaii! You can't even see us! Marauder (sniffs the air): Wait a minute, your scents are familiar Gila Monster (as Harold): Hush it, don't gives us away... Vicki (ears perk up): Only one guy I know talks like that... it's... Tammy elbows Vicki. Tammy (hushed tone); QUIET! Marauder (whispers low): What's the plan? Abby (as Abigale, louder): My plan is to get the four of you acquitted, then we can all return to America Zac (upset): What if that doesn't work? Abby (as Abigale, grins): Then that's a horse of a different color. Outside the courthouse, standing in an alley near the park is a horse- drawn carriage. The single horse harassed to it is a pure white Arabian mare. Starlight (to herself): I hope no one wants a ride in my holographic carriage. Scanning the courthouse... possible escape routes and placements of police officers noted and recorded. I only hope that Abby is successful in getting all four acquitted, that will make things easier. If anything goes wrong, I'll have to act fast. A lone police officer walks over to the carriage. Officer (scratches head): I wonder who parked this contraption here? Well, I better move it before the press arrives. Starlight turns her head and snorts, slowly stepping forward to move the carriage away from the officer. Officer (calmly): There there now, horsie, I won't hurt you Starlight (out loud): Your overweight body would cause harm to my back and to my carriage if you chose to ride it. Officer (confused, looks all around): HEY! Who said that? Speak up! Starlight (out loud): I did, tubby! The officer sees Starlight's lips move, and is petrified with fear. Officer (shaking): You... you can talk? Starlight (out loud): Beat it, fatso! The Officer now turns and runs in the opposite direction, screaming as he runs. Starlight (snickers): I love spooking humans, they are so gullible at times. In the prison camp, in one of the cells, was Illanov. He hears one of the guards coming and he turns invisible. The guard walks past his cell, then notices the cell is empty. Guard (shocked) What the heng? Sound the alarm! Prison break! The guard opens the cell to look to see how the prisoner could off escaped. With the cell door, open, Illanov sneaks out. The alarm blares all around the camp. Armed guards run to position while the camp warden runs to the empty cell. Warden (stern) What happened? How did he get out? Guard (confused) I don't know, sir. I only found this empty cell... Illanov, meanwhile, sneaks off to the other's cells. Back in the hidden base, Astin sends them a message. Astin (audio) I just received word that the prison break at the place where Illanov and Phoenix are being held. A German Shepherd disappeared from his cell. Striker (excited): Alex! Corsair (mumbles): Looks like the Russkie got out. Linda (brightens) He used his invisibility powers to make it look like he escaped. Striker (stern) Do you know where he is right now? Astin (audio) They just discovered his cell empty. The guards are currently distracted. Sunrise (brightens) Ja. This would be the perfect time to strike the place to free Phoenix, Illanov, and other prisoners while we are at it. Shephard looks at Striker. Shephard (excited) Let's go for it, sir! Striker (stern) How quickly can we get there? Sunrise (nods) It won't take too long. Striker (stern) Let's go, then! Corsair (confused) Boss, is this wise after our first failed attempt? Otieno (stern) We have to be more cautious this time. Striker (nods) Let's move! Meanwhile Illanov is still invisible moving around the prison. Illanov moves around and finds an isolated spot to turn visible. Illanov (to himself) Bolshoi. I wish my invisibility could last longer. Guard (voice only) He is around here somewhere! Illanov stays out of sight of the guards, then runs over to the corridor leading to the other's cells. Outside on the campgrounds, Phoenix is tied to a pole. Guard #2 (stern) How about three days without food or water will get you to talk. Phoenix growls and tries to bite one of the guards. Guard # 1 (stern) Muzzle her. Striker will come for her sooner or later. Phoenix struggles to prevent getting the muzzle around her, but the numerous guards hold her and muzzle her. Guard # 1 (evil grin) She will talk soon, they all do in the end. Phoenix whimpers and hangs her head. Not far from the camp, the Stealth Rover lands. Striker and Shephard climb out fully armed along with Merit, leaving Corsair to pilot the Stealth Rover. Sunrise and Otieno exit the Stealth Rover. Sunrise (points) There it is. Shephard (excited) Let's rock, then! Otieno (stern) We can't just move in there. (points) Look! Otieno points to the hidden trip wires. Sunrise (turns to Striker) Can Merit scan where the trip wires are? Merit: That is confirmed. Shall I commence