Copyright 1999 -- Robert Baer Jr. Collie Squadron -- "Down on the Farm" DISCLAIMER Road Rovers characters, names, situations and the Road Rovers universe are the property of Warner Bros. I, nor this script/story are connected with Warner Bros. in any way, shape or form. This document may not be publicized or reproduced in any way, shape or form. It must remain fully intact and may not be altered in anyway. It is strictly used for not-for-profit entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to infringe on any Copyrights. This story is written by Robert Baer Jr and the characters Otto, Samantha Maddog, Ben Maddog, Abby Maddog, Vicki Maddog, Molly Maddog, Kyra, Linda Maddog, Uncle Buford and Roger Maddog are all Robert Baer Jr's creations, copyright 1997-1998. DJ is a creation of Jake Williams. Dervish is a creation of Casey Johnson, Dylan is a creation of Dylan Rinald, Marauder is a creation of Jeremy Bass, Huntress is a creation of Greywolf Lupous, Dawn is a creation of Diane L. Collie Squadron -- "Down on the Farm" The scene is Collie Squadron Headquarters, late in the afternoon. Molly, Linda, Abby and Vicki come running down the hidden staircase and go into the transdogmafiers. DJ is there to meet Molly as she emerges. DJ (happy): Good to see you, Molly, how was work today? MOLLY (smiles): I'm just glad to be here! Had a rough day at the courthouse. LINDA (points): Yeah, Molly almost lost the McMichael's case! VICKI (laughs): Admit it, Molly, you got lucky! ABBY (giggles): Good thing you're a dog! DJ (confused): What are they talking about? MOLLY (almost in tears): During the trial, I was able to sniff one of the items presented as evidence. I could tell by the scent that my client was innocent. I begged the judge to allow DNA analysis of the object, it was then that the real culprit stood up in the courtroom and confessed. DJ (smiles): Then everything turned out alright! What's the problem? ABBY (growls): The problem is that Molly should've had the DNA tests done FIRST! Her client was almost convicted because of her negligence! LINDA (nods): Yeah! VICKI (angry): That was sloppy casework! DJ (angry): Hey, that's not fair! We all make mistakes, Abby! And .... (notices that Molly has ran away crying) MOLLY! WAIT! Linda, Vicki and Abby walk over to the lounge area and notice Kyra sitting alone having a sandwich and a cup of coffee. The three collie ladies get some coffee and join her. LINDA (smiles): Well, like Hunter would ask, Kyra, how's it waggin'? KYRA (sips coffee): It's been busy here today! The Master has sent another Road Rover here temporarily to learn advanced Cano-Sapien medical techniques. There he is over there! (waves) Hi Marauder! Let me introduce you to several members of the Collie Squadron! Marauder walks over to their table. He's a black furred Labrador Retriever dressed in a orange T-shirt, brown pants and black boots. KYRA (smiles): Marauder, I'd like you to meet Abby, Linda and Vicki Maddog. MARAUDER (shakes their hands): Pleased to meet you ladies! I've been hearing great things about the Collie Squadron! Where's Molly and Ben? ABBY (grins): Well, Dad said he had an errend to run and Molly..... LINDA (stutters): Molly is ..... in the motor pool with DJ! VICKI (smiles): Yeah, that's it! She's there! MARAUDER (looks at watch): Well, perhaps I can meet them at another time. Right now I'd like to study the videotape of Uncle Buford's operation on Hope a few months ago. Kyra, will you join me? I'd like to examine his medical reports in further detail, OK? KYRA (smiles): Sure, I'll join you in the media room shortly. MARAUDER (smiles): Great! See you later, nice meeting you ladies! As Marauder walks away, the three collie ladies stare at him with great interest. ABBY (excited): WOW!! What a hunk! LINDA (happy): A doctor! Who'd ever thought we'd have a real doctor here! KYRA (angry): HEY! What am I, chopped Alpo? LINDA (turns to Linda): Sorry, I didn't mean it that way. I meant to say MALE doctor! VICKI (dreamily): And WHAT a male! Kyra, what can you tell us about him? KYRA: Well, for one thing, he's stricty business. All he's done since he's got here is study lab reports and examine videotapes of Buford's surgeries. ABBY (elbows Kyra): Admit it, Kyra, don't you think he's dreamy? KYRA (smiles): Well, he is rather handsome, but I'm in love with Roger! VICKI (happy): GOOD! Er... I mean.... good for you, Kyra, that your loyal to my brother! KYRA (giggles): Look girls, all three of you can't date him. Maybe you should decide among yourselves which one of you should approach him. Remember what happened with Dervish and Dylan? VICKI (lowers head): Yeah, that's right. LINDA (sadly): We almost fought each other over them! ABBY (sadly): You do have a point, Kyra. KYRA (stands up): Well, I better get back to Marauder's training, it was just a thought, ladies, bye! Kyra walks out of the room as Dervish and Dylan walk by the doorway on their way to the motor pool. ABBY (happy, pulls out a deck of cards): I have an idea! Look, Dylan, Dervish and Marauder are the only available men here right now, right? VICKI (smiles): Yep, that's for sure! ABBY (smiles): We'll all draw cards! High card gets first choice, next highest picks next, low card gets who's left! What do y'all think? LINDA (happy): Count me it! VICKI (happy): Me too! ABBY (shuffles cards): Ok girls, I'll lay all the cards out, and we'll all draw at once! Abby finishes shuffling and then spreads all the cards face down on the table. LINDA: I just had a thought! What if one of us draws the Joker? ABBY (laughs): Then that person gets DJ! VICKI (giggles): Better not let Molly hear you say that! ABBY (laughs): It was just a joke! Ok, sisters, DRAW! Each of them takes a card from the pile. ABBY (happy): I got a King! VICKI (frowns): Crud! I drew a three! LINDA (shows them the card): A drew an ACE! I WIN!!! I want Marauder! ABBY (turns to Vicki): I choose Dylan, you get Dervish! VICKI (smiles): He's the one I wanted anyway! ABBY (nods): Ok then, it's decided! Now, ladies, let's go claim our prizes! All three laugh as they leave the lounge area. Meanwhile, near the transdogmafiers a loud BOOM!!!!! is heard, it's Ben Maddog with Sharlene, Hunter's mom, who is still in canine form. She runs into one of the chambers and emerges as a Cano-Sapien. BEN (smiles): My dear Sharlene, you're looking better than ever! SHARLENE (smiles): Why, thank you Ben! Now, just give me a few minutes to get dressed in that wonderful blue dress that Molly lent me and then we'll go to dinner! BEN (smiles): Take your time, my dear! We have dinner reservations at Cape Cheri in a half hour. The scene shifts to the motor pool, where DJ has caught up to the sobbing Molly Maddog. DJ (puts hand on her shoulder): Molly..... MOLLY (angry): My sisters are right! I screwed up! I almost lost the case! I'm a lousy lawyer! DJ (softly): Molly, you're not a lousy lawyer. Everything worked out and you'll know better next time ... MOLLY (crying): Maybe I should just quit! DJ doesn't know what to do next, so he gently hugs her. She begins sobbing in his embrace, she holds him tighter, crying on his shoulder. Dervish and Dylan enter the motor pool and see them together. DERVISH: Molly, what's the matter? DYLAN: Can we help? DJ (turns head towards them): Guys, Molly had a bad day in court and her sisters .... DERVISH (growls): Let me guess, they rubbed her nose in it, didn't they? DYLAN (sadly): Why do they always act that way? MOLLY (still crying): No, they're right! ...... I messed up.... DERVISH (looks at Molly): Everyone makes mistakes, don't let it bother you DYLAN (smiles): Yeah, don't pay any attention to those sisters of yours! DJ (still holding Molly): It's alright, Molly. Tell you what, let's take a Street Rover out for a 'test drive', you and me, and we'll go get some chow, what do you say? MOLLY (wipes tears from her eyes): Ok, DJ, thanks, I think I'd like that (turns to the others) won't you guys join us? DYLAN (shakes head): I'll take a rain check. Your father asked me and Derv to check out the upper ledge of this cave. He wants to expand the living quarters here just in case more Rovers are permanently stationed with the Collie Squadron. DERVISH (smiles): You two go on ahead, I need to survey the electrical wiring so we can run some juice up there. And then there's the matter of restrooms..... DJ (turns to Dylan): Dyl, if anyone asks for us, tell'm we'll be back in a hour! DYLAN (smiles): Will to, DJ! As DJ and Molly climb into a red Street Rover and speed away, Dylan climbs a steel ladder to the upper ledge while Dervish opens a wall panel to search for the main fusebox. As he reaches for a flashlight, Vicki hands it to