Copyright 2000 --- Robert Baer Jr. Collie Squadron -- "Malay in Manila -- Part 1" DISCLAIMER Road Rovers characters, names, situations and the Road Rovers universe are the property of Warner Bros. I, nor this script/story are connected with Warner Bros. in any way, shape or form. This document may not be publicized or reproduced in any way, shape or form. It must remain fully intact and may not be altered in anyway. It is strictly used for not-for-profit entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to infringe on any Copyrights. This story is written by Robert Baer Jr and the characters Otto, Samantha Maddog, Ben Maddog, Abby Maddog, Vicki Maddog, Princess, Molly Maddog, Kyra, Computer Gila Monster, Warrior, Linda Maddog, Uncle Buford and Roger Maddog are all Robert Baer Jr's creations, copyright 1997-1998. DJ is a creation of Jake Williams. Marauder is a creation of Jerimy Bass. Collie Squadron -- "Malay in Manila" The scene is Road Rover Headquarters. Seated in the briefing room are the Master, Otto, Samantha, Ben Maddog and Uncle Buford, who are discussing matters concerning the Collie Squadron. Over in the lounge area are three of the Maddog sisters: Linda, Abby and Vicki, along with Princess. They are seated around a card table and are sipping on coffee. LINDA (grumbling): I don't see why all of us have to report here every Saturday. We all just sit here and wait until Buford and dad are done reporting to the Master. VICKI (grumbling): Yeah, wish we had something to do besides sit here and drink coffee. ABBY (sips coffee): Yeah, at least Molly can go back to the motor pool with DJ, and Kyra gives her weekly health services report to Marauder... LINDA (dreamy eyed): Marauder...... I just love the way that name rolls off of my tongue! VICKI (laughs): Will you give it up, Linda? How many times has he rejected your requests for a date? LINDA (lowers head): You're a real morale booster there sis! ABBY (looks over at Princess): Hey Princess, why are you so quiet? PRINCESS (looks up): Well, I've never really been the socialable type.... LINDA (sternly): Not even when you were with Ultra and the Lost Pack? PRINCESS (lowers head sadly): Please, don't remind me of those days. I'd rather forget them all. ABBY (smiles): Ok, I'll change the subject! How are you and the Gila Monster getting along? PRINCESS (bright smile): Well, he's a likable sort of person, once you get to know him! VICKI (laughs): Where did he take you on your last date, out in the woods to forage for ants? PRINCESS (smiles): Actually, we went to the Red Ox Inn! I had a steak, he ordered escargo and clams. It was great! We even had a flaming cherries jubilee for dessert! LINDA (surprised): He took you to the Red Ox? That's a four star restraunt! ABBY (shocked): Where did he get that kind of money? VICKI (laughs): Princess, did he do anything...well.....strange on your date? PRINCESS (shakes head): Nope, he was a perfect gentleman. But he did try to eat the flaming cherries jubilee while it was still on fire! I thought that was so cute! LINDA (shocked): Cute? ABBY (surprised): You gotta be kidding me! VICKI (shakes head): That man wrote the book on ugly! PRINCESS (angry): HEY! SHUT UP VICKI! At least I HAVE a man in my life! Princess takes her coffee cup and storms out of the lounge area as Roger walks in. ABBY (mad): That Princess has some nerve! LINDA (upset): Yeah, that was a cheap shot! ROGER (gets cup of coffee): What y'all talking about? VICKI (gruff): Just girl talk! ABBY (mad): Yeah! LINDA (turns her head): What are you doing here anyway? ROGER (sadly): Marauder asked me to leave his office since he and Kyra were discussing personnel health history reports. That makes me mad! I wonder if Marauder is trying to steal her away from me! LINDA (laughs): Relax, brother. All of us have talked to Kyra. ABBY (smiles): All she talks about is you! VICKI (chuckles): Believe us, she's loyal to you! She says that Marauder is always strictly business with her. ROGER (smiles): Really? VICKI (smiles): That's right! Besides, Linda has a crush on him and ... LINDA (angry): HEY! Don't tell Roger that! ROGER (laughs): I thought so! (laughs more) LINDA (growls): Keep laughing, brother, and I'll give you a crush, on your noggin! MASTER (on PA system): All Road Rovers, report to the briefing room immediately! Linda, Vicki, Abby and Roger run towards the briefing room. They find Otto, Samantha, Uncle Buford and Ben already seated. Kyra and Marauder enter the room next followed by Princess, DJ and Molly. MASTER (points to map): Road Rovers, we've just received an urgent call from our training facility in Manila. It appears that General Parvo has attacked and has taken many of our trained cadets with him. OTTO (sternly): Manila, according to Road Rover log records, that's the place where Warrior was stationed, correct? MASTER (nods): Amazing! Yes, this is true! I put Warrior in charge of that training center. LINDA (shakes head): Who is Warrior? SAMANTHA (turns to Linda): He's a St Bernard Cano-Mutant that