Copyright 2000 -- Robert Baer Jr. Collie Squadron -- "Anybody Home?" DISCLAIMER Road Rovers characters, names, situations and the Road Rovers universe are the property of Warner Bros. I, nor this script/story are connected with Warner Bros. in any way, shape or form. This document may not be publicized or reproduced in any way, shape or form. It must remain fully intact and may not be altered in anyway. It is strictly used for not-for-profit entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to infringe on any Copyrights. This story is written by Robert Baer Jr and the characters Otto, Samantha Maddog, Ben Maddog, Abby Maddog, Vicki Maddog, Molly Maddog, Kyra, Linda Maddog, Uncle Buford, Maxx, Prairie Mason, Prairie Rose and Roger Maddog are all Robert Baer Jr's creations, copyright 1997-1998. DJ is a creation of Jake Williams. Dervish is a creation of Casey Johnson, Dylan is a creation of Dylan Rinald, Marauder is a creation of Jeremy Bass, Dawn is a creation of Diane L. Collie Squadron -- "Anybody Home?" The scene is Ben Maddog's estate outside of Atlanta. A taxi cab pulls up to the mansion enterance. Exiting the vehicle are two large yellow labrador retrievers. It's Prairie Mason, Ben's fellow canine lawyer friend from Arixona with his wife, Prairie Rose. He pays the driver and walks toward the huge front door of the house. Ringing the doorbell several times, no one comes to answer it. PRAIRIE MASON (puzzled): This is strange, darling. Usually the butler comes and anwsers the door. PRAIRIE ROSE (smiles): Must be his day off. Is the door unlocked? PRAIRIE MASON (turns knob with mouth): Yes, I got it open, let's go inside! The two retrievers enter the mansion and have a look around. After fifteen minutes of searching, they still cannot find Ben Maddog or any of his family. Suddenly, Prairie Rose discovers a half open secret passageway behind a bookcase. The two dogs runs down the winding staircase to the bottom, where they find a huge underground cavern with many strange looking machines in it. It's Collie Squadron Headquarters, it's the first time either of them has seen it because Ben and the Maddog family never told them about their involvement with the Road Rovers. Soon, the two dogs see their old friend, Uncle Buford, with his robotic Great Dane Maxx, running towards them. UNCLE BUFORD (almost out of breath): Prairie Mason! Prairie Rose! I'm so glad you're here! Hurry! I need your help! PRAIRIE MASON (dumbfounded): I don't understand... PRAIRIE ROSE (shocked): Please, tell us what's wrong ... UNCLE BUFORD (frantic): There's no time! You have to trust me. Please enter the transdogmaifers, hurry! Prairie Mason and his wife immediately step inside the transdogmafier chambers and emerge as Cano-Sapiens, clad in silvery Road Rover outfits. PRAIRIE MASON (looks at himself): What have you done to us! PRAIRIE ROSE (looks at herself): Hey, we look like Road Rovers! PRAIRIE MASON (looks at Uncle Buford): Now will you explain what's going on? UNCLE BUFORD (reachs for several items on a lab table): Ok, Ben Maddog, his daughters and son are all part of a Road Rover unit called the Collie Squadron. One hour ago, they, along with Otto, Samantha and several other Road Rovers left for a mission in Honduras. They're supposed to stay in contact with Road Rover Mission Control, but they haven't been heard from. The rest of the Rovers are out on other missions, so I was planning to take Maxx and find them myself, but now that you two are here .... PRAIRIE MASON (interrupts): Say no more, Mr Buford, we'd be happy to help! PRAIRIE ROSE (nods): That's right! Tell us what you want us to do! UNCLE BUFORD (smiling): I knew I could count on both of you! The transdogmafying process may have given you both special abilities, there's no time to find out about them now. Maxx, set teleportation coordinates for the last known location of the Collie Squadron and zap us there immediately! MAXX (electronic voice): As you wish... Uncle Buford.... With a loud BOOM!!! the foursome find themselves in a jungle area of Honduras, looking over the crashed remains of a Cloud Rover. UNCLE BUFORD (frightened): MAXX! Scan the wreckage! Tell us what happened here! MAXX (electronic voice): Scanning.....accident caused by two gas propelled missiles of the Stringer signs of life aboard at the time of impact PRAIRIE ROSE (sigh of relief): Thank God! No one was hurt! PRAIRIE MASON (confused): Then, where are they? UNCLE BUFORD (sternly): My guess is that they teleported off before the plane was destroyed. (turns to Maxx): Maxx, begin area wide scan for their collar homing signals! MAXX (electronic voice): signal detected within fifty mile