with such a scan? Otieno (nods) Ja. Merit scans the area in front of them, then turns back to the others. Merit: Scan complete. I have the positions of the wires. Shephard (excited) Then lets go. Meanwhile in Adriaan's office, an officer walks up to him Officer (reports) Sir, we have detected some transmissions going into the mountains around Cape Town. Adriaan (grumbles) Unless it involves mutants, refer it to the Minister of Communication. Officer (reports) It is in the same area where we found that male African Wild Dog mutant a year ago. There might be a hidden base there. Adriaan looks up at the officer and stands. Adriaan (stern) You certain? Officer (nods) Yes, sir. Adriaan quickly grabs the phone and dials a number. Adriaan (talks into the phone) This is Vorster. Put me through to the Minister of Defense. In the hidden base, Kya was all alone. She is resting on couch. Several detonations rock the base. Kya is suddenly awakened. Kya (scared) What the . . .? She begins to hear voices with her super hearing. The sounds of shouting men and barked orders in various languages echo through the base. Kya begins to run to find the nearest escape route. Several members of the SAPD Scorpions unit spot her. Scorpion 1 (shouts) Haai! Stop! As Kya runs, the Scorpions run after her, firing rubber bullets at her. She is suddenly struck and she falls to the floor. The Scorpions surround her. One cuffs her while the others cover her. One of them radios the others. Scorpion 2 (talks into radio) This is Beta 2! We got one mutant here! Scorpion 3 (over radio) The rest of the base is clear. The Scorpions drag Kya to her feet. Scorpion 4 (sneers) You are going to the camps, mutant. Kya just growls. The Scorpions lead off to an awaiting helicopter for transfer while the others search and secure the base. In Adriaan's office, he receives the news about the base. Adriaan (on phone): Excellent. Any mutants?.... Only one? Pity. What about the base?.... Interesting.... Ja, I would recommend accessing their computers. Let's see what they have to hide.... Ja, I agree. I will see you in Parliament after the meeting... Ja, Goodbye. He puts the phone, grinning for a moment before going back to work. As Unit STRIKE, Sunrise, and Otieno are slowly moving through the field, they see a helicopter fly over them. Sunrise (growls) Scorpions! Shephard (confused) Who are they? Striker (growls) The elite South African police unit, trained by the FBI. The helicopter lands inside the base hidden from the view of Unit STRIKE, Otieno, and Sunrise. Sunrise (growls) They must have another prisoner. Shepherd (sighs) Yet another one bites the dust. Speaking of, are we going to rescue our people, or all the others in the camp as well? Sunrise (sighs) We have to do what we can. The alarms are still going, the means Illanov is still loose. Otieno (Looking through binoculars) I think you better take a look at this Striker. Striker takes the binoculars and looks through and sees Phoenix. He is shocked. Striker (shocked) Phoenix! What have they done to her? Otieno (sighs) It's one of the ways of torture at this camp. Striker (growls) Let's rescue her! Otieno points at the guard posts that surround her. Otieno (whispers) I think she is being used as bait. Striker (confused) Bait? What are you talking about? Otieno (growls) Your human brother could be using her to get you. Sunrise shapeshifts into a attractive human female and walks closer to the concentration camp. Shephard (confused) What is she doing? Otieno (grins) Sunrise knows what she is doing. Sunrise shake her hips as she walks up to the walls of the camp. The guards at the gate notice her and open up to walk to her, smiling. Guard 1 (smiles) Dumela. Can I help you? Sunrise (nods, acting upset) Ja. I was hiking and I got lost. Guard (smiles) Ah. Well, can we take you in and call for transport? Sunrise (smiles) Would you please? Guard 1(smiling): Of course. Please come with me. The guard leads her through the gate, while the other guards stare at her. Sunrise signals to Otieno by moving her hand in circles at her side. Otieno (whispers, grins) Let's move NOW! Striker nods and looks at Merit. Striker (whispers)Lead us through those trip wires safely. Merit: Confirmed. Merit begins to walk over the trip wires towards the camp. The guards are so focused on Sunrise that they don't see them. Striker, Shephard and Merit reach the camp wall next to the gate. Otieno (smiles) Time for me to play decoy. Otieno shapeshifts into Illanov and runs by the gate. One of the guards, who is less distracted than the others, spots the fake Illanov running by the gate. Guard (shouts) Alarm! There's the escaped prisoner! Several of the guards by the gate snap back to reality, then dash after Otieno, leaving