him. VICKI (big smile): Whatcha doin, Derv? DERVISH (looks inside the wall panel): I'm looking for the main fusebox, do you happan to know where it is? VICKI (shakes head): Sorry, I don't know where it is. I have an idea, Derv! Why don't you take a break? I konw you've been working hard, let's go out to Cape Cheri for some dinner, my treat! What do you say? DERVISH (turns and looks at Vicki): Vicki, the way your sisters have been fighting over me... VICKI (shakes head): That's ancient history now, Abby and Linda are persuing other men. C'mon, will you go out with me? DERVISH (shakes head): I don't think I can. I saw how you and your sisters treated Kyra and DJ, and how you guys left poor Molly in tears. What is with you three? Do you girls always treat others like that? VICKI (excited): No! Please, I know that maybe we got off on the wrong foot here, but .... DERVISH (upset): Look, your dad wants me to get electricity to the upper level, I'm sorry, maybe some other time. (looks on the floor and sees a three of spades and picks it up) Vicki, do you mind explaining this? Meanwhile, Dylan is holding a small hand held measuring device, trying to get some dimensions for the purposed new living quarters. Abby 'flames on' and floats to the top ledge, nearly scaring Dylan out of his senses when he first sees her. DYLAN (shouts): ABBY!! You nearly scared me to death! Next time, how about some warning, OK? ABBY (returns to normal): Sorry bout that, Dylan! I didn't mean to frighten you. DYLAN (looks at device): What do you want? I'm sure you didn't fly up here just for the view. ABBY (walks over to Dylan): Dylan, will you go out with me? DYLAN (grins): Oh, now I get it! Your other sisters are busy so you flew up here to ... ABBY (smiles): No, no, it's not like that now. My other sisters are after other guys now, there's no more childish competition for ... DYLAN (sadly): I saw Molly in tears a few minutes ago, DJ told me what happaned. ABBY (stutters): Well.... er .... DYLAN (upset): How can you treat anyone like that? First DJ, then Kyra and now your own sister? ABBY (defensive): And you're going to hold that against me for the rest of my life? DYLAN (angry): Don't get sassy with me, Abby! You're supposed to be a grown adult, why can't you and your sisters act like ... ABBY (growls): I should've chose Dervish! After all, I drew a King! DYLAN (mad): I can tell you that he and I feel the same way towards you and Vicki and Linda! Look, I don't want to upset you, but I'm busy right now, your dad wants me to .... and just what did you mean by 'I drew a King'? The scene now shifts to Cape Cheri's where Ben Maddog and Sharlene arrive for dinner. They are soon seated and start out with some breaded cheese sticks and salads. Sharlene seems rather listless, and is barely touching her food. BEN (smiles): Sharlene, what's the matter? Is there something wrong with the salad? I'll call for our waiter and ... SHARLENE (sighs): No, Ben, the food is fine. I'm worried about my masters. BEN (reaches out to hold Sharlene's hand): Darling, tell me what's wrong, please? SHARLENE (sadly): Well, I heard the farmer's wife talking to someone on the phone the other day. She told them that the bank was about to foreclose on the farm! She was asking the person on the other end of the line to find good homes for her dogs! That means me, and Austin and Hope! BEN (smiles): Look, if you and your friends ever need a place to stay, you can always stay at the mansion with me! SHARLENE (shakes head): You don't understand Ben. I love my masters, I don't want to leave them! You've never had a human master, so you wouldn't understand. BEN (smiles): But you don't NEED to have a master, Sharlene! You can come live with me and my daughters! Well, I mean, ..... At that moment a loud crashing noise is heard directly in front of them. It's Hunter and Huntress, who had been hiding under one of the tables and jumped up when they heard their conversation. HUNTER (points at Ben): SO! You want my mom to come live in sin with you! BEN (shakes head): No, Hunter, you don't understand HUNTRESS (angry): You really are a rich slimeball! Trying to take advantage of my mother like that! SHARLENE (turns to them): Wait, it's not like that, really! BEN (calmly): I was just trying to offer your mom a place to stay if ..... HUNTER (growls): I've heard