was rescued from Parvo in New York. Parvo geneticly created him to be the ultimate fighter, but he rejected those evil ways and switched sides. OTTO (distressed): Manila .... that's where Colleen, Hunter and Exile were as well. They were helping train a new class of cadets at the training center! MASTER (sternly): That's right, Otto! My Rovers are in danger! It's up to all of you to save them! Ben, you're in charge of this mission, good luck! BEN (turns to the others): Alright, we'd all better teleport there immediately! We're Road Rovers! All of the Rovers howl in unison. With a loud BOOM!!!! Otto, Samantha, DJ, Molly, Ben, Marauder, Kyra, Princess, Abby, Vicki, Roger and Linda arrive on the 'grounds' of the training center. They look all around and see most of the buildings have been heavily damaged by laser fire. SAMANTHA (frightened): Oh NO! We're too late! OTTO (looking all around): Scanning the area...... no signs of other cano-sapiens other than ourselves in a five mile radius.. BEN (sniffs): Otto, if I'm not mistaken, I smell the faint residue of some sort of knock out gas OTTO (sniffs): You are correct, Mr Maddog, there were high concentrations of this gas applied here approximately fifteen minutes ago. PRINCESS (looks around): So, after Parvo battled with the Rovers, he must've gassed them and took them all away! DJ (looks on the ground): Hey everyone! Over here! These are fresh tire tracks, they may lead us to the others! BEN (smiles): Good job, DJ! MOLLY (points): They head off in that direction! OTTO (looks down): There appears to have been more than one vehicle, three, perhaps more. MARAUDER (nods): Parvo came with a large force. He had to have known where this training center was! PRINCESS (nods): That means there had to a spy among their ranks... BEN (waves arms): Wait a minute folks, let's not jump to conclusions here.. OTTO (sternly): Ben is correct, there are a number of possible explanations... VICKI (angry): Spare us the lecture, Univac! SAMANTHA (growls): Don't call my husband that, sis! BEN (runs between Sam and Vicki): Enough of this! Abby, Vicki, you two follow these tire tracks from the air. Otto, Molly, use your super speed to run on ahead and see where these tracks lead. The rest of us will follow on foot. Everyone, be very careful, there's no telling what sort of hidden dangers lie ahead. Abby 'flames on' and floats upward followed by Vicki. In a flash, Otto and Molly race off in a cloud of dust. As Abby and Vicki float high above them, Otto and Molly hide behind a tree and carefully look forward. OTTO (whispers): See that? It's a cave entrance. It's surrounded by some sort of force field so I am unable to scan inside of it. MOLLY (whispers): We won't be able to enter the cave either, right? OTTO (nods,whispers): Yes, unless I can determine a way to .... OUCH!!! MOLLY (surprised): What was that? OWWW!! HEY!!!! Both Otto and Molly have been shot with tranquillizer darts, the fast acting sleep potion instantly knocks both of them out cold. Abby and Vicki see this from above. ABBY (shouts to Vicki): Oh NO! They got Otto and Molly! VICKI (talks into wrist communicator): Dad, are you there? At that moment, two Cano-Mutants emerge from behind a boulder carrying a huge fire hose. Before either collie can react, the hose is 'turned' on them, instantly causing Abby and Vicki to fall to the ground. The impact with the ground knocks both of them unconscience. A half hour later, Vicki and Abby awaken to find themselves shackled to the wall of a very damp and dreary looking cave. ABBY (looks over at Vicki): Where are we? VICKI (looks at Abby): Where ever we are, we're prisoners. ABBY (smiles): We'll just teleport out of here! (pause) It's not working! VICKI (sadly): I know, sis, I've already tried my collar. Either the water or our fall must've damaged them. Abby looks around and sees Molly, who is shackled against the opposite wall. ABBY (scared): Look over there! It's Molly! VICKI (shouts out): MOLLY! HEY MOLLY!! ABBY (sadly): Oh NO!! She's not moving! VICKI (looks around): And I don't see Otto anywhere! ABBY (scared): I think I hear someone coming... Groomer walks over to the collies followed by two Cano-Mutants. GROOMER (laughs): I see two of you Road Rover are awake now! Good! I love to watch Shepard's pets in agony. VICKI (angry): Let us go! GROOMER (evil grin): Sure I'll let all of you go, into the Cano-Mutator! ABBY (struggles): Where's Otto? GROOMER (laughs): Oh, the mechanical mutt! Don't worry, we'll be very careful when we're taking him apart piece by piece! This causes Abby and Vicki to growl loudly and struggle to get out of their chains. GROOMER (laughs outloud): Fight all you want to, your turn will be next! Cano-Mutants! Guard the prisoners! The two Cano-Mutants guards turn around to face Abby and Vicki. Both of the collie sisters gasp when they see their faces. GROOMER (laughs): Yes, Road Rovers! Meet your guards! Cano-Mutants Hunter and Colleen! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- to be continued........