Copyright 2000 -- Robert Baer Jr. Buford's Collie Squadron -- "Something Stinks! -- Part 2" DISCLAIMER Road Rovers characters, names, situations and the Road Rovers universe are the property of Warner Bros. I, nor this script/story are connected with Warner Bros. in any way, shape or form. This document may not be publicized or reproduced in any way, shape or form. It must remain fully intact and may not be altered in anyway. It is strictly used for not-for-profit entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to infringe on any Copyrights. This story is written by Robert Baer Jr and the characters Otto, Samantha Maddog, Ben Maddog, Abby Maddog, Vicki Maddog, Princess, Molly Maddog, Kyra, Computer Gila Monster, Princess, Linda Maddog, Uncle Buford, Amos Doggie, Hannah and Roger Maddog are all Robert Baer Jr's creations, copyright 1997-1998. DJ is a creation of Jake Williams. Marauder is a creation of Jerimy Bass. Huntress is a creation of Greywolf Lupous. Jazz is a creation of Dylan Rinald. Alethia is a creation of Kylen Miles, Cobber is a creation of Mike Browner Buford's Collie Squadron -- "Something Stinks! -- Part 2" As the skunk mutants rush towards their position, Ben barks out orders. BEN (shouting): Everyone, activate your personal force fields! Molly, take their guns. Abby, when she's done, circle them in flames! I'll try to slow them down! Ben fires several electric bolts out of his hands towards the mutants. Those that get shocked recover quickly and continue to run towards them. Molly uses her super speed to grab ten laser rilfes away, but is thrown to the ground when she attempts to grab one more. As two of the skunk mutants turn and raise their tails, DJ rushes over and takes her of the way just in the niche of time. Abby 'flames on' and takes to the air, forming a circle of flames around all of the mutants, Parvo and Groomer. GROOMER (grabs fire extinguisher): I came prepared this time! She points and shoots Abby with fire extinguisher foam, which causes her fire to go out as she falls to the ground. Three skunk mutants turn their tails towards her when Princess uses her mind to instantly 'freeze' time. Quickly, she rushes over to Abby and attempts to pull the time frozen collie out of the way. PRINCESS (pulling, grunting): I need to work out more often Princess manages to move Abby out of the way as time 'unfreezes.' ABBY (shocked): I'm OK? How did that ..... (looks up and sees Princess): So, you saved me? PRINCESS (nods): Yes, but thank me later, we have a job to do.... Ben, Otto, Samantha, Jazz and the Gila Monster watch all the action and try to think of their next move. SAMANTHA (sadly): Dad, Molly and Abby almost got sprayed, we have to think of something fast! JAZZ (points): We could try to sneak around and outflank them. I'll lead the way! BEN (nods): Good idea Jazz! (shouts out): Roger, I was you and the Gila to ... GILA MONSTER (stands up, interrupts): All I knows is I'm tired of sittin here, I'm gonna clobber some skunks! OTTO (shouts): Wait! Gila! You have no protective force field! GILA MONSTER (swings 2 x 4): Don't need one! (shouts to the mutants): HEY YOU SKUNK FACED GOOBEROOS! I'M GONNA GIVE Y'ALL SOME LUMPS!!! The Gila Monster swings his board and knocks out three of the mutants instantly, the others turn and spray him. SAMANTHA (scared): Oh NO!!! PRINCESS (shouting): GILA!!! BEN (shakes head): He never listens to reason OTTO (points): Something amazing is transpiring, look! The Gila Monster takes one deep breath and lets it out. GILA MONSTER (happy): Oh YEAH!! I love the smell of skunk! (angry): Now I'll gits the rest of y'all! The confused skunk mutants can't believe their eyes. As the Gila attacks, the others spray him more, but he keeps smiling and beating up more mutants. In a few minutes, all of the skunk mutants lie motionless on the ground. In the confusion, Parvo and Groomer manage to get aboard their dog ship and fly away. With a loud BOOM!!! Kyra arrives on the scene with Colleen, Hunter, Blitz, Exile, Alethia and Cobber. COLLEEN (sees all the skunk mutants down): Blimey! Who did all of this? BEN (points): It was the Gila Monster! As the Gila Monster walks towards all of them, his 'smell' reaches all of their noses. COLLEEN (makes face): Ewwwwww! Gross!!!!! HUNTER (holds nose): It was a smelly job, but someone had to do it! COBBER (holds nose): I can't believe this bloak's still standing! GILA MONSTER (sniffs the air): Hey! What's wrong with y'all? Can't ya smell the sweet aroma of success? ALETHIA (shakes head): That's not exactly what I'd call it, Gila! Blitz walks over to the fallen skunk mutants and begins to gloat. BLITZ (shouting): You are SO lucky dat you're already beat up! If I would've been here, I'd bitten all of your tooschies! I'd show all of you how magnificent I am and ...... Three of the skunk mutant slowly lift their tails and spray Blitz. BLITZ (scared): ACH! UN-EEMEL!!! NOT AGAIN!!! The other Rovers laugh. EXILE (points, laughing): Weird boy strikes again! DJ (laughing): Way to go, Blitz! COLLEEN (laughs): Now, THERE'S your comedy! ALETHIA (laughs): Time to stop and smell the roses, right Blitz? The Gila Monster rushes over to Blitz. GILA MONSTER (swings 2 x 4): Reckon I didn't whomp these ones bad enough! When the Gila Monster smacks the three moving skunk mutants once more on their skulls, as a reflex action, they spray Blitz once more. BLITZ (furious): HEY!!!! GILA MONSTER (sniffs): WOW!!! Git yourself a whiff of that perfume! (sniffs): Ahhhhh! This