one guard by the gate. Otieno runs into the hills and when he finds a hiding spot, he shapeshifts into his regular canine form. The guards reach the spot where Otieno disappeared. They look around, weapons ready.. Guard (confused) Where did that mutant go? Otieno comes out of his hiding spot and guard hears him and points his gun. Guard #2 (looks around) What was that? Guard (points at the canine Otieno) It was just one of those African Wild Dogs. Careful with that gun, it is wearing a collar. If any of the researchers find it dead with our bullets, we will be in trouble. Otieno runs off for the Stealth Rover. At the camp, they begin to move in. Shephard (whispers) Sunrise and Otieno's plan worked. Striker (whispers) Come on, we are wasting time. Shephard (whispers) Excuse me, sir. Can I have the first one? Striker (whispers) Go ahead, but don't kill him. Let's send a message to my brother. Shephard wastes no time. He quickly appears from behind the wall and hits the lone guard in the face with the butt of his machine gun. In an office in the camp, Sunrise (still in human form) is watching the guard talk on the phone. With the guard distracted, Sunrise looks at some papers on the table. She takes them and hides them in her vest. She spots Illanov running by the office. Sunrise (whispers) Illanov! Illanov stops running and sees the human. Illanov (startled) Who are you? And how do you know my name? Sunrise (whispers) I'm Sunrise. Illanov (surprised) Comrade Sunrise? Sunrise (nods) Ja. Illanov (whispers): Mother Russia. Good to see you, comrade. Where are the others? Sunrise (whispers): Otieno is playing decoy and the others are on their way. Illanov goes invisible and sneaks behind the guard. Guard: (turns to Sunrise) We will have transport ready for you soon. Sunrise (nods) Dankie meneer. Just then another guard rushes in. Guard (shouts) All units to the front gate! We got mutant pouring in on the camp! The other guard quickly picks up his R-5 rifle on the table, then runs out with the other guard. Sunrise morphs back to normal. Sunrise (whispers) We better go now. Illanov turns visible and goes over to Sunrise. Illanov (nods) Dah. Let's go and find our comrades. Striker and his team come into the courtyard where Phoenix is tied to the pole. As Shephard proves cover fire, Striker and Merit rush over to Phoenix. Striker kneels next to her with worried eyes. Striker (concerned) Phoenix, my love! What have they done to you? Phoenix (weak) Strikie! I'm so glad to see you! Striker takes the muzzle off her and cut the ropes around her hands. Striker takes Phoenix into his arms and they hold each other tightly. A bullet from one the guards glaces Merit's side, scraping off some paint. Merit: Oh my. Such wholesome disrespect for property. Striker (stern) Come on! Let's find the others! Striker, Phoenix and Merit rush for the main buildings, with Shephard behind them firing at the guards, making sure he misses. Meanwhile, Illanov and Sunrise are looking for the others somewhere in the camp. Illanov (confused): Where are our comrades, Sunrise? Sunrise (whispers): They went to free Phoenix. Illanov (confused): Is she still in her cell? Sunrise (shakes head) Nee. She was tied and muzzled to a pole in a yard. Illanov growls. Illanov (growls) We must rescue her! Sunrise (points) This way. Illanov follows her down the direction she pointed. As they are running, they run into Shephard, Merit, and Striker (who is carrying Phoenix). Striker (concerned): Alex! You all right? Illanov (concerned): Comrades! Phoenix, you all right? Phoenix (weakly): I'm... fine... Illanov (concerned) What did they do to her? Striker (growls) Tied her up, muzzled her and left her there. Sunrise sees more guards coming. Sunrise (stern) I think we better get out of this place now! Striker(stern): You're reg! Back to the Stealth Rover! Striker, helped by Illanov in carrying Phoenix, lead them towards the gate. Right behind them the guards shout at them.* Guard (shouts) Halt, or we open fire! The Stealth Rover appears and touches down in from the gates. The cargo doors open. Otieno (inside the Stealth Rover) Hurry! Get in! Striker leads them into the Stealth Rover. Shephard keeps providing cover fire and is the last inside. As he goes in, the cargo doors are closed and the Stealth Rover flies off, leaving behind the guards who fire vainly at it. Several hours have passed as the scene shifts back to the courtroom, where ANN (African News Network) reporter Angela Meyers stands at the courthouse steps with a camera crew. Angela (excited, slight British accent): This is Angela Meyers, reporting live from the steps of South Africa's Supreme Court building. In a truly shocking turn of events, four captured members of the Road Rovers