enough! (takes Sharlene by the arm): C'mon, mom, we're leaving! HUNTRESS (takes Sharlene by the other arm): We're getting you away from that playdog! SHARLENE (pleading): You don't understand, let go of me! HUNTER (looks at her): It's for your own good, momma, you'll thank us later for it! Ben is so surprised at the turn of events that he can only stare as Hunter and Huntress take Sharlene out of the restraunt. He hands his waiter a fifty dollar bill and rushes outside to catch up with them, but they're already gone. The scene shifts back to Collie Squadron HQ, in the medical ward where Marauder is busy studying more lab notes. Uncle Buford and Kyra are in another room, so Linda quietly walks over to where Marauder is and sits down next to him. LINDA (nervously): Hi, Marauder! MARAUDER (glances up at Linda): Oh, hi Linda! LINDA (smiles): Lovely weather we're having here in Georgia... MARAUDER (nods, still reading): Yes, your father was kind enough to give me a tour of the estate, it is quite a beautiful place! LINDA (shyly): Marauder, could I take you out for dinner this evening? My treat! MARAUDER (glances up): Maybe some other time, Linda, right now I'm busy studying. The Master wants me to learn these new bionic replacement procedures in case their ever needed at Road Rover Mission Control. LINDA (pleads): PLEASE???? I know you're busy, but everyone needs a break now and then! MARAUDER (smiles): You're absolutely right, Linda! Ok, I accept! Just left me put all these papers away and then we'll go, alright? LINDA (happy): OK! Sounds good to me! As Marauder is putting his reading materials away, Dylan and Dervish run up the Linda, looking very upset. DYLAN (angry): So, there you are! DERVISH (angry): We're going to warn Marauder about you! LINDA (confused): What do you mean? I don't know what you two are talking about! DYLAN (pulls a card out of his pocket): About this! DERVISH (pulls a card out of his pocket): And this! You, Vicki and Abby drew cards to see which one of you would get us! LINDA (nervous): Well..... er......... HEY! How did you..... DYLAN (angry): We got Abby and Vicki to tell us the entire story! DERVISH (angry): So, we're nothing more than just 'commodities' to be gambled with? LINDA (waving hands): Shhhhhhhhh! Don't tell Marauder..... MARAUDER (standing right behind her): You don't have to tell me! I heard every word! LINDA (turns to him): Darling, it's not what you think... MARAUDER (upset): Really? Was I the booby prize in your little card game? LINDA (smiles): No, I drew high card and I picked you first! MARAUDER (look of disgust on his face): That sure makes me feel a lot better! LINDA (pleads): You don't understand, Marauder..... MARAUDER (angry): What's not to understand? I've changed my mind, I'll rather have dinner alone! DYLAN (looks at Marauder): You don't have to do that! Derv and I were going out to for some pizza, wanna join us? MARAUDER (smiles): SURE! SOUNDS GREAT!!! Just then Abby and Vicki rush into the room and see Linda almost in tears. LINDA (sadly): I was so close to having a date! VICKI (points): Hey, where are the guys going? LINDA (sadly): They're going out for pizza, just the three of them! ABBY (smiles): Why can't we go follow them, then we'll all apologize to them! How's that for a plan? VICKI (confused): But how will we find them? ABBY (grins): Aren't you forgeting something? Our collars can not only track them down, they can teleport us directly to them! VICKI (smiles): Good thinking, Abby! LINDA (smiles): Yeah, we may end up with dates after all! Meanwhile Molly and DJ have returned from their ride. Now Molly is feeling somewhat better about herself, they both see Ben sitting on the steps, with his head in his hands. MOLLY (runs to Ben): DAD! What's wrong? DJ: Yeah, Mr Maddog, I thought you were out on a date with Sharlene... BEN (sadly): No, the date ended early thanks to Hunter and Huntress! MOLLY (shocked): They broke up your date? BEN (lowers head): They overheard our dinner conversation, and thought I was trying to take advantage of Sharlene, I'd NEVER do anything improper or unbeholding to her! I can't believe they'd even think I was capable of such things. DJ (puts hand on Ben's shoulder): I'm sorry to hear that, sir. BEN (stands up): Well, no use crying over spilled milk. I'm think I'm going up to the house and turn in