causes the Rovers to laugh even more. The scene now switches back to Road Rover Mission Control, five hours later. The Master has gathered Ben, Hunter, Otto and Samantha together in the briefing room. MASTER (smiles): Road Rovers, you are good, good dogs! All of the skunk mutants have been returned to normal and de-fumed. Mr Maddog, how did you and the Collie Squadron handle the situation. BEN (smiles): Actually, we have the Gila Monster to thank! He attacked all of them with no regard for his own personal safety. MASTER (sadly): Did he get sprayed? BEN (nods): Yes, but he actually enjoys the smell! He's in the isolation room now waiting for Amos to mix up another batch of his potus for him and Blitz.. MASTER (surprised): Blitz got sprayed AGAIN? SAMANTHA (giggles): Yes, Mr Master, sir! It was his own fault! OTTO (shakes head): Some dogs never learn from the lessons of the past Down the hallway DJ and Molly walk slowly towards the motor pool. MOLLY (nervous): DJ, I ...... I......... DJ (smiles): Yes? MOLLY (smiles): I wanted to thank you for what you did in Boston. DJ (smiles): Anytime, Molly! (sees look on her face): Molly? Is something bothering you? MOLLY (shakes head): No no, I'm fine, really I am... DJ (stops her, holds her hand): You seem to be a little shook up about this, don't you? MOLLY (nods): It was scary.... I was sprayed by a skunk once when I was a puppy... DJ (smiles): Hey, let's you and me go over to the kitchen and see if Shag will make us some banana splits! MOLLY (brightens): That's a great idea, DJ! DJ (nods): Now, that's a winning smile if I ever saw it! As DJ and Molly walk towards the kitchen, the action shifts to the medical ward where Marauder, Kyra, Princess, Colleen and Hannah are looking through the window of the isolation room. PRINCESS (sadly): The Gila was so brave! WHAT A MAN!!! MARAUDER (confused): Man? Well, I suppose he could be called a man.... PRINCESS (grabs him by the collar): Look Doc! No one knocks MY man, got it? MARAUDER (nods): I got it! My apologies, now, would you please set me back on the floor? PRINCESS (looks down): Oh, sorry bout that..... Princess sets Marauder back on the floor as Linda walks over to the group. LINDA (looks inside the window): So, how are they doing? MARAUDER (straightens his tie): Well, Amos is mixing up another batch of potus. Until then, Blitz and the Gila Monster will stay in the isolation room. LINDA (smiles): Wanna go grab a cup of coffee? MARAUDER (nods): Yes, I could use a break, let's go! As Marauder and Linda walk away, Abby and Vicki walk over to where Princess is standing. ABBY (looks up at Princess): Princess, I ... PRINCESS (smiles): I know, Abby, and you're welcome ABBY (shakes head): Wait a minute, I have more to say than just a mere 'thank you.' PRINCESS (surprised): Oh? ABBY (sadly): Well, it's just that Vicki and I have been very hard on you from the beginning of your probation period, and we.. VICKI (interrupts): And we just wanted to say that we're sorry. ABBY (holds hand out to shake): Friends? PRINCESS (shakes Abby's hand): Of course! No hard feelings! VICKI (shakes hands with Princess): Thanks, Princess! PRINCESS (bright smile): I just had an idea! Let's all go out for pizza later! Once the Gila is done with his treatment, all of us can go to Franko's Pizza Palace together! Me, Gila, Linda, Marauder and you two can come along with your boyfriends and...... ABBY (sadly): We don't have boyfriends right now.... VICKI (sadly): But it's not for lack of trying... PRINCESS (brightens): I just had another thought! Maybe Gila can set you two up with some of his friends and ... ABBY (shakes head): Er... thanks, but no thanks.... VICKI (shakes head): No thank you.... how about we just go stag, OK? PRINCESS (nods): Alright by me, ladies! Inside the isolation room, Blitz is pacing back and forth while the Gila Monster sits back in his chair, smiling. BLITZ (upset): I want to get out of here! (sees Gila): Hey, lizard boy, why are you so happy? GILA MONSTER (stands up): Because I'm wearing my favorite fragrance! (sniffs the air): Heavenly, ain't it? BLITZ (sadly): I think I'm going to be sick.... GILA MONSTER (smiles): And this will give you and me a chance to git to know each other better! BLITZ (gruffly): I'd rather not! GILA MONSTER (laughs): Aw, c'mon, we'll have fun! The Gila quickly grabs Blitz around the neck and rubs his knuckles on his head. GILA MONSTER (happy): Dutch Rub!!!! Dutch Rub!!!! BLITZ (jumps up): Hey! You stop that or I'll bite your tooschie! GILA MONSTER (laughs): Now now, take it easy, pal! (points): Look over there! As Blitz turns his head, the Gila grabs the back of Blitz's underpants and gives them a quick 'jerk'. GILA MONSTER (laughs): Wedgie!!! Wedgie!!!! COLLEEN (watching from the outside): I really really like that Gila bloak! BLITZ (angry): That's it, you green goonie! Let the biting begin! GILA MONSTER (stands up): Ok by me! I gots a lot more teeth than you do, idgit! When the Gila opens his huge mouth wide, Blitz gets scared, runs into the restroom and slams the door. GILA MONSTER (confused): I wonder what's wrong with him? The Rovers watching from the outside all begin to laugh together. Colleen walks over to where Amos is busy working on the potus. COLLEEN (pats him on the back): Amos, take all the time you need to fix that stuff up! I think Blister and the Gila are havin' a jolly good time together! BLITZ (hears Colleen from a distance): NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------