Organization are going on trial this very day for violation of South Africa's controversial new anti-human law. The four in question have been identified as a border collie named Tammy, a German Shepard named Zac, American collie attorney Vicki Maddog and American canine doctor Marauder. The government appears to want to make an example of the litigants this trial, national and international news crews are being permitted into the courtroom to allow full coverage of the trial. Lead Prosecutor Reinhold Rourke said that this will be an open and shut case, since the four are obviously non-humans and they were found on South African soil. Defence lawyer Abigale Madison says that she intends to prove that not only are her four clients not guilty but that the entire anti-human law is unconstitutional. We are now waiting for the arrival of Finance Minister Vorster, the architect of the controversial non-human law. (points): There he is, let's see if we can get a word with him. (shouts): Mr Vorster! Mr Vorster! What will happen to the four Road Rover agents if they are found guilty? Vorster (turns, evil grin): They will be locked away, that's where all non-humans belong. I have no further comment, let me pass! Vorster pushes Angela out of his way as he climbs the stairs. She walks after him, following close behind. Angela (loudly): Is it true that your government wouldn't allow the American Rovers to contact their Ambassador? Will you pursue this agenda in the United Nations? Are you aware that both the United States and Great Britain have condemned this trial and are seeing to place UN sanctions against your nation? Vorster (turns, sneers): We have lived through UN sanctions before, and as for the rest of the world, many nations are applauding our actions. Now GO AWAY little girl! Angela reaches forward and grabs Vorster by the arm, he turns and she falls backward, crashing into her cameraman and soundman who were standing behind her. She is clearly shaken up. Angela (weakly): Reporting for the African News Network.... this is Angela Meyers... Inside the courtroom the Prosecutor Reinhold Rourke sits very calmly at his table as 'Abigale' and 'Harold' enter the room followed closely by Vicki, Marauder, Tammy and Zac. Vicki moves slowly due to the heavy ankle weights she is forced to wear, the others are chained together with both ankle and wrist 'irons' on them. Soon, the bailiff walks to the center of the courtroom. Bayliff (loudly): All arise for the distinguished members of our Supreme Court! This is the case of the four dog mutants versus the state. Vicki (shouts): DOG MUTANTS??? I'LL SHOW YOU DOG MUTANTS!!! Harold reaches over and holds Vicki's snout shut. Bayliff (angry): Miss Madison, if you cannot restrain your client, she will be muzzled! Abigale (timidly): Sorry sir, it won't happen again Bayliff (sternly): See that it doesn't! All arise for the honorable members of our court! All nine members of the South African Supreme Court enter the room and take their places behind the 'bench'. Chief Justice (sternly): Let's get on with this trial. Mr Rourke, present your case Rourke (stands up): Thank you, your honor. This case is so cut and dry, to put it quite simply, the four defendants are all non-humans, or cano-sapiens as they prefer to be called. Our laws are clear on the treatment of all non-humans. Although it is true that two of them are native born South Africans, two of them are Americans. There was to be one more defendant today, but she is a fugitive from justice who escaped yesterday during transport! Many of our finest police officers and soldiers were harmed during the escape. Is this not further proof of the destructiveness of these so-called Road Rovers, heroes of the world? Our nation has started a noble quest, a quest to rid the entire planet of these freaks of nature, these dogs who pretend to be self aware humans! Our world's human population continues to grow, there are less and less resources for human survival, let alone having to compete for food and other resources with these furry humanoid pretenders! (straightens his glasses): The state does acknowledge the fact that the Road Rovers have used their skills to defend the entire earth in times past, however, the world is a different place now! We humans can defend ourselves without having to rely on mutant mammals for help! Many of our fellow nations support us in this venture, and we welcome their support. This trial today will prove our cause is a just cause! All non-human creatures must be detained and must serve humans as they were meant to from the dawn of time! Chief Justice (nods): Thank you, Mr Rourke. And now let's hear your opening argument, Miss Madison. Abigale (the holographically disguised Abby Maddog) stands up and