early. Goodnight DJ, Molly. MOLLY (sadly): Goodnight, Dad! DJ (sadly): Goodnight, Ben! MOLLY (stares at Ben): Poor dad.... I haven't seen him this sad in a long time DJ (puts hand on her shoulder): Don't worry about your dad, we'll be alright. He just needs a little time alone. MOLLY (slight grin): I guess you're right, DJ. Well, it's time to tune up the Cloud Rover! I think I heard a slight knock in the engine the last time we were in it! DJ (smiles): Right, Molly! I'll fetch my tools, you go find a ladder! The scene is the farm where Hunter's mom Sharlene lives, the next morning. The sheriff and his deputy are waiting outside of the farmhouse, with legal papers in their hands. The farm couple walk outside, slowly towards the officers. SHERIFF (sadly): I'm sorry to have to do this to you fine folks, but today is the day. Legally, I can only give you till noon to pack your belonging and vacate the premisies. I'm only doing my duty... Hunter and Huntress jump out from behind the bushes, dressed in their Road Rover uniforms. Before they are noticed by anyone, a white Audi drives up to the Sheriff's car. Out jumps Fred Wills, the President of the bank that's holding the mortgage. FRED (waving his arms and shouting): Sheriff! Wait! Stop!! SHERIFF (looks at Fred): What in the world are you doing here? FRED (holds up a piece of paper): This just came this morning! The mortgage and the back taxes on this property have been paid in full! SHERIFF (grabs the paper): Let me see that! This is a wire transfer of funds coming from a bank in Atlanta! (turns to the couple) It's true, folks! You are now the legal owners of this farm! FRED (hands them the deed): Here you are! It's all yours now! The farm couple are so stunned, they're speechless. HUNTER (whispers to Huntress): Atlanta? I think I know what that means... Hunter and Huntress look on a hill overlooking the farm, and on it stands Ben Maddog, in his canine form. Sharlene sees him also, and barks a "thank you" to him, which he replies "you're welcome" back in barks. He then turns around and disappears. HUNTRESS (whispers to Hunter): Looks like we owe someone an apology! The scene shifts back to Collie Squadron Headquarters, where Kyra, Marauder, Dervish and Dylan are sitting together in the lounge area. MARAUDER (laughs): You wouldn't believe what happaned to us last night at the pizza parlor! KYRA (grins): You gotta tell me, I heard the three collie sisters crashed your little outing! DYLAN (giggles): Crashed is right! While we were waiting on our food, the three teleport themselves to the restruant, only somehow they first 'appeared' in the men's restroom! DERVISH (laughs): It was SO FUNNY, all of those men running out of the restroom followed by the girls! Then the owner told them to leave, and they refused! MARAUDER (chuckles): So the owner calls the police! Abby, Linda and Vicki tried to apologize to us, but they left just minutes before the cops showed up! You should've been there, Kyra, it was SO FUNNY!!! KYRA (smiles): Tome for me to ask the question, guys. Would any of you be willing to date them? DYLAN (shrugs shoulders): I don't know.... DERVISH (shakes head): I agree with Dylan! MARAUDER (shakes head): I have no time for romance, I'm working hard to become the greatest Cano-Saoien doctor in the world! KYRA (smiles): You just have to get used to them, that's all. The scene now switches to the Fulton County Courthouse, where Ben Maddog and his daughter Molly (in canine form) are looking at a huge map of the United States which is hanging on the courtroom wall. MOLLY (smiles): You miss her, don't you? BEN (sadly): Yes, I really do. I've never felt this strongly about a female since your mother passed away... MOLLY (smiles): I've noticed that! BEN (sadly): I don't know if I can see her anymore, Hunter and Huntress are dead set against it.. well, they did call me this morning on the phone and apologized, but still, maybe I shouldn't see her anymore... MOLLY (sternly): Nonsense, dad! If you and Sharlene enjoy each other's company so much, I think you should keep seeing each other! BEN (looks at Molly): Do you really mean that, Molly? MOLLY (smiles): Yes, I do! Who knows? You two may really hit it off! BEN (smiles): Who knows? Someday....... well, I guess we'll see! -------------------------------------------------------------------