area... UNCLE BUFORD (anger): MAXX! Expand the search! They have to be somewhere! PRAIRIE MASON (looks down on the ground): Hey everyone, look at this! PRAIRIE ROSE (walks over and looks): I see it! Tire tracks! UNCLE BUFORD (nods): Parvo's goons must've came here looking for the Rovers! (turns to Maxx): Maxx, where do these tire tracks lead? MAXX (electronic voice): Scanning......tracks cease near a fortified compound approximately two point four seven miles from out present position... Compound cannot be scanned due to electronic interference... UNCLE BUFORD (smiling): Of course! That's why we couldn't trace their homing signals! PRAIRIE MASON (smiles): That's gotta be where our friends are being kept! PRAIRIE ROSE (sternly): How are we going to get in there to free them? VOICE FROM BEHIND THEM (shouting): You four are going NOWHERE! Turn around slowly and drop your weapons! UNCLE BUFORD (shouts): MAXX!!! FETCH!!! In the blink of an eye, the mechanical Great Dane uses super speed to disarm all ten of the Cano-Mutants who have found them. The entire troop is stunned when they see all of their weapons in a pile in front of Maxx. PRAIRIE MASON (growls): Let's take'm! They're unarmed! PRAIRIE ROSE (worried): But how? They outnumber us! PRAIRIE MASON (angry): I don't care! We have to stop them! .... huh? what's happening to me? Everyone stands in amazement as they watch Prairie Mason glow, he separates into two different 'forms', and then those two separate, and the process continues until by the time Prairie Mason stops glowing, there are fifteen 'Prairie Masons' standing in a row. Without another word said, all of them attack Parvo's soldiers, subduing all of them within a matter of minutes. UNCLE BUFORD (surprised): I can't believe it! PRAIRIE ROSE (mouth hanging open): Incredible! MAXX (electronic voice): Prairie Mason is displaying an ability to duplicate himself at will, he possesses the ability to reverse the process as well. Seeing all of Parvo's henchmen on the ground, all of the 'Prairie Masons' begin to glow,'gather back together' until within a matter of seconds, Prairie Mason stands alone. PRAIRIE MASON (dizzy): How did I do all of that? UNCLE BUFORD (shakes head): No time to explain, we have to move fast! PRAIRIE ROSE (points): Look over there! A troop transport truck! UNCLE BUFORD (smiles): That gives me an idea.... The scene switches to Parvo's secret compound. It looks like a prison camp with four tall 'watchtowers' manned by Cano-Mutants. A troop transport truck pulls up to the front gate. After being inspected by several Cano-Mutants, the gate is opened and the truck travels inside and parks in front of the large, green colored warehouse type building. PRAIRIE ROSE (in the driver's seat): Amazing! Maxx's image projector really fooled all of those guards! PRAIRIE MASON (seated beside her): Whisper, honey, this ain't over yet. (taps lightly on back wall) Uncle Buford, what's our next move? UNCLE BUFORD (speaking, heard through back of cab): Maxx says that the Rovers are in this building. There's some sort of force field around them, so Maxx cannot teleport them out. We got this far now.... don't panic.... The scene switches to the inside of the main building. Parvo, Groomer and a few Cano-Mutants stand over a huge, electrofied cage. Inside the cage are Ben Maddog, Otto, all of the Maddog siblings, Dervish, Dylan, Marauder, Dawn and DJ. All of them have had a sleeping gas sprayed on them, but a few of them seem to be beginning to recover now. PARVO (wicked laugh): As long last! SUCCESS!! We baited the trap, and now we have our 'catch!' GROOMER (smiles): Yes, my General! Look at all these Road Rovers! PARVO (points): And I can't wait to take that mechanical German Shepard apart! We can add all of his enhancements to our own Mutants! We'll be unstoppable! (coughs several times): Longine! GROOMER (hands one to him): Here you are, General! SAMANTHA (barely moving): PARVO (looks around): Did you hear something, Groomer? GROOMER (shakes head): Hear what, my General? DERVISH (barely moving): Gotta....stop.....them...... DYLAN (faint growl): Yeah....... PARVO (shouts): The gas may start wearing off soon! Mutants, take Otto to the research lab! GROOMER (wicked grin, holding electric razor): I'll give the rest of them a quick trim, after they DIE! Especially that female with the yellow fur! DAWN (barely moving): No..... BEN MADDOG (faint growl): Gotta.....stop......Groomer.... As two Cano-Mutants walk towards Otto, they are bombarded with laser fire. Parvo and Groomer turn around to see Prairie Mason and Prairie Rose, holding laser rifles and firing. PARVO (shocked): How did these mutts