begins to move, being guided by her Seeing Eye dog, Otto. Abigale (loudly, talks as she walks): On the surface, the prosecution's opening statement sounds quite elegant. Powerful words used to cover up yet another form of discrimination in this nation. It is true, I am an American, I have lived in the United States all of my life. But in my native nation, over one hundred and fifty years ago, this same type of argument was used to defend a horrible practice known as slavery! Those humans who's only crime was having darker skin were forced to work for their lighter skinned masters. I'm sure all of you learned justices are familiar with Harriet Beacher Stowe's famous novel 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' which detailed the cruel and inhumane treatment of those who lived and worked as slaves. It took a bloody civil war to right this great wrong. Now all men and women in our nation have the right to be free and treated as equals. I do hate to dredge up recent history, but this nation, South Africa, at one time had the now discarded Apartheid laws. Laws designed for only one purpose, to segregate the various races of peoples in this nation! We can now all clearly see in hindsight that these so-called laws amounted to nothing more that legalized discrimination! All of the nations of the world opposed these laws, South Africa had various UN sanctions applied to her. Only recently were the terrible Apartheid laws revoked, a new era of peace and freedom dawned on this wonderful nation. No more legalized segregation, all South African citizens, regardless of their skin color or origin, are now free and viewed as equals under the law. Now, we have in place the non-human Acts. Once again, this proud nation has resorted to legalized discrimination! (points in their direction): What are my client's accused of? Accused of being who they are! Just as slavery was wrong for enslaving humans by their skin color, attesting and convicting my clients is equally wrong. What is their crime? Having fur instead of skin? Having claws instead of fingernails? Mr Rourke referred to my clients as mutants and freaks! Isn't that what slaves were called in America? Isn't that what Jews were called in Hitler's Nazi Germany? Is that the next step? Concentration camps like the ones in Dacau? Do my clients deserve death simply because of who they are? I say NO! I say my clients should not face this new form of Apartheid simply because they have fur and tails! All creatures, human and animals alike, must learn to share this world in harmony and peace! I intend to prove that my clients must be freed and this non-human law of yours is both morally and constitutionally wrong! That ends my opening statement. The gallery instantly erupts with applause. Most people stand and clap while a few others boo and shout things like 'DOG LOVER!' and 'MUTANTS MUST DIE' and 'YANKEE GO HOME'. Three of the Supreme Court justices also stand and clap before they realize what they are doing, and quickly sit back down. Vorster looks visibly upset, turning red in the face as he turns to one of his advisers. Vorster (angry): We have to stop this trial somehow! That stupid Yank is swaying the public against us! Find a way, legal or otherwise, to shut her up NOW! Vorster's cell phone rings. He leaves the court room to take it. Vorster (talks into the phone) Vorster here. Officer (audio) There was a breakout at one of the camps. Vorster clutches the phone tightly. Vorster (stunned): What! When? Officer (audio) Not long ago. They freed the two mutants that were captured on the highway. Vorster (angry): Who rescued them? Officer (audio) There was a cocker spaniel mutant, a droid, a human, and an African Wild dog mutant. Vorster(thinking) Spaniel... was he orange furred with white highlights? Officer (audio) Ja, sir. Vorster swears loudly. Vorster (angry): Which way were they heading? Ok, have my staff car meet me outside, I want to deal with this personally. Goodbye. Vorster now turns to his assistant. Vorster (hushed tone): I have to leave now, you tell the rest of my staff to do anything you can to disrupt this trial! We can't have this hotshot Yankee lawyer spreading her mutant loving message to the entire world! Now go! The scene now shifts back to the courtroom where the trial is still taking place. Abigale (Abby Maddog) is now cross-examining the prosecution's latest witness, Dr, Francis Gaar, an expert witness on animal behavior. Abby (sternly); So Dr Gaar, you have stated for the record that cano- sapiens are sub intelligent Dr Gaar (proudly): Ja! My scientific research proves this Abby (sternly): Are ALL cano-sapiens sub intelligent? Dr Gaar (nods): Of course they are! Abby (sternly): Harold, please hand the doctor defense exhibit E Dr Gaar (takes it from Harold): This is a newspaper clipping! Abby (nods): Yes it is, the Boston Globe dated May 11th, 1999. Please read the headline! Dr Gaar (reads it aloud): M.I.T. graduating class has co- valedictorians for the first time ever! Abby (sternly): Now read the names of the co-valedictorians for the court Dr Gaar (shocked): Daisy and Flash Bloodhound???? Abby (sternly): Please note for the record that Daisy and Flash Bloodhound are cano-sapiens. Did you miss that little detail in your research? Roukre (shouts): I object! Abby (sternly); I withdraw the question, Dr Gaar, I have another clipping for you to examine. Harold hands Dr Gaar another clipping. Dr Gaar (reads it): Atlanta Tribune, the headline reads, "Canine lawyer wins constitutional case in the Georgia Supreme Court" Abby (sternly): Please note for the record, the attorney in question is Ben Maddog. Dr Gaar, wouldn't you have to say that a collie would have to be extremely intelligent to not only pass a bar exam but to successfully argue and win a high profile court case? Dr Gaar (stuttering, shaking): Well.... I..... Abby (sternly): Harold please hand the judge and Dr Gaar defense exhibit G. Dr Gaar (looks at it, shocked): Hokaii! This is my own research report! Abby (sternly): Dated October 23rd, 2002. Please read the title out loud for the court Dr Gaar (upset, reads it): "Can animals speak" Abby (sternly); Note on page seventeen, second paragraph, what does it say, doctor? Dr Gaar (angry, reads it): It is my conclusion that any animal who could exhibit human speech must have a high level of intelligence.... (stutters): But.... but... Abby (furious): It would appear that you are contradicting yourself, aren't you Dr Gaar? Dr Gaar (upset, shaking): But... but.... (points): Mr Roukre paid me good money to lie... (embarrassed): I mean.... well.... Rourke (angry): I object! That's not true! Abby (smug grin): I have no further questions for this witness.... Judge (sternly): Very well, you may leave the stand, Doctor... As Dr Gaar steps down, two of Vorster's aides are watching closely. Aide #1 (whispers); We have to stop that blind Yankee lawyer! She's destroying our case! Aide #2 (whispers): This has gone on far enough! Time for a little accident.... He runs over to the courtroom floor, grabs a pitcher of ice water sitting on the defense's table and tosses the water on 'Abigale'. Taken by surprise, she growls as she turns towards the aide and punches him in the jaw. The water causes the holographic projector on her belt to short out, exposing her as a collie-sapien. Judge (shocked): IT'S A MUTANT!!! Aide #1 (shouts); SEIZE HER!!! Abby (growls loudly): In your dreams, wimp! As guards rush over to her, Abby 'flames on' and begins to form a ball of fire in her hands. Otto (shouts): Stop Abby! This is inappropriate behavior for this occasions... Gila (reaches for his belt): I'm with Abby! Gila Monster turns off his holographic projector and then tears a wooden leg off of a nearby table. Gila (shouts); Which one of yous gooberoos wants a splinter sandwich first? Otto (shakes head): So much for Plan A. Judge (shouts): Everyone clear the courtroom! I hereby declare a mistrial! Secure the defendants! Otto now uses his eye lasers to free the bonds of Vicki, Marauder, Tammy and Zac. As the gallery clears, soldiers soon rein bullets down on them, but Otto's force field protects them all. Otto (shouts): We must flee! Gila (swinging the wooden table leg): Not now! I is having too much fun! Otto (ears perk up): I'm receiving police band transmissions. Vorster's men are calling for reinforcements, they will be arriving within minutes, we must go! The scene shifts outside the courtroom where several tanks and jeeps drive towards the building. Starlight now makes her holographic 'cart' disappear and stands in the road as they rumble down the street. Starlight (determined): Oh no you don't! Time to test my newest technical innovation! Uncle Buford just install this into my systems... here goes.... PERCUSSION BLASTS!!! Balls of light energy shoot out of Starlight's eyes, exploding on contact with the ground. Half of the police force runs away scared. Marauder, Vicki, Abby, Gila, Tammy, Zac, and Otto run out of the court house. Linda comes out of hiding. Vicki (excited); LINDA!! YOU'RE ALIVE!! Marauder (relieved): Lassie! (He runs up and hugs her.) Boy am I glad to see you. I thought I would never see you again. Linda (nods): I had the same fear about you, my love. Otto (shouting): We must escape! Starlight (nods): Already working on it! Tammy (confused): What the devil is she talkin' about? Linda (talks into radio) Linda to Unit STRIKE, come in Unit STRIKE! Starlight magically morphs back into her equine-sapien form and waves her arms