get past my security? (Shouts out): GET THEM! Four Cano-Mutants jump at the two retrievers, only to hit a force field like bugs hitting a windshield. PRAIRIE ROSE (smiles): Good job, Maxx! PRAIRIE MASON (smiles): There's our friends, in the cage over there! PRAIRIE ROSE (aims rifle): Good thing I brought my skeleton key! Prairie Rose fires her rifle and hits the cage's lock with one shot. PRAIRIE MASON (laughs): Not bad, for a beginner... PRAIRIE ROSE (nods): For someone who's never fired a gun before! Soon, the two retrievers are surrounded by Cano-Mutants, who continue firing at them, even though their shots keep bouncing off Maxx's force field. Maxx and Uncle Buford have made themsleves invisible, and are hiding behind a pile of crates. PRAIRIE MASON (shouting): We're not getting anywhere like this! PRAIRIE ROSE (upset): Why don't they pick on someone their own size! (feels dizzy) Honey, I feel strange.... Parvo, Groomer, Prairie Mason, Uncle Buford and Parvo's soldiers stand frozen in fear as they watch Prairie Rose begin to grow, until she is nearly fifty feet tall. Her head is barely touching the roof of the huge enclosed warehouse. She drops her laser rifle, now the size of a pencil in her huge right hand, and moves towards Parvo and his troops to grab them all. Parvo and Groomer barely escape as Prairie Rose scoops up his henchman in her right hand. Other mutants flee as she stomps her mighty feet. PRAIRIE ROSE (booming voice): This is incredible! I'm the jolly yellow giant! (looks all around): Where's Parvo and Groomer? UNCLE BUFORD (making himself visible, shouts up): PRAIRIE ROSE! OUR FRIENDS HAVE BEEN EXPOSED TO SLEEPING GAS! CAN YOU CARRY THEM OUTSIDE? The huge Prairie Rose nods and places all of the captured Road Rovers in her huge left hand. Maxx fires laser beams out of his eyes to cut a huge 'door' in the side of the warehouse so Prairie Rose can walk outside. Uncle Buford turns around as the rest of his 'party' leave the area. UNCLE BUFORD (sternly): Their original mission was to destroy this base, I'll take care of that myself! Uncle Buford points his cane upward and pushes a button. His cane shoots out a small missle which flies towards the huge warehouse and explodes. The force of the explosion causing Uncle Buford to fall to the ground. Prairie Mason sees him and carries him back to the crash site in his arms. The scene is now Collie Squadron Headquarters, several hours later. All of the Road Rovers have recovered and are introducing themselves to their liberators. DERVISH (shakes hands with the Masons): I'm Dervish, and I'm sure glad you two showed up! DJ (shakes hands): I'm DJ! Glad you guys found us in time! DYLAN (shakes hands): I'm Dylan, and didn't I see you on TV a few years ago? PRAIRIE MASON (nods): Yes, the Wanna Talk hearings.... DYLAN (smiles): Oh yeah! PRAIRIE MASON (smiles): She's my daughter now! DYLAN (confused): Come again? PRAIRIE ROSE (nods): We officially adopted her! DYLAN (laughs): Two dogs adopting a human? You guys ROCK!!! MARAUDER (shakes hands): You two really know your stuff! I'm Marauder! DAWN (shakes hands): Thanks for the rescue! Rose, who does your hair? PRAIRIE ROSE (smiling): I've always done it myself, you must be Dawn, right? DAWN (smiles): TOO KEWL!!! How did you know? PRAIRIE ROSE (smiles): I've seen your photo in the papers! I liked to one where you hit Blitz in the face with that pie! DAWN (laughs): He asked for it! KYRA (shakes hands): I'm Kyra! Did Mr Maddog tell you about me? PRAIRIE MASON (nods): He told me you were dating Roger, but I never knew you and the others were Road Rovers till now! UNCLE BUFORD (walks over to the others): Everybody, listen up! I've just spoken with the Master, he says that all the Cano-Mutants have been turned back into dogs and returned to their masters. He also wishes to welcome Prairie Mason and Prairie Rose to the Road Rovers, and he told me to tell you that you are good, good dogs! PRAIRIE MASON (smiles): It was our pleasure to assist you! PRAIRIE ROSE (smiles): I've enjoyed meeting all of you wonderful young dogs! UNCLE BUFORD (hands each a collar): Here, I've made each of you a special collar, like Samantha and the other members of the Collie Squadron wear! PRAIRIE MASON (smiles): Thank you, Uncle Buford! (turns to Ben) Well, Ben, the wife and I came for a visit, and to take you and your family out to a fancy restraunt! How about it? DAWN (perky, smiling): May I come too? PRAIRIE ROSE (smiles): All of you are invited! Dinner is on us! DYLAN (shouts out): Road Rovers, our next mission.... DINNERTIME!!!! All of the Rovers howl in unison. ---------------------------------------------------------------