in the air. Starlight (smiles): This will buy us some time.... A huge robot appears in the courtyard, it moves towards the police. The Stealth Rover flies into the area and lands into the courtyard. The cargo doors open. Illanov (yells) Hurry comrades!! Gila (angry): I wants to stays and fight these gooboroos! Abby (shouts): Are you crazy? Vicki (snobby): He's Gila! He's always crazy! Otto (shouts): Gila, it would be inadvisable for you to remain here Gila (confused): I don't knows what yous said, but I'll goes with yous guys anyway! They get into the plane. The Stealth Rover takes off. Sunrise (stern): We got to contact Kya to get out of here. Corsair (blunt): I been trying but there is no response. Otto (stern): Scanning..... life signs difficult to find.... Starlight (shocked): I am having the same problem, Otto..... can't locate Kya's lifesigns.... Otieno (shocked) WHAT?! The Stealth Rover flies over the base and everyone sees smoke coming from it. Sunrise, Otieno (shouts): KYA! Striker (growls) Oh no! Linda (shocked); OH NO!! Abby (shocked): WE GOTTA DO SOMETHING! Vicki (confused): But what? We're up here in this plane! Otto (stern): I'm receiving SAAF transmissions, they are heading towards our position. Striker (shouts): Get us out of here Corsair! Corsair (nods): Ok, boss Sunrise (upset): What about Kya?! Gila (growls): So we've just gonna leave? I WANTS TO BEAT UP BAD GUYS!! Abby (growls): Odd as it sounds, for once I agree with the green guy Striker (shakes head): Nee! If we go back all of us are in danger. Otieno (upset): Kya is still down there. Phoenix (sighs): I hate to say it Striker is right. We don't want to send a bad message about us to the world. Otto (nods); Affirmative, the risk to our own lives would be severe as well as the ... Abby (growls): Shut up, metal head! Starlight (angry): HE'S NOT A METAL HEAD! I'M CYBERNETIC TOO Y'KNOW! Abby and Starlight stare at each other angrily. Sunrise (sad) Yet another one of our family taken from us by Adriaan's law. Vicki (upset): There's has to be something we can do legally about this! Striker (shakes head): Nee. There is nothing to do but wait. If I know my brother, he would use Kya as bait to get to us. Gila (angry); I HATES THIS!! Let's turn this bird around and gives them dingledorks a face full of splinters! Corsair (yells) There is SAAF fighters on our tails! Otto (stern): The logical course now is self preservation Gila (confused): Self whatsit? Abby (sighs): We're retreating... Corsair (announcing): We are about to cross the border! Striker (stern): Head to Kenya to the Cape Hunting Dog Unit's ranch. Consair (nods): Ok, boss. Starlight (announces); We are now out of South African airspace Vicki (sadly): Poor Kya.... The scene now shifts to the captured camp, a half hour later. Adriaan Vorster climbs out of his black limousine. As he walks through the gates, his cell phone rings. Adriaan (into phone) Vorster here...WHAT?! That lawyer was a mutant and all of them escaped...This is the last straw. I want Striker to be tracked down by any means necessary. He will pay. Adriaan hangs up his cell phone and continues into the camp. Adriaan (to officer) What you have for me better be good! Officer (nods) It is Mister Minster. The officer quickly led Adriaan to the lower levels of the camp. Officer (points) She is this way. Adriaan was lead to a cell. Inside was Kya. Her wrists and ankles where chained up. Adriaan (evil grin) Well now, mutant. Seems your friends forgot you here, at least. Kya gives a low growl. Adriaan goes over to her and grabs her muzzle. He looks in anger at her. Adriaan (stern) Where have they gone? Talk! Kya (scared) How should I know . . .? Adriaan (stern) Simple. You are part of their team. You should know. Or are you just someone who goes along as extra luggage? Kya growls. Adriaan (blunt) I thought so. You are just as worthless to them as you are to me. Officer (blunt) What should we do with her, sir? Adriaan thinks for a moment, then takes Kya's arm and squeezes it. Kya (growls) Let go of me! Adriaan (evil grin) She does look strong enough. Tell me, do you know how to do house chores? Kya (growls) Bite me! Adriaan (evil grin) And even if not, at least she looks to have the stamina to entertain that male slave of mine. Kya looks at Adriaan and gasps in horror. Adriaan turns to the officer. Adriaan (evil grin) Have someone take her to my estate. The people there will know what to do with her. Officer (nods) Yes, Mister Minister. Kya struggles in the officers' grip as she is lead out. Kya (scared) Aikona! I will never be your slave! Adriaan (chuckles) Strange. My male slave said the same thing. Take her away. The officer drags Kya away. -